Pans and Zooms etc are controlled by "Key Frames" (KF) in the Objects and Animation window.
When an object is added to the slide it is automatically assigned the start KF at the beginning of the timeline.
Further KF can be added via the right click menu (for the start KF) or the "+" button. Highlight the first KF and drag your object into the position you require. Highlight the second KF and drag the object into the position you require for the end of the pan. Press the PLAY button to see the result. You can also use the Pan Controls in O&A / Animations Tab.
This is an older version "How To" which is still appropriate.[]=pan
P.S. A "Ken Burns" gentle zoom effect would be applied in the same way between two KF using the Zoom controls in O&A / Animation Tab.
Applying the "Ken Burns" Theme - add 8 images to the Slide List - Go to Styles and Themes (Themes Tab) - highlight the Ken Burns theme and apply.
Applying a Style -
Applying a Theme -