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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Gary, Please see my recent post here. We need to update our video decoders to solve this issue.
  2. Gary, We plan to fully rewrite Video convertor in PTE. I hope that it will be done in the next v10.0. This part of PTE should vastly reworked to make it more user friendly and support more video formats + solve known technical issues.
  3. Jean-Cyprien, Thanks, please try an updated test version (v9.0.12 BETA): http://files.wnsoft.com/test/picturestoexe-setup.exe Does it fix this problem?
  4. Jean-Cyprien, I apologize for this stupid problem! We'll fix it quickly. This bug appeared in one of recent updates. Thanks!
  5. Great. Thanks! P.S. Dave, a problem with sorting of slide styles will be solved in a nearest test version.
  6. Great! This problem happened in EXE files with CT which had multiple variants.
  7. Jose, I will check MKV Toolnix and MP4 Joiner with PTE 9 video files. I will reply later.
  8. Barry, This problem should be solved now. Can you check? http://files.wnsoft.com/test/picturestoexe-setup.exe
  9. Denis, Please try the new test version: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/picturestoexe-setup.exe
  10. Dave, Thanks for the file. I see this problem.
  11. Dave, Please send me all styles from a category where the problem with sorting occurs. Use "Export Category" command to save a single file.
  12. Gary, I wanted to recommend you use the Project Options > Audio tab to move a track with all its audio clips between tracks. But I discovered a bug with drag'n'drop in this list of audio clips and tracks. We'll fix it soon.
  13. Thanks, Barry. I confirm this problem. Dave, How to reproduce this issue? When I created new styles, they appeared in alphabetical order in their category. Barry, In future PTE 10 we will add Themes (of slide styles). A theme is a set of several slide styles which are applied according certain rules created by an author. For example, user selects and applies a Wedding1 theme to 30 slides. PTE will apply 7 slide styles (from this theme) in a random order to these 30 slides.
  14. Gary, Do you mean the Project Options | Audio, or the timeline view in the main window?
  15. Hi MUR, We did it intentionally to help a new user create a simple 2 keyframe's animation. For a new slide with 1 keyframe this keyframe is selected by default when you open the O&A editor. So pressing "+" button adds a 2nd keyframe at the end. If you change a cursor position, pressing + button will insert a new keyframe at a selected time position, like in previous PTE 8.
  16. Hello Denis, I confirm this problem. Thanks!
  17. Barry, Thanks, I confirm this issue. We'll fix it in the nearest update.
  18. Thanks, Barry!
  19. Thanks We will try to speed up access to list of fonts in next updates. For some fonts (Adobe Arabic, Adobe Arabic Regular) a system function (in Windows) CreateFont() works correctly, but a call of GetTextMetricsW() returns result "false". It seems that this problem occur if a cache of fonts exists in Windows folder. Really strange problem.
  20. You can try final version with this fix: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/picturestoexe-setup.exe It installs as v9.0.12 (Beta).
  21. Thank you very much for your help! We found an exact reason of this problem and fixed it completely. You can continue use latest official version 9.0.11 where this error message does not occur. We'll include the final solution to a nearest update.
  22. Thanks again! Please run FontTest9: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest9.zip Probably it will be the final test app.
  23. Jean-Cyprien, Our mistake, pease try a new FontTest 8: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest8.zip
  24. Please try a new FontTest7: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest7.zip P.S. Official version 9.0.11 simply hides this error message, but we need to find an exact reason of this problem to completely fix it.
  25. Jean-Cyprien, Thanks!
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