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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Dave, Yes, probably these problems are linked. We're still trying to catch them.
  2. Dave, Thanks, we'll try to reproduce it. Earlier I never observed it after minimizing/restoring of PTE window.
  3. Gary, Do you use the latest version 9.0.14?
  4. I wish you Happy Christmas! With best regards and thoughts,
  5. Gary, Please check the following: 1. Make sure that Task Manager doesn't show high CPU loading for any running apps. 2. Do you use Microsoft antivirus or another software? 3. Download and update manually new drivers for your NVIDIA video card. 4. If all above don't help, please read this article: https://www.howtogeek.com/284559/how-to-stop-windows-10s-game-dvr-from-slowing-down-your-pc-gameplay/ 5. Some laptops have two video cards - integrated slow Intel video card and fast NVIDIA video card (as in your laptop). By default, Windows 10 might use Intel video card for PTE. Please check the solution from the following article: https://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/force-app-to-use-dedicated-gpu-windows/
  6. I'm glad! Usually both audio options should be supported by all DVD players. LCPM is not compressed audio codec (174 KB per second), and MPEG Audio is about 24-32 KB per second).
  7. Hello, We didn't hear about problems with audio in created DVDs many years. Do you add .pte project files for DVD, or MP4/AVI video files? You can try to change MPEG Audio codec to LPCM in the Project Options of VideoBuilder > Project > Audio options > Audio format.
  8. Igor


    Yes, we have a serious dilemma. I understand that VideoBuilder has problems, but its code is very old. We should spend months to rewrite it. DVD is a dying technology and of course we'd like to spend our time to add more important features which will be used by all users. On other hands, I understand that DVD is still useful for many users, as mentioned above. Anyway future Mac version will not include VideoBuilder.
  9. MUR, When you type text or add new text lines, the size of a Text object is changing, but visual size of an letter remains same. Only future Rich Text object probably will make possible what you want to have.
  10. Lin, I think it's impossible. Only plain text when it's copied from any external text editor to PTE. Because MS Word or HTML5 have very complex text formatting which never can be 100% copied. It would be a nightmare to try preserve a text formating according all embedded text styles (CSS, HTML, etc).
  11. Jill, Thanks, I think that we need word wrapping when user types text, right? So it should be a special new object - Rich text.
  12. OK, thanks for your opinions.
  13. Question: In PTE the Text object shows a green selection rectangle with 8 dots to resize a visual size of an object. Then text will become larger or smaller. In Powerpoint these 8 dots in the selection frame don't changes visual size of an Text object and it adds space for more text letters. How to combine both conceptions? 8 green dots to resize Text and 8 (say blue) dots to adjust space for the Text? Will not this look too complicated?
  14. Barry, I can say even more - this feature has my personal priority. I'd like to add two improvements: 1. Text effects (styles). 2. Rich text object (with editing like in Powerpoint). Regarding p. 2 we're trying to find a good interface to implement this feature. Powerpoint doesn't offer keyframe based animation like in PTE.
  15. This issue will be fixed in the nearest update (v9.0.15)
  16. Barry, I agree, we'll make names of custom windows not case sensitive in the next version (or probably in the next updates). Also you can choose a name of custom window from a list - click a small triangle icon on the right side in this field.
  17. Hi Barry, Custom windows in PTE 9 should work as earlier. The only difference, a new custom window is now blank (no objects). I attach a sample project created and saved in PTE 9.0.14. Project1_Dec4-2017_17-33-38.zip
  18. Gary, We didn't change the code related with video playback or audio. O&A editor is exactly same. I didn't find attached links to the files.
  19. PicturesToExe 9.0.14 is available: Reduced memory usage during encoding of a video. This helps to avoid a problem of missing images (black pictures) in a created video, if project contains many large images on one slide. Earlier you could observe a problem (black pictures) with a slide style "10 portraits" for large images. Fixed problem with freezing of the Objects and animation editor after copying/pasting some objects between slides. Fixed problem with non-working EXE presentations which are larger than 2 GB. Max allowed size is 3.9 GB. Fixed problem with missing “Help” custom window from projects saved in versions 8.0 and 7.5.
  20. Thanks for testing! It seems that some old hardware players are not fully compatible with H.264 video, if video from two different software programs cannot be played correctly. We recommend to create AVI video for these players. PTE 9 uses latest version of H.264 encoder, and PTE 8 used the old version (2009 year).
  21. Luc, Can you try the following test video files on your TV where earlier you had the problem with PTE 9 files and let me know about results: https://files.wnsoft.com/test/video/pte9_1080_30p_q100_aac192.mp4 https://files.wnsoft.com/test/video/pte9_1080_30p_q100_aac-160.mp4 https://files.wnsoft.com/test/video/pte9_1080_30p_High.mp4 https://files.wnsoft.com/test/video/pte8_1080_30p_High.mp4 https://files.wnsoft.com/test/video/ProShow_Slideshow_1080_30p.mp4
  22. Thanks again for testing! So PTE 9.0.14 official supports EXE files up to 3.9 GB.
  23. PicturesToExe 9 uses AAC codec for MP4 video. It's popular audio codec for videos. For AVI video PTE uses MP3 codec.
  24. Thanks for testing!
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