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  1. Yesterday
  2. Occasionally, when I go to change a transition (from one slide to the next) the transition box refuses to close, even when I press Ok or Cancel, and the only way to close it is to go to Task Manager and END TASK. I tend to lose the recent changes. I thought it must be my PC, so I restarted it, and the identical thing happened. I am running Windows 10, and using PTE AV Studio 11.0.15 64 bit (Build 3). Thanks for any help you can provide.
  3. We updated the Beta version. Improved typing of accented characters from the accented popup menu when holding down a key (Mac only). Learn more on Apple’s website. The About window shows: 1.0.2 Build 2.
  4. Last week
  5. Adysa, Please use English on this forum for other members. Google Translate or DeepL allow to easily translate replies.
  6. Another busy week making game music for clients, but I thought I'd create a new free puzzle track to share with the community since I haven't made any of those for a while. So I present to you: On my Puzzle Music 7 page: "MORE PUZZLE MADNESS" https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-7/ Of course, my puzzle music can be used for things besides puzzle games. There are all kinds of cool tracks on these pages...make sure to check them out. CUSTOM WORK If anyone happens to need some custom music created, you'll find information / contact info here: https://soundimage.org/custom-work/ As always, enjoy, stay safe and keep being creative! Attribution Info: https://soundimage.org/attribution-info/ Ogg Music Packs: https://soundimage.org/ogg-game-music-mega-pack/ https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/
  7. Hi, PTE Video Optimiser 1.0.2 Beta is available: Fixed an issue with editing parameters for multiple selected video clips. Minor improvements (Windows only). Download Windows: https://files.wnsoft.com/ptevideooptimiser/test/ptevideooptimiser-setup.exe Mac: https://files.wnsoft.com/ptevideooptimiser/test/PTE-Video-Optimiser.dmg (The About window shows: 1.0.2 Build 1)
  8. Hi. From Russian colleagues. I hope it will be easier for you to understand the style. We Russians are always ready to lend a helping hand. Good luck Change the background style to your own. Specify the path to the folder. Documents. PicturesToExe Styles and transitions Slide Styles Each style has its own individual number. Find the folder with our style. Replace the photos in the folder with your own photos. Important! When replacing photos with your own. 1. Do not change the size of the photo. 2. Save the original file name. Insert 34 photos into the timeline. By applying style to photos. It turns out to be a style with a new background. Copy the timeline. Go to the "File" window and create a new project. I agree to clear the timeline. We insert the timeline in a new style. Which was copied after creating the new style. A new style has been created. Good luck.
  9. Thanks for that - good tip.
  10. Как Вы всё правильно написали!!! Вот, ДОЙДЁТ ли , услышат ли...
  11. petitsaxo, Thanks for the comment. Best Alex
  12. Popular YouTube tech person reviewing LocalSend.
  13. try double clicking on the waveform in the Timeline. It will open the Audio Tab of Project Options, you can then see the details of each sound clip. Close this Window & it should refresh the waveform, if not then double click the file in the Audio Tab & select it again from the filelist that appears. Jill
  14. Hi. Not so much a bug but a minor nuisance. When I update an audio clip - perhaps add or remove a word or two - and resave with the same name, the waveform in the timeline is not refreshed - you can't see the new longer end. The length of the clip is preserved ... even though that might now be a problem - that's probably correct behaviour. The wave is refreshed when I reopen the project, of course.
  15. encore une fois ...très original et facile à adapter à nos besoins un grand merci
  16. Hi everybody, Here's a another attempt to deal with all those family pictures.... Here's the Link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oeh4F07uGqbmANaEvc1q456h8XXOK-TY/view?usp=sharing
  17. Hi, We agree to add a new shortcut for the Styles and Themes button. What would be the best keyboard shortcut?
  18. The Complete list of Hotkeys/Shortcuts is here: https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/11.0/hotkeys/main If you have a specific request please use "Suggestions for next Versions". DG
  19. Does anyone know of a way to create a shortcut key for Style & Theme in PTE AV Studio on a Mac. Slide option,Object & animation & Project option all have keyboard shortcuts but not Style & Themes
  20. Thanks for your feedback, Tom!
  21. I was having difficulty stabilizing a video with Normal and Strong options, but Camera Lock level 5 was able to remove the high frequency movement. Thanks Igor.
  22. Greetings Creatives! Some cool new texture images are ready on my Abstract page: https://soundimage.org/txr-abstract/ As always, 100% free to use with attribution. Enjoy, stay safe and keep being creative! Attribution Info: https://soundimage.org/attribution-info/ Ogg Music Packs: https://soundimage.org/ogg-game-music-mega-pack/ https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/
  23. Earlier
  24. Hi Everyone, Had a busy week creating custom music for clients, but I did manage to create a new track for my Funny 8 page: "BUBBLE GAME IN MY BRAIN" https://soundimage.org/funny-8/ As always, it's 100% free to use (with attribution) just like my thousands of other Mp3 tracks. Enjoy! :-) Attribution Info: https://soundimage.org/attribution-info/ Ogg Music Packs: https://soundimage.org/ogg-game-music-mega-pack/ https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/
  25. Hi Gary, I think it uses peer to peer network technology like Apple airdrop so the software has to be installed on both computers. If it's installed on both networked computers and you are not seeing the other computer it's possible the computer firewall did not get updated. My installs happened so fast that I don't remember exactly what it said but I remember clicking on allow firewall update on private network. I changed the computer name in LocalSend settings based on my computer CPU or model number. Let me know if I can help further. Thanks, Tom
  26. Greetings Tom, I am trying this out. But I want to send a file from my PC to my wife's PC, which is on the same network. But my search for 'Nearby devices' does not get a list as you get. What am I doing wrong? Gary
  27. When you add the Text Object in Objects and Animation make sure that nothing else is selected in the Objects list i.e. Click in an empty space before adding the Text Object. DG
  28. How do I insert text on an image so That I can manipulate it separately from the main image? I.E. not linked
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