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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Gary, No, sorry. It has no relation with that issue.
  2. Also we improved delivery of emails from the forum (subscriptions to topics). Emails should arrive correctly now (not to Spam folder).
  3. Jean-Cyprien, Thanks! One more test, please: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest6.zip
  4. Hi, We recently updated this forum to IPB 4.2 which includes many new improvements. Read more here: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community-42-r1030/
  5. PicturesToExe 9.0.11 is available: Fixed problem with an error message in a project with master video clip(s). Fixed problem with a font list button. Fixed problem with an error message on closing of the main window. Updated language files. Improved stability of PicturesToExe.
  6. I vastly improved anti-spam protection of the forum 5 days ago. The situation should be better now.
  7. Please run the new FontTest5 (if you have the problem with the error message): http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest5.zip and send me fontlog.txt file
  8. Jean-Cyprien, Thanks, that's OK. Please run one more test: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest5.zip
  9. Please check a new test version 9.0.11 BETA: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/picturestoexe-setup.exe We fixed this problem.
  10. Please run new FontTest4: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest4.zip We're near to fix this problem completely.
  11. Igor


    Hi Rob, Please send me this project (all files in a ZIP archive). You can use a Dropbox or another service to upload a file.
  12. Thanks!
  13. Thanks again! Please try a new FontTest3: http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest3.zip
  14. Gary, Thanks, we'll check tomorrow!
  15. Mick, chanfi22, Can you run a new test application? http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest2.zip 1. Let me know if you will see same error message (or not). 2. Send me fontlog.txt file.
  16. Thanks for the confirmation! The official v9.0.11 will be announced very soon.
  17. Thanks, Please try a new special version of PTE (it appears in v9.0.11) http://files.wnsoft.com/test/picturestoexe-setup.exe Does it work correctly?
  18. mick, Jean-Cyprien, chanfi22, Thanks! Two more questions, please: 1. We need fontlog.txt file only if the error message occured when you run this test application. Can you confirm this? 2. If you have this problem, send me FNTCACHE.DAT file from C:\Windows\System32
  19. Hello Richard, Please don't worry, it was our official email message. The upgrade price was also usual - 39 USD for the Deluxe edition and 30 USD for the Essentials edition. Links lead to WnSoft website. And then our order page redirects to PayPro Global website which accepts payments for WnSoft. Probably this confusion arose because of long links in that message. We'll try to shorten links to avoid any possible confusion in future.
  20. Hello, Please tell me - when this problem occured first time? After upgrade to PicturesToExe 9? What version you had earlier?
  21. Hi Mick, Thanks, Did you see any error messages when you tried this test app? If no, please delete fontlog.txt file and try to run it again. Can you also send me FNTCACHE.DAT file from C:\Windows\System32 ? If it exists there.
  22. Jean-Cyprien, Thanks for this information!
  23. Hi Andrew, Please can you check AVG and PTE files now?
  24. Hi Mick, We created a new test application. Please can you run it? http://files.wnsoft.com/test/FontTest1.zip 1. Unpack the ZIP archive. 2. Run ComboFont1.exe file 3. Click Font List button (it should display a list with fonts). 4. Test application will create a new file fontlog.txt in the same folder. Please send me this file. Thanks,
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