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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Denis, I can't reproduce this problem on Intel HD Graphics 5300 (Lenovo Yoga 2). You used an interesting technique to create effect in this custom transition. Image object in a mask stencil is very distorted and has huge visual size. Probably Intel graphics incorrectly works with these values. We don't remember any similar problem already 10 years. Why not try more simple solution for this effect? Look at attached files. I used 2 Rectangle objects with adjusted Center parameters and Pan animation as Mask stencil. Do you see same problem with other custom transitions? Igor_variant.pteeff Test.pte
  2. Denis, Thanks, I will check now.
  3. You can cure any non-working slideshow for Mac created in PTE 9.0.0 - 9.0.14 if you don't have source project. 1. Create any new slideshow for Mac in PTE 9.0.15. 2. Replace the player in the old non-working slideshow using player from PTE 9.0.15+ A player for Mac is a folder with extension .app MyShow.app - it's a player for Mac MyShow.ptshow - slideshow data (images & music) Don't forget that player folder and slideshow data file should have same name if you replace the player.
  4. I found a good music library in MP3 format for free use on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
  5. Denis, Can you tell me in more details: 1. Model name of your laptop, CPU and both video cards (Intel & NVIDIA). Is it old or new laptop? 2. Version of Windows (7, 8, or 10) ? 3. Screenshot where I can see wrong result. 4. Sample project (EXE + source project) where I can reproduce this problem. Thanks in advance, The problem with Intel graphics occured with old computers (before 2009 year) if Intel graphics has 64 MB of video memory and didn't fully support DirectX 9. I remember about the issue with selecting fast video card (NVIDIA/AMD instead of Intel) in a laptop. We're still working on it. P.S. Sorry for the late response.
  6. Thanks for the confirmation! Denis, This change is only in Mac output. Not for PC EXE. Please see my reply:
  7. Hi, Sorry for the delay, I missed this topic. Did you read this information:
  8. Denis, gdadmd, Try new PTE 9.0.15 BETA: https://files.wnsoft.com/test/picturestoexe-setup.exe This version fixed this problem with hanging of presentations on macOS Sierra and High Sierra if a project contains non-animated GIF images. Let me know about a result.
  9. Hi Manuel, Thanks for this information. I'm glad that it helped to solve this problem.
  10. Cor, Perko, Thanks for testing! So it seems that this problem is related with certain large image files when this folder is selected in the File tree/list. Can you send me all files from this folder in a ZIP archive? I'll check it and will find the solution. Also attach a screenshot of the main window when you see these images in the File tree/list. I need to reproduce exactly same situation as on your computer.
  11. Cor, Perko, Thanks for new details. Please try the following: 1. Start PTE 9.0.14 2. Check memory usage in the Task Manager for PTE. 3. Click New Proejct. 4. In the File tree browse and select another folder where located only JPEG images (NOT videos) with pixel size not more than 3000 x 2000 and file size up to 5 MB per file. 5. Restart PTE. 6. Check again memory usage in the Task Manager for PTE. Let me know about result. If everying is OK here, try to work with these small JPEG images (NOT with video files). Will it work correctly? I suspect that the problem occur with certain video files (or heavy JPEG images). Once these certain files appear in the File list or in the Slide list PTE starts to work incorrectly.
  12. What exact model name of your TV? Try to encode AVI video instead of MP4 video (see the Publish menu).
  13. Please read this topic:
  14. Hi, What option you choose in the Publish menu to create a video file in PicturesToExe? I recommend to choose "Video for mobile devices" option if you create a video file for iPhone, iPad or Android smartphones.
  15. MUR, 1. Does this problem occur with all projects? Try to create a new simple project (3 images) and make a backup in a ZIP. 2. Try to give a simple file name with latin symbols only (say MyProject.zip ) 3. Try to save in a new folder in the root of drive C: or D: (say C:\MyBackups\MyProject.zip )
  16. Cor, 1. I recommend to uninstall PTE 9. Re-install PTE 9 again. If the program will suggest import settings from any previous version, please SKIP this action. 2. Another idea. Probably it's related with certain images/videos files which are located in the File panel when you start PTE 9. Try to run PTE 9 and quickly change current folder (with simple images). Let me know about results.
  17. Masks in PTE 9 are more powerful than in previous versions. You can create more effects with masks with PTE 9.
  18. I always used MPC many used, including for testing PTE video files. It's really very good and simple video player. P.S. Dave, I moved this topic to Equipment & Software.
  19. Yes, with PicturesToExe 9 you can encode 4K video (3840 x 2160) for playback on your 4K TV. You only need to use high quality images with same visual quality (at least 3840 x 2160 pixels). Create an MP4 video in PTE 9 and then copy MP4 video file to a USB flash drive for use with your TV.
  20. Robert, Do you have latest version 9.0.14 ? If not, please try it. Earlier versions (9.0.0 - 9.0.10) had several issues with video encoding).
  21. Denis, Thanks, we'll check next week.
  22. Thanks, I confirm this problem on my iMac with High Sierra. We'll check today the code.
  23. GĂ©rard, Denis, We'll check this problem with Mac version tomorrow.
  24. Gary, We'll increase this limit in the next version (10.0)
  25. Gary, I confirm this. Current limit for any single file is 2 GB if you create an EXE file.
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