Hi Folks, Well, I finally have the snowfall styles finished. There are five style files which are multi-aspect ratio. There are two style files which create rather normal snowfall for one minute. These are divided into two aspect ratios each. One is 16:9 and 3:2 and appropriately named. The other is 4:3 and 5:4 and also named so that you will easily discern which is which. There is a style for lage fluffy snow for 30 seconds (same four aspect ratios as above) There is one for normal snow for 15 seconds (same 4 aspect ratios) There is one for snow flurries for 15 seconds (same four aspect ratios) Just download, extract to a folder then import into your PTE styles folder. There is a readme file in English and French. My French is probably laughable because though I can read French fairly well, I have serious issues trying to compose so depend almost entirely on Google Translate. There is also a 52 meg video which shows you what the snowfall looks like. Links below to two zipped files. One contains the video and the other a readme first and the styles. http://www.lin-evans.org/snow/snowstyles512U.zip (about 2 meg) http://www.lin-evans.org/snow/demosnowstyles.zip (about 55 meg) I learned one valuable lesson after repeated failures trying to combine my four aspect ratios for the one minute styles. I was using both English and French names and a single spacing error, etc., can result in disaster. I finally gave up and divided the multi-aspect effort into two styles rather than one with all four aspect ratios. When you are creating mutiple aspect ratio styles, my suggestion is to use an extremely simple name until you have everything finished then just rename the file. I finally discovered that if I called the file "new" each time, I could actually remember, spell it correctly, etc. Once everything was combined, then I just renamed to the complex names I was trying to accomplish for each file added. We live and learn.... LOL Later - NOTE: The Normal Snow One Minute 16:9 and 3:2 aspect ratio is returning a missing black jpg - just go to objects and animations and erase it for now.... I haven't been able to fix it for a number of reason - not the least of which is not being able to find files on my Windows 8.1 system with Windows indexed search... I'll try to fix this but for now if you use that style, just delete the black jpg in Objects and Animations Object list and it will work... Later Later: Fixed - Uploaded - done... Stood in the rain for fifteen minutes - created four templates and created a single one minute MARS (Multi-Aspect-Ratio-Style) for normal snow one minute including 16:9, 3:2, 4:3 and 5:4 aspect ratios... Going to sleep now for an hour - LOL L Best regards, Lin