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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Hi, Currently PTE AV Studio is available only for Windows and Mac. Unfortunately, Linux is not very popular among home users yet. We cannot afford to spend much time on this development. Try to set up an emulator (Wine) in Linux. Make sure that hardware acceleration for Direct3D is enabled and enough video memory (GPU memory) is allocated. Not less than 1 GB. Good luck,
  2. Hello Colin, We think that the new PTE Video Optimiser is very easy to use and it doesn't require the User Guide. Maybe we'll write a manual later. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them.
  3. Hi, Do you mean Proshow Gold (PSG) or you use PTE AV Studio? If you use PTE AV Studio, add original video files to your project, they will be converted/adapted automatically for chosen output format.
  4. Hi, We updated PTE AV Studio 11.0.16 Beta: Improved typing of accented characters from the accented popup menu when holding down a key (Mac only). Learn more on Appleā€™s website. You can use the Left and Right arrow keys to select an accent and press Enter to confirm your selection, or press Esc to cancel changes. Download Mac: https://files.wnsoft.com/test/PTE-AV-Studio.dmg Windows users can skip this Beta update. (About window shows: 11.0.16 Build 4)
  5. Adysa, Please use English on this forum for other members. Google Translate or DeepL allow to easily translate replies.
  6. Hi, We agree to add a new shortcut for the Styles and Themes button. What would be the best keyboard shortcut?
  7. Thanks for your feedback, Tom!
  8. Hi Tony, I recommend to rename .bak file to .pte file extension in Finder and then open in PTE AV Studio. It's the only one solution on a Mac.
  9. Hi, Sorry for the late response! Glad that you found the solution. Good luck!
  10. Thank you! Jill, I fully support your thoughts. I pray about Peace.
  11. Dear friends! We wish you happiness and health for you and your families. Many new creative ideas. Let the New Year 2025 be successful for you!
  12. Hi Jeff, Thanks for the wishes! I hope to see your country and New Mexico someday. Happy New Year!
  13. PTE Video Optimiser 1.0.1 is available: Fixed issue with Reverse playback option. A green picture could appear. Fixed issue with Zoom parameter not working. Download https://www.wnsoft.com/pte-video-optimiser/download/ The About window shows: 1.0.1 Build 1. It is the same build as the beta version.
  14. Hi, We'll add Check for Updates functions in the next updates. I agree that it will be useful. I recommend you subscribe to this topic: https://www.pteavstudio.com/forums/topic/46950-pte-video-optimiser/ Simply click the Follow link at the top of that page and choose email notifications option. You'll receive only messages about new updated versions of PTE Video Optimiser.
  15. Hi Gary, If you load an old project created before V9 it doesn't have saved folder path for the File Panel. In this case, the project gets current folder displayed in the main window of PTE when you load this project for the first time in V11. Regarding recent projects saved in V10 or V11. Is there a chance that you could have opened a project and unintentionally changed the folder without even saving the project? Because it is enough to simply select another folder in the File panel and PTE automatically remembers your choice for the opened project (saving is not necessary). Honestly, I don't know another reason for this issue, it works correctly for my projects.
  16. Tom, Thanks for your idea. Technically, the new program is based on the PTE engine with all its capabilities and effects.
  17. Gary, Thanks for sending me ProjectsExtraData folder. Normally PTE automatically remembers last chosen folder in the FIle List, regardless Save command. And this path is recorded in ProjectsExtraData folder. The folder path could be changed only if you opened some project and changed the folder in the File List panel. Usually it works well. Probably you changed it after loading a project? If you delete ProjectsExtraData folder, PTE will read saved folder path from each project file on loading. Or try to choose another folder in the File panel for some project, do not save the project and close PTE AV Studio. Check ProjectsExtraData folder, it should contains an updated record for this project. I just checked - it works this way on my PC.
  18. Hi, I've seen your another message that this issue occurs with Norton antivirus software. It's a false positive with Norton software, because a custom transition effect ( .pteeff file) is a simple ZIP archive with a project file and images insides. Project file is a text file. Every user can easily extract these files to check its content. Microsoft Windows Defender allows to download all custom transitions/styles. No problems. I created 4 test files. Two custom transitions (with and without additional image) and two slide styles (also with and without logo image). Try to download each file and let me know about the results. P.S. Please translate your messages to English for other members. Simple Style with Logo.ptestyle Simple Style.ptestyle Simple Transition Logo.pteeff Simple Transition.pteeff
  19. Hi Gary, Usually it should work the following algorithm: Once you Save/Save As a project, the saved includes a parameter: ImagesFolder=C:\MyFolder\Images\ However it's possible that user chooses another folder for the FIle List without saving a project. PTE uses a special global storage here: C:\Users\YourProfileName\AppData\Local\PicturesToExe\ProjectsExtraData\ "ProjectsExtraData" contains text files (named as .dat files) where certain .pte project file is associated with a certain folder which should be displayed in the File List on loading a project. This global storage has a higher priority on loading of a project. And only if this global storage doesn't has a record for a project (new computer, renamed project), PTE reads and uses a folder path from a .pte project file (ImagesFolder parameter). You can make a backup of "ProjectsExtraData" folder in a ZIP and send me for checking. Also open 1-2 projects where wrong path is displayed on loading. don't save them. Send me these 2 projects (only .pte files) for checking in a personal message. You can delete "ProjectsExtraData" folder, and it will force PTE to load default folder from each .pte file. Then the global storage will be updated automatically with new records for recently loaded projects.
  20. Hi Mary, Check our links here: https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/royalty-free-music/
  21. Thank you very much!
  22. Hi, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Happiness and health to you and your families! And many new creative ideas. Thank you for your support! P.S. We've released the final version of our new product - PTE Video Optimiser for PC and Mac. Video stabilisation, noise reduction, triming, colour correction, file size optimisation. Batch file processing and live preview: https://www.pteavstudio.com/forums/topic/46950-pte-video-optimiser/
  23. Video stabilization examples: Stab1-2.mp4 Noise reduction: Denoise1.mp4 More examples from Tom:
  24. Hi, We glad to introduce the final version of our new product - PTE Video Optimiser. Enhance and optimise your video files. Stabilisation, noise reduction, trimming, colour correction, reverse video. Batch processing of files. And other functions. Simple user interface. Download for Windows and Mac: https://www.wnsoft.com/pte-video-optimiser/download/ Price 29 USD. One time purchase, not a subscription: https://www.wnsoft.com/pte-video-optimiser/buy/ __________________ PTE Video Optimiser Main Features Instant preview of video in real-time with your settings Batch video files processing Video Editing Tools Stabilise video. Camera Lock function Noise reduction Trim the start and end of the video Reverse video Crop the video Add a watermark (logo) to your video Convert portrait video to widescreen format with a blurred background Adjust video speed with frame interpolation for slow-motion Mute audio or adjust the sound volume Mirror video Colour Correction and Filters Adjust colour settings: brightness, contrast, levels, hue, and saturation Adjust sharpness (Unsharp mask) or add blur Export & Optimisation Create video with H.264 codec (MP4) or AV1 codec (WEBM) Merge multiple videos into one file Smart video compression with a constant quality with optimal file size. Export only the audio track from a video file as MP3 or WAV file
  25. Hi, Release Candidate 4 is available For Windows: https://files.wnsoft.com/ptevideooptimiser/ptevideooptimiser-setup.exe For Mac: https://files.wnsoft.com/ptevideooptimiser/PTE-Video-Optimiser.dmg The About window shows v1.0 Build 2. It's not a final version yet. Changes in this version: Fixed stabilisation issue (bad result) when trimming the beginning of a video. Fixed main window freezing when setting video duration to zero. Note: You can purchase a personal license key with a 20% discount before January 10th - for 23.20 USD. Read more
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