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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2015 in all areas

  1. Umas THKS FOR THE INFO but i use the grayscale to set up my monitors, -- have done so since win 3. monitors generally come out of the box with everything ramped to the top - they want to sell monitors)) in the past i would scan a macbeth color card and compare things to my liking - from my darkroom days -- i try to set up to a "known value" example a Ontario automobile with its license plate showing -- it is white with blue letters when i did internal boiler inspections i would always include a known value in the first frame -- my critics knew that i could adjust the colour of boiler scale to make it look good but a Pentel pencil or a 6" ruler was a KNOWN value ken
    1 point
  2. Peter on my monitor -- even #'s theni put it up to my 37" panasonic tv via hdmi - 12 ft from my desk -- the ivy and roadway were far brighter [even#'s] odd #'s appear flat thks for the demo ken i rechecked the monitor with http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/calibrate-your-monitor-theory,3615-6.html
    1 point
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