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Last month I finished a show, starting with a fixed text (with a 1024/768 background, text made in O&A), and then superimposed a scrolling text, beginning at the bottom and then up. I made an exe-file and everything is ok on my computer and laptop and also on a friend's computer.

But,(oh, you expected 'but'), one of the members of our photoclub, has a computer (Vista, graphic card separate) on which the scrolling title is bigger and on the left and right side is cut off! The fixed text remains ok. Other shows on his computer didn't show the problem...

Till now we didn't discover what caused this phenomenon. Maybe one of you had the same experience?


Henri. :rolleyes:



When you set up the text objects on your computer did you "Rasterize text to PNG image" (see Properties tab in O&A)? If you didn't then you've probably hit the problem because the other PC doesn't have the exact font on it that you chose when you created your sequence.


Hello Peter, I indeed didn't rasterize text, but till now I never did on this or other shows and never met the problem.

But if this is the solution I'll give it a try. What's more, if this is the cause of the problem, I suppose we always have to do this "Rasterize text to PNG image" if we intend to play an exe-file on a 'strange' computer?

Thanks for your very quick answer.

Henri. :rolleyes:



Not rasterizing becomes a problem only in certain, specific situations:

- if you will be running the exe file on a computer other than the one used to create the exe file ...and...

- you have used text fonts that do not exist on the computer used to run the exe file

If, for example you use only Times New Roman font, then you are very unlikely to ever encounter a problem because this font occurs on just about every PC. Although I very rarely run my exe files on other computers, I have got into the habit of rasterizing the text in every show - just so I never get caught out by this problem.


Peter, thank you very much.

You wrote: "Although I very rarely run my exe files on other computers, I have got into the habit of rasterizing the text in every show - just so I never get caught out by this problem."

I also think that's the way to go: precaution is the keyword here...

Henri. :rolleyes:



Many users have problems with 'Font Formats' which are NOT 'Cross-Platform' compatible and

this is confused by 'True-Type Fonts' which were the Font Bible. Now that Bible no longer exists

as the 'de-facto Font Set'.

There are many 'Font-Folders' on your PC such as 'Java-Fonts' and Word-Processor Fonts and

Flash-Fonts and Microsofts own Font Set....so how does one know which will work on all PC's ?


There is only one generic origional 'Font-Folder' on your PC and that is found in C:/Windows-->

Font Folder. Those Fonts come with the Operating-System as a Standard Fonts-Set.


Not all of these are 'Cross-Platform' compatible backwards to Windows '95 up to Vista System.

Those which are compatible are type: 'Sans-Serif Family' and 'Traditional Serif Family' and also

'Old-Serif family'. Those with NO Classification are dodgy at the best of times.


Below is a List of 12 Fonts which are 'Cross-Platform' compatible, but be careful with 'Italics'

Formats as sometimes these can become corrupted as shown in the examples.


Here is a link to the 'DP4 Font-Viewer Program' ~ Its a Freeware Program and you can see all

the characteristic attributes of any Font in your Font-Folder and you can write your own Text

and test for compatibility before you use the chosen Font. (The Program is an Exe similar to PTE)



Hope this helps you, have fun...





Brian, thanks a lot for your clear and useful(as always) advice.

I recently bought the latest version of Photoshop and as a bonus received the very nice Hypatia font; I suppose I have to think twice to use this in a exe-file as just a few people will have this font installed on their computers...

Henri. :rolleyes:



Its been my experience that people make some terrible mistakes when 'superimposing' Text onto Photo-images.

They create 2 major errors:-


Implanting 'Text' on to Images before they execute any Photo-Editing. Subsequently the 'Text' starts to fall

apart and become corrupted with each 'Save-As' execution. The worst offenders are JPeg Images with any

format of superimposed Text.


Active 'Text Objects' superimposed on to JPeg Images, Png Images or Bitmap Images. Apart from positional

drift these 'Text Objects' can create havoc if they become corrupted with successive 'Save-As' functions.

People tend to forget that 'Text Objects' are dynamically active micro-programs and should be treated with

the utmost care and caution.

Golden Rule: Always leave 'Text' applications until the very last of the final 'Save-As' execution before one

creates the final Exe.Program ~ then no problems.

Your 'Hypatia Font' ~ this will work if its a simple 'superimposition on to an existing JPeg because it will be

treated as part of the JPeg Image. I doubt if it will work if its superimposed as a dynamic 'Text Object'.

May I suggest that you download 'DP4-Font Viewer' and see if it has any Classification Index, if not, there

is no point in using it as Windows won't be able 'default' to the nearest match type on the Host PC.

Thats the general problem with all these New Font Types ~ No indexed Classification so Windows doesn't

know what it is, apart from the fact that the damn thing resides in its System ~ thats how it thinks !



Brian, I downloaded the DP4-Font Viewer, but the viewer doesn't see the Hypatia font at all... The fonts are correctly installed and are present in the Windows/fonts folder.

The name of the font is HypatiaSansPro-Black(Open type) and is described as an RA font. I think that for the time being I don't use this font in my P2E shows...

Henri. :rolleyes:



This free "RA" Font-Set 'Hypatia Sans' is a Non-Classified Font-Set and does not conform to

the 'ANSI Font-Standards' laid down by the American National Standards Institute nor does

it conform to any I.E.C nor I.S.O Standards required by the 'ASCII Key-Code Set' in order

that it can be accessed from a Standard Keyboard. (DP4 is telling you that)

It was designed purely for Graphic Artists-Graphic Designers and Web Designers as a 'static'

Font-Set for Photo-Presentation purposes solely. To make this work at all, one must also have

the special 'Extended Ascii Key-Code Set' either supplied with the Font-Set or else embedded

within Adobe-PhotoShop or such like Program. (The Font-Set comes from Font River.Com)

This is typical of Adobe trying it on !...but the International Authorities are guardians of Standards

and in these instances those 'Try-Ons' are simply not acceptable as they breach International and

National Agreements.

This Font-Set is useless for 'cross-platform purposes' unless the Host PC contains the special

Extended Ascii Key-Code. It could be used for 'static-photo-imagery' but not as Text Objects.

Its like a..."Skype Telephone System"...its all within itself ~ not universal.



Hi Brian, as you say:

"This Font-Set is useless for 'cross-platform purposes' unless the Host PC contains the special

Extended Ascii Key-Code. It could be used for 'static-photo-imagery' but not as Text Objects."

And that's it! Thank you all for thinking along with me...

Henri. :rolleyes:

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