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I am writing this mail, following a complaint from a friend.

As I am PTE trainer in France, he thought fit me to interact with you.

This friend is named Roland Oudet, its order number is: 38M5PM3 73PM5-and so far it has not received its license key.

He has sent confirmation that my order is passed, and sorry to tell you, wanting to solve his problem, the links I've highlighted in yellow in the attachment, are not at all active or simply disabled.

Thank you to tell me what to do in order to oblige



Celle de «sommes désolés de Noûs CE Problème! Je viens d'send manuellement la clé de licence à Roland Oudet.

J'ai télécharger le logiciel le 14 Janvier Je n'ai pas reçu ma clé de licence dans l'e-mail envoyé par ordеrs @wnsоft.com mon numéro de commande est le 38M2X3F-D25V3.

Merci de faire le maximum pour régler la situation.

Je suis en attente.


We're sorry about this problem! I just sent manually the license key to Roland Oudet.

Igor thank you for making the necessary, I think it's settled.


Hello Annabelle,

I'm sorry about this problem. Probably the email was moved to spam folder in your Gmail account?

I just sent again your license key.

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