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Need advice about synchronization and timeline


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Whereas Pan/Zoom effects require exact timing, any slide displays exactly specified time now. In both modes - synchronized and not synchronized.

If you just watch slide-show you will find no difference between these modes.

So there is only one difference between these modes. When you rewind slides in NOT synchronized slideshow music DOESN'T rewind. And opposite in synchronized slide-shows, music rewinds with rewinding of slides.

Really a very small difference?

So besides global options ("Synchronize slideshow to music"):

1) we added ability to specify this option to each slide personally - "Synchronized", "Not synchronized", "By default (Use global settings of the Project).

2) Ability to use timeline in both modes. And ability to adjust time of slide in its personal settings (as you can do in not synchronized slide-shows in v4.44 and earlier).

3) For example, ability to make all slide-show synchronized (as earlier) and several last slides leave not synchronized!

We have only one difficulty and question with Not synchronized projects.

If somebody worked with *not* synchronized slide-show, he could use Personal time of slide and global time interval for slides (by default) and ability to set time individually for some slide(s).

Now *each* slide in *each* slide-show has personal time. And you can adjust its time on the timeline, or in properties of the slide. Also you can open Project options and set new time inteval (for example 5 sec.) for all slides.

See two screenshot bellow.

Will it be enough intuitive and still easy to use for not-synchronized projects?

p.s. No changes if you work with *synchronized* project. All works and looks as earlier.


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If you mean that in a synchronized slideshow it will be possible to have some slides not synchronized, and that choice will be done with the "custumize slide" windows as you show, there is no problem, and it may be a very interesting function

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I cannot see any problems Igor.

Thank you for all your hard work. :D



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Looks great to me, I don't see any problem. I also like the button that lets me re-set standard times to all existing slides if I change my mind once I'm in the middle of a project, though I don't often use standard times in my shows.

Great work, looking forward to playing with the beta whenever it's ready :)

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When I have customised a slide and added a bit of commentary and therefore taken the music off, I can only play the show in non sync mode, because it tells me "you should disable personailsed music slides to activate sync by music". Surely this can not be right.

I am running 4.4

Jeff Goodwin

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Welcome to the Forum!

Yes, you are correct. When you synch to music, you have to select your background music via the "Project Options" menu. However, you can still dub in sounds via the "Sound" line on the main window. :)

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When you say "does not work", what precisely do you mean? No sound at all, some sound then cutoff? It works for me so it should work for you.

By the way, if you want dubbed-in sound to extend past the slide used to activate it then you have to also check "Don't interrupt sound comment when next slide appears" in "Project Options / Music". And make sure you have not selected "Play new background music files" in "Customize slide / Music" for any slide in your show.

The sound played via the "Sound" line is "dubbed-in" sound, not "background music".

If you still can't get it to work, try adding it to a different slide (one which stays on-screen longer), and try using different sound files (mp3's work best) until you get it working.

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Your original post reads: "When I have customised a slide and added a bit of commentary and therefore taken the music off, I can only play the show in non sync mode".

If you have now unchecked "Play new background music", how are you adding your commentary? You can't add any music or commentary using "Customize slide" as the show won't run in sync mode if you do. However, you should be able to add commentary via the "Sound" line.

If you want, you can email me a copy of your ".pte" project file (without image or sound files) and I'll be glad to have a look to see if there is something amiss. My email address: alrobin@alrobinson.com .

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As I indicated in my email, you are customizing several slides with new background music - something that is not supported in PTE - use the "sound" line instead.

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