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  2. Updated version of PTE AV Studio 11.0.17 is available for PC and Mac Download: https://www.wnsoft.com/pte-av-studio/download/ Fixed an old issue with selecting a group of transitions in the Project Options. Previously, if you selected a transitions group in one click, then after closing the window, all transitions in the group were not applied. The About window shows: 11.0.17 Build 2. It's the same build as previous Beta version.
  3. Thanks Jill and SeismicGuy. Your idea would probably work, Jill. Unfortunately, we have found out that my drive is not working and was storing its contents on my back up drive. More investigations are needed! Rosemary
  4. Thank you again Jill, for your assistance. Also thank you to Jienense for the download. I am away from my desktop computer, so I will try you file tonight. I appreciate both of you taking time to reply and offer solutions. Woolie
  5. I never use Slide Styles, but if you look in File/Templates/Manage Templates it show where they are stored. If you copy this Folder to your new computer to the same place then I think they should then all show. Jill
  6. I don't have an answer but have also found the slide style thing to be somewhat inscrutable in terms of where they are saved (I have found them in more than one folder on my computer) and then the ways the folders are named with a bunch of numbers and letters.
  7. I have updated my computer and I now find that my slide styles have not transferred over to PTE. Luckily I have the slide styles in a separate folder but do not know how to get them back into PTE. I have lots of styles so would prefer to add them all at the same time if possible and not individually. Can this be achieved and if so how? Thanks everyone, Rosemary
  8. Add a Blank Mask, then add the Heart Symbol as the Mask Stencil. This gives you a Transparent Heart. Add your Image as Mask Content. You can then adjust the size of the Heart as required Jill
  9. Hello, Is this what you're referring to? corazón_Mar22-2025_11-49-40.zip
  10. No question is silly when you are learning. Jill
  11. Thanks Jill, for the quick reply and the information. Sorry to ask a silly question. Thanks again, I appreciate your reply. Woolie
  12. Hi everybody, I have searched in many places trying to find an answer to my question with no success. Is it possible to invert a symbol (found under the Text icon) so the inside is transparent and the outside is solid? I am trying to use the "Heart" symbol found in the Text / Symbol section. If the inside of the Heart is transparent, then I can start with the heart symbol zoomed in so the complete picture can be seen underneath. After a set time, I will "Zoom out" on the heart, so the heart shape will shrink to nothing while showing the persons face under the heart. eventually, it will end with a blank screen. I have experimented with masks over the image and also tried creating a transition with no success. If someone could share an example or notes on inverting the solid fill of a symbol, that would be great. Thank you Woolie
  13. Greetings Fellow Creatives, Brand new fantasy brick textures are ready for your projects. You'll find them here: TXR - BRICK - TILE-ABLE https://soundimage.org/txr-brick-seamless/ Thousands of more textures are here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ These images are 100% free to use in your projects with attribution, just like my other 7000+ images, music tracks and sounds. PLEASE HELP SUPPORT SOUNDIMAGE If you can, please consider supporting my efforts. Here are some ways you can: https://soundimage.org/donate/ https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/ https://soundimage.org/ogg-game-music-mega-pack/ Thanks in advance...and, as always, please stay safe and keep being creative. :-)
  14. The program already does this and always has. Used Main images have their file name highlighted in Blue. Much easier to see with the light interface. Jill
  15. Hi Team, I'm a newbie to PTE-AV, having migrated from Proshow Producer. One feature I would like to suggest it to have a visual indication of which images have been used in the slide show. When creating my show, I place all the photos in a folder within the show folder. When using PTE-AV, I simply open the picture folder for that show and drag them in. Having numerous images, that I shuffle around as I'm previewing the show, I find it difficult to remember which images have been used, especially after taking a break. Thank you for a great product. Woolie
  16. My Mac will not open it
  17. I bought a Nikon P1000 June last year, paid over £1,000.00 for it, and in my opinion, it is totally rubbish, and unusable because after taking around 2 – 3 pictures it locks up, I have tried all type of cards sizes and speeds, but it still locks I have installed the latest software’s available since last June. The only way to unlock the camera is to remove the battery and then reinstall it, and still the same problem happens. This is my first Nikon camera, I have various Canon models, no problems, I would advise not buy Nikon, it is rubbish, with very poor support service, if it’s a known problem, it should have been sorted out by now, I will never by Nikon again
  18. Yes, essentially it's the same thing.
  19. I have tested various methods to display videos as live wallpaper and screen savers. Windows PTE AV Studio (publish .scr screen saver) Pot Player (free screensaver) Wallpaper Engine (wallpaper/screensaver) Push Video Wallpaper (wallpaper/screensaver) Lively Wallpaper (free wallpaper/screensaver) WinXcorners (free emulates Mac hotcorners) HideDesktopIcons (free download link) WinXcorners and HideDesktopIcons work well together to start the screensaver or show/hide the desktop icons. Mac Dynamic Wallpaper Engine (wallpaper/screensaver) I know there are other apps but I am happy with this one. Lively wallpaper can add depth map to bitmap images (like Photoshop neural filter depth blur) so the have slight parallax change during mouse movement. Thanks, Tom
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  20. Earlier
  21. Hi Phil, Try clicking the C: in the top Menu. This should open a dropdown with all drives available. I don't use Dropbox any more so can't check. Jill
  22. Have searched the forum but not found an answer so hope ok to ask ? I am using dropbox for some images across windows and Mac plus saving the zip and templates . cant seem to find a way to access dropbox in pte folder structure so can open from the program , is it possibe? using window 11 thanks for any assistance Phil
  23. Hi Everyone, I've created and uploaded some brand new music tracks to share with the community: "PIXEL BALLOONS" "PIXEL BALLOONS_v1" "PIXEL BALLOONS_v2" You'll find them here: https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-8/ As always, they're 100% free to use with attribution, just like my thousands of other music tracks, sounds and images. OTHER HELPFUL STUFF: Higher-Quality Ogg Music Packs are here: https://soundimage.org/ogg-game-music-mega-pack/ https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/ For Custom Music Inquiries: https://soundimage.org/custom-work/ Please stay safe...and keep being creative! :-)
  24. Vraiment Magnifique Alex...
  25. Hi, PTE AV Studio 11.0.18 Beta is available: Fixed an issue with selecting a group of transitions in the Project Options. Previously, if you selected a transitions group in one click, then after closing the window, all transitions in the group were not applied. Download Windows: https://files.wnsoft.com/test/pteavstudio-setup.exe Mac: https://files.wnsoft.com/test/PTE-AV-Studio.dmg (About window shows: 11.0.17 Build 2)
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  26. Interesting. So the "sprites" are essentially freeze frames of an image kind of like what was used for a kinetoscope as far as I can tell--yes?
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