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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2023 in all areas

  1. A disused rail line at Booyong in the northern rivers of NSW, Australia. Images captured in infrared by a specially converted camera. Cheers Mark
    2 points
  2. Hello An AV of a selection of images taken at our local annual show that features a rodeo competition. Ciao Mark
    1 point
  3. Hi everybody, Here's little Slideshow with some Free Styles. To use them just replace Photo Placeholders marked .EDIT with your own. Of course you can edit all the rest. Note: There's no transitions between Slides. Beginning every new Slide is the End of the previews one. So if you change the Animation properties don't forget to adjust them accordingly. Here's the Link to some Styles:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sc_EcRL6VYvU5VbK7-IC8AtU01xR-to1/view?usp=sharing Good luck
    1 point
  4. Images from a Wednesday wander with friends in the northern rivers of NSW near the Qld border. Cheers Mark
    1 point
  5. Hi Kieron I produced a similar effect to the first video in 2012 using the burst feature on my Panasonic FX150 bridge camera, then adding the burst shots into PTE. It was almost like a slow motion video. You could try in the current version of PTE by slowing a video clip down. I haven't tried it but I do use PTE to speed up the action in long clips. You would need a fast moving subject. (I think) Rosy
    1 point
  6. Thank you Kieron, glad you enjoyed it. The boats race over a designated course in around 1 minute or under. The RX10 IV shoots RAW files a little faster at 24.2 frames per second, and the Mark IV supports continuous autofocus at those speeds! Captured with a V90 card and it can buffer about 200 images in memory. On the day I shot about 8,000 images panning the action with the boat. This AV set comprises of about 640 images loaded into PTE AV 10 with an extremely short duration between each image about 0.25 seconds and no fade. This will give you a wide view of the course. This is another from 2019 before the RX10 IV using single images which have been edited and is similar to the Ken Burns Effect. One more as it is a great day out and go every year if I can when they race near me. Hope that helps. Mark
    1 point
  7. I decided to create a short project for the New Year. The project has three main slides. You can insert your own pictures or photos. Maybe someone will come in handy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! You can download the project from the link: https://yadi.sk/d/OkXr045hoxxA_Q Improved version https://rutube.ru/video/ba65aa4c6fea7011dedd21cf83d07c12/
    1 point
  8. Christmas and New Year's project on the theme of The Nutcracker. Used classical music by Tchaikovsky. Project made in PTE AV 11. Animation author Aleina Show.
    1 point
  9. Mesmeric. Truly outstanding.
    1 point
  10. Excellent, very creative and carefully made MUR
    1 point
  11. Beautiful in every way. Thank you for sharing. Rosemary
    1 point
  12. Truly magical! Wonderful concept and superbly executed. I stand (or rather sit) amazed. Thank you so much for inspiring us.
    1 point
  13. A real treat to view Aleina, the animations are wonderful! Happy Holidays, Kieron
    1 point
  14. Another "WOW" production Alex! Thanks for your generosity and showing your talent again. Kieron
    1 point
  15. Examples of applying styles and transitions using the displacement map mask tool in PTE AV Studio 11. Attention! Styles and transitions can only be used in PTE AV Studio 11 and above. On earlier versions, styles and transitions are not loaded. Download styles: https://yadi.sk/d/XvJsHsmsMF36bw Download transitions: https://yadi.sk/d/qw5vIgtXdWJNwA
    1 point
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