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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2023 in all areas

  1. Thanks Aleina Once you have had a dishwasher, you wouldn't want to be without one particularly in a large hosehold that does a lot of home cooking. Although there are only two of us, due to health circumstances, most of the chores in the home fall to one of us. Thanks again Rosy.
    1 point
  2. Next time I hope to get it wright at first try ! Here is the corrected video.
    1 point
  3. My video was not clear enought. This is the correct description: Assume you open a PTE project named GEROME.pte PTE creates a dummy file named GEROME.lok wich indicates to Windows that the project is being modified. Assume you modify the project and save it without changing the name. PTE renames the original file GEROME.pte.bak and creates a new file named GEROME.pte Whem you close the project, PTE deletes the lock file.
    1 point
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