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Reflections Per theDom's earlier post

Lin Evans

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Dom posted a link to a very nice free program which creates "reflections" in water under any image. The program has the ability to output AVI, Animated GIF or sequential files including jpg format.

By exporting jpg's you can then import them into pictures to exe. Here is a sequence of over a thousand files which were simply duplicates of the 29 frames used to make the effect. Because PicturesToExe uses duplicates for processing in a very, very efficient way, there is no big memory hit for using a thousand or even a few thousand images which are largely duplicates.

The following link to a sequence created by Reflections as sequential jpg files then 29 of these were loaded into P2E Beta 5 and then easily duplicated by using the CTRL key and clicking on each of the original 29. From there a simple copy, paste, paste, paste, paste, etc., gave over a thousand images but the entire executable is less than seven megabytes.

Import the originals, then set the Project Options Effects to none and set the individual time to zero seconds and between 2 and 6 ms for each slide before you copy and paste them.

In PicturesToExe Project Options disable transitions and set each of the individual slides to about 66 ms which gives a frame rate of about 15 frames per second. This works our very well for smoothness of the water ripple effect. If you don't already know how to copy/paste, use the 30 frame sequential output in Reflections then I suggest putting all of the jpg's in a folder by themselves. Select them all and put them in the slide list. Only when you have all the slides set for 66 ms and Quick, No Transition, then click on the first slide, go to the bottom of the list and hold down the shift key while clicking on the last slide. This will select all slides. Right click the mouse and left click on "Copy Slide". At the bottom of the list right click the "Paste" and your 30 slides will be copied complete with all the 66 ms times and no transitions. Repeat the "paste" until you have a bit over 100 slides then repeat the copy process by clicking on the first slide the hold the shift key and click on the last. Do the Copy again and past the 100+ slides at the bottom. When you have a bit over 500 slides, repeat the copy process again and past that additional 500+ on the bottom. When you have a bit over 1100 slides at 15 frames per second, you will get about 2 minutes or so of effect. You can then individually adjust slides inserted before and after and go on with your show. If you only want the slide with the effect for a number of seconds, divide the 1100 slides in half for one minute, in quarters for 30 seconds, etc.


Best regards,


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