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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Peter, Thanks for letting me know. It is a false virus detection. This SetupVideoInet.exe file (20 KB) intended to install VideoInet.dll file with updated Youtube/Vimeo settings. I just checked up this file with 38 antiviruses on http://www.virustotal.com and see that two antiviruses (Panda and ClamAV) mistakenly mark this file as a virus. We'll write them about this problem to fix it ASAP.
  2. Sorry, I didn't understand. I need the project files in ZIP archive to reproduce this problem.
  3. Scorpion, Thanks for step-by-step instruction. I've finally reproduced this bug with your help! I found a little modified sequence of steps and can easily see this problem any time. AbdolReza, 1) What action assigned for this hyperlink or button? 2) Please send me sources files of this Project1.exe. Tom, I confirm this bug. Thank you! - In next beta I'll rework this dialog to OK/Cancel (Save project or return back to PicturesToExe). - And in future v5.7 I rework this place and will make saving of temporal project file as you adviced.
  4. AbdolReza, Thanks, I need more information on this problem: 1) Can you always reproduce this error message? 2) Does it happen with other slideshows or only with particular (Project1.exe)? 3) What version of Windows you use and what video cards installed in your PC? 4) Do you have checked ("X") "Use hardware acceleration" option in Screen tab of Project options? 5) I'm not sure that rightly understood your steps how to reproduce the problem. Do you run only one slideshow or several simultaneously?
  5. Xaver, I confirm that (Shift+Del, Ctrl+W, Alt+F, Ctrl+F). Will be fixed in next beta. (Ctrl+B and Ctrl+U seem to be workable.)
  6. Peter, No problem, I was requested for this feature many times, including past couple days I'll try rework timeline in O&A editor in the next version. AbdolReza, Please don't worry, the final release will not be earlier than in two weeks. But you can start translation right now, Beta 16 already includes all textes.
  7. Lin, Did you try to play MP4 video file in Media Player Classic HomeCinema?
  8. Fixed.
  9. PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.6 Beta 16 Download link: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (6 MB) What new in this Beta: + Improved view of keypoints on the timeline in the main window. + Updated language support: French, Spanish. * Fixed bug of previous betas with appearing of "opt_exefn - Empty" error message on starting of created screen saver if executable EXE file never was produced. * Fixed old bug (since v5.0) with an incorrect work of "Save image/slide" dialog in slideshows (if it was configured through "Print image" option). ! Removed "Color view of keyframes" option (added in previous beta). What new in version 5.6: + Added export of slideshow as a video. (See Main menu -> Create) - Export of HD video for playback on PC, Mac. - Export of video for iPhone/iPod. - Publish online on Youtube. - Publish online on Vimeo with HD quality. + New 3D transition effects between slides: - Added "Flip 3D" effect. - Added "Swap 3D" effect. - Reworked "Curling of page 3D" effect. Set large radius parameter to get completely new effects. + Improvements in Objects and Animation window: - Mask objects for creating of special effects. You can apply several Masks to one image object. - Music and sounds when you click "Play" button for preview. - Added "Anti-shimmering (mipmapping)" option for Image and Text objects. This option prevents appearing of shimmering when object has zoom from small size to large size. - Improved view of "Action on mouse click" list. - Added new action "Run slideshow". - Added "Pause" button. ! "Original size" mode of objects has been replaced. Now use "Fixed size of slide (in pixels)" mode in Project options | Screen tab. And "Size/position in pixels" button in Common tab of object properties. + Added "Virtual size of slide" parameters as alternate way to set aspect ratio of slide (Project options | Screen tab). It helps in work with "Size/Position" tool window in "Object and animation" editor. + Added new commands "Run Slideshow" and "Run Slideshow with Return" to Project options | "More" tab and as an action for objects. This option highly recommended if you want to start another slideshow from current one and for building of menu. It will guarantee flawless start of next slideshow from current one. In fact a series of slideshows will work as one large slideshow that provides optimal memory usage. + Added "Color outside slide area" option (Project options | Screen tab). By default if you run widescreen slideshow (16:9) on 4:3 display you see black strips around the slide. Now you can choose this color. + Added menu on Create button. + Faster rewinding of slides in created EXE file and preview. + Added "Crypt images/music against extracting from EXE file" option. See Main menu | View | Advanced options. (Enabled by default). + Improved installer of PicturesToExe, multi-lingual interface. + Fully rewritten shadow for objects. Now it has correct view for a long text object. And better visual quality. + Changed caption of "Change Image File" button in the main window. + Improved view of keypoints on the timeline in the main window. + Improved scrolling of the timeline when you move blue triangle cursor outside visible area. + Various improvements. ! "Run application" options has moved to the last page of Project options (More tab). ! "Disable F1 key to show help window" has moved to "Customize help window" dialog (Main menu | Project). * Fixed an old bug (since v5.5) when after renaming of a main image in Slide list or File panel MiniPlayer didn't display renamed image. * Fixed an old bug (since v5.1) when changing of display resolution, locking of PC or Sleep mode applied during encoding of video caused visual defects in created video file. * Fixed an old bug (since v5.5) when all color text objects (excluding black and white) had slight almost invisible greenish contour. * Fixed old bug of all previous versions: pressing Ctrl+O (Open project), "Ctrl+N", "Ctrl+S" and other key shortcuts whilst PicturesToExe creates large EXE file it caused incorrect work of the program. * Fixed old bug (since v5.5) when "Image Load Error" might occur in Slide list, MiniPlayer and Objects and animation editor on projects with hundreds slides of large images (about 8 megapixels each one). * Fixed old bug (since v5.0) Push effect had mixed up "Bottom-Top" and "Top-Bottom" variations with disabled hardware acceleration option. * Fixed old bug (since v5.0) with an incorrect work of "Save image/slide" dialog in slideshows (if it was configured through "Print image" option).
  10. Peter, Every version usually has changes which make incompatible this slideshow with previous versions. Because of this exact matching is necessary, or we may get unexpected behaviour of the slideshow's engine. Even crashing. To help author we plan to add a special tool for batch creating EXE file and PTE will remind or automatically rebuild linked EXE files. Tom, Thanks, I've reproduced bug. If you untick "Main image only" and save BMP file of a slide and rename suggested image file, it will be saved in BMP format, but with .jpg extension. We'll fix it. And second bug (shown on screenshot), too.
  11. Lin, That's true, mainly 30p video can't deliver smooth playback of fast movement and rotation. There is a one thing (used in rendering of computer graphics for movies) which can make a little better movements for 25p-30p video but price is high: - Slow downing of rendering in 3-4 times. - Blurring of fast moving objects (along axis/vector of movement). I experimented with this improved rendering, but have leaved this idea for future when more fast CPUs will come. By the way, did you try 1280x720 60p video with higher frame rate? It should be quite enough.
  12. Thanks, I've reproduced this bug. A temporal solution: Create EXE file one time, save project, and after this produce again .scr screensaver.
  13. Umberto, It's first and last bug I was shown in another country. My friends in England told me about this bug and shown it to me on their PC. I can only dream about such possibility see a problem directly with my eyes
  14. Steve, Before write a reply I need a little more details on this issue you're describing. If you burn 4:3 slideshow to NTSC DVD, please compare this DVD disc with another commercial DVD movie which has exactly same aspect ratio of video (4:3). Please try how it plays on your televisions. And then also compare with DVD playback on a computer (where video usually plays at 100% without hiding of parts of picture for Save TV zone).
  15. John, We tried fix this bug in Beta 15. Please try it and let me know if the problem comes back.
  16. I just re-uploaded Beta 15 with one small improvement for Objects and animation related with better visibility of items in Objects tree in not focused state. Den, Turn on this option, add button, image, text objects. And you will see that color of keyframes on the timeline is different for type of objects you are working.
  17. Xaver, We fixed first bug in Beta 15.
  18. PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.6 Beta 15 Download link: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (6 MB) What new in this Beta: + Improved scrolling of the timeline when you move blue triangle cursor outside visible area. + Added "Color view of keyframes" option for timeline in Objects and animation editor. * Fixed bug of previous betas when VideoBuilder couldn't open a project with button object(s). * Fixed bug of previous betas when preview of a slideshow started from selected slide shown flash of previous slide on slides with disabled transition effects. What new in version 5.6: + Added export of slideshow as a video. (See Main menu -> Create) - Export of HD video for playback on PC, Mac. - Export of video for iPhone/iPod. - Publish online on Youtube. - Publish online on Vimeo with HD quality. + New 3D transition effects between slides: - Added "Flip 3D" effect. - Added "Swap 3D" effect. - Reworked "Curling of page 3D" effect. Set large radius parameter to get completely new effects. + Improvements in Objects and Animation window: - Mask objects for creating of special effects. You can apply several Masks to one image object. - Music and sounds when you click "Play" button for preview. - Added "Anti-shimmering (mipmapping)" option for Image and Text objects. This option prevents appearing of shimmering when object has zoom from small size to large size. - Improved view of "Action on mouse click" list. - Added new action "Run slideshow". - Added "Pause" button. ! "Original size" mode of objects has been replaced. Now use "Fixed size of slide (in pixels)" mode in Project options | Screen tab. And "Size/position in pixels" button in Common tab of object properties. + Added "Virtual size of slide" parameters as alternate way to set aspect ratio of slide (Project options | Screen tab). It helps in work with "Size/Position" tool window in "Object and animation" editor. + Added new commands "Run Slideshow" and "Run Slideshow with Return" to Project options | "More" tab and as an action for objects. This option highly recommended if you want to start another slideshow from current one and for building of menu. It will guarantee flawless start of next slideshow from current one. In fact a series of slideshows will work as one large slideshow that provides optimal memory usage. + Added "Color outside slide area" option (Project options | Screen tab). By default if you run widescreen slideshow (16:9) on 4:3 display you see black strips around the slide. Now you can choose this color. + Added menu on Create button. + Faster rewinding of slides in created EXE file and preview. + Added "Crypt images/music against extracting from EXE file" option. See Main menu | View | Advanced options. (Enabled by default). + Improved installer of PicturesToExe, multi-lingual interface. + Fully rewritten shadow for objects. Now it has correct view for a long text object. And better visual quality. + "Protection of slideshow" options has moved to the last page of Project options (Advanced tab). + Changed caption of "Change Image File" button in the main window. + Various improvements. ! "Run application" options has moved to the last page of Project options (More tab). ! "Disable F1 key to show help window" has moved to "Customize help window" dialog (Main menu | Project). * Fixed an old bug (since v5.5) when after renaming of a main image in Slide list or File panel MiniPlayer didn't display renamed image. * Fixed an old bug (since v5.1) when changing of display resolution, locking of PC or Sleep mode applied during encoding of video caused visual defects in created video file. * Fixed an old bug (since v5.5) when all color text objects (excluding black and white) had slight almost invisible greenish contour. * Fixed old bug of all previous versions: pressing Ctrl+O (Open project), "Ctrl+N", "Ctrl+S" and other key shortcuts whilst PicturesToExe creates large EXE file it caused incorrect work of the program. * Fixed old bug (since v5.5) when "Image Load Error" might occur in Slide list, MiniPlayer and Objects and animation editor on projects with hundreds slides of large images (about 8 megapixels each one). * Fixed old bug (since v5.0) Push effect had mixed up "Bottom-Top" and "Top-Bottom" variations with disabled hardware acceleration option.
  19. Xaver, Thanks, I've easily reproduced the first bug (second, third or another slide), but can't reproduced the second one. Do you see the quick flash when you just click Preview button and when you click "toast" button for selected first slide?
  20. AbdolReza, It's not a bug in this case. Because even 1 ms. is a transition effect and you should see previous slide. Shortly in this case, but a little more than 1 ms. because your display doesn't have 1000 Hz refresh rate, but only 60-100 Hz. So you see previous slide during 10-16 ms. In the next version. It's translated. I see Russian text in my copy of PicturesToExe. We plan completely rework Help, Startup windows in next version.Xaver, I though we have fixed this bug in Beta 14. Please could you send me short test project to reproduce this problem?
  21. Steve, When in "Create AVI" window you choose custom resolution and set 720x480 you get wrong and not optimal result for NTSC DVD due to square pixels in AVI picture. You know that there are two main aspect ratio for NTSC DVD video discs - 4:3 and 16:9. But in both cases encoded picture of video on a disc has 720x480 pixels (15:10) of size. But if simply fit 4:3 video to 720x480 size, we will not optimally utilize all possible space of a picture on DVD. To solve this problem developers of MPEG2 and DVD have used a special trick - "Display Aspect Ratio". Source video 4:3 or 16:9 stretches to 720x480 and we add a special flag which tells player what aspect ratio it had before stretching. So picture of video on NTSC DVD disc must be stretched. And no black strips on picture - we use 100% of picture space. Did you try to play NTSC DVD disc (created in VideoBuilder or created ISO and then burned) on usual DVD player connected to television (not via computer)?
  22. Steve, The key moment - computer displays have square pixels whereas picture of MPEG2 video for DVD does not. To rightly encode 4:3 slideshow to 4:3 video of NTSC DVD it is necessary to stretch picture of slideshow to 720x480 before encode it. And player does back transformation when you watch this video on your screen. Please see the article "DVD Formats and Aspect Ratios". It explains everything regarding this issue: http://polymesh.nwcolor.com/docs/DVDAspect...osExplained.pdf The benefit of VideoBuilder, it directly renders video for NTSC DVD in stretched format ready for NTSC without need in an additional transformation. And if you use AVI, another DVD encoder will stretch your video again and you lose in quality. If VideoBuilder did it incorrectly users of PicturesToExe reported us about distorted proportions of faces in created NTSC DVD disc or black strips.
  23. Steve, Please try Create function with newest Beta 14. If the problem still exists, please let me know: 1) How often it happens (rarely, often, always)? 2) Particular projects or all? Thanks in advance.
  24. PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.6 Beta 14 Download link: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (6 MB) It's fully functional beta which includes all functions of version 5.6. What new in this Beta: + Updated language files. + Added "Original mode" tab to Position/Size tool window in Objects and animation editor. For those users who prefer enter values in percents for Original size mode like previous version. + Changed caption of "Change Image File" button in the main window. * Fixed old bug (since v5.0) Push effect had mixed up "Bottom-Top" and "Top-Bottom" variations. (When hardware acceleration turned off). * Fixed bug of previous beta versions when Copyright logo with adjusted opacity lesser than 100% periodically was shown at full opacity. (When hardware acceleration turned off). * Fixed bug of Beta 13 when 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error message might appear in the main window of the program. * Fixed bug of previous beta versions when transition to a slide without effect (Quick transition) worked with a short flash of previous slide. * Fixed couple of small bugs in creating of MP4 video files. What new in version 5.6: + Added export of slideshow as a video. (See Main menu -> Create) - Export of HD video for playback on PC, Mac. - Export of video for iPhone/iPod. - Publish online on Youtube. - Publish online on Vimeo with HD quality. + New 3D transition effects between slides: - Added "Flip 3D" effect. - Added "Swap 3D" effect. - Reworked "Curling of page 3D" effect. Set large radius parameter to get completely new effects. + Improvements in Objects and Animation window: - Mask objects for creating of special effects. You can apply several Masks to one image object. - Music and sounds when you click "Play" button for preview. - Added "Anti-shimmering (mipmapping)" option for Image and Text objects. This option prevents appearing of shimmering when object has zoom from small size to large size. - Improved view of "Action on mouse click" list. - Added new action "Run slideshow". - Added "Pause" button. ! "Original size" mode of objects has been replaced. Now use "Fixed size of slide (in pixels)" mode in Project options | Screen tab. And "Size/position in pixels" button in Common tab of object properties. + Added "Virtual size of slide" parameters as alternate way to set aspect ratio of slide (Project options | Screen tab). It helps in work with "Size/Position" tool window in "Object and animation" editor. + Added new commands "Run Slideshow" and "Run Slideshow with Return" to Project options | "More" tab and as an action for objects. This option highly recommended if you want to start another slideshow from current one and for building of menu. It will guarantee flawless start of next slideshow from current one. In fact a series of slideshows will work as one large slideshow that provides optimal memory usage. + Added "Color outside slide area" option (Project options | Screen tab). By default if you run widescreen slideshow (16:9) on 4:3 display you see black strips around the slide. Now you can choose this color. + Added menu on Create button. + Faster rewinding of slides in created EXE file and preview. + Added "Crypt images/music against extracting from EXE file" option. See Main menu | View | Advanced options. (Enabled by default). + Improved installer of PicturesToExe, multi-lingual interface. + Fully rewritten shadow for objects. Now it has correct view for a long text object. And better visual quality. + "Protection of slideshow" options has moved to the last page of Project options (Advanced tab). + Changed caption of "Change Image File" button in the main window. + Various improvements. ! "Run application" options has moved to the last page of Project options (More tab). ! "Disable F1 key to show help window" has moved to "Customize help window" dialog (Main menu | Project). * Fixed an old bug (since v5.5) when after renaming of a main image in Slide list or File panel MiniPlayer didn't display renamed image. * Fixed an old bug (since v5.1) when changing of display resolution, locking of PC or Sleep mode applied during encoding of video caused visual defects in created video file. * Fixed an old bug (since v5.5) when all color text objects (excluding black and white) had slight almost invisible greenish contour. * Fixed old bug of all previous versions: pressing Ctrl+O (Open project), "Ctrl+N", "Ctrl+S" and other key shortcuts whilst PicturesToExe creates large EXE file it caused incorrect work of the program. * Fixed old bug (since v5.5) when "Image Load Error" might occur in Slide list, MiniPlayer and Objects and animation editor on projects with hundreds slides of large images (about 8 megapixels each one). * Fixed old bug (since v5.0) Push effect had mixed up "Bottom-Top" and "Top-Bottom" variations with disabled hardware acceleration option.
  25. Steve, I don't fully understand what kind of problem with distortion do you mean in case of 4:3 NTSC DVD in VideoBuilder? I just encoded 4:3 NTSC DVD and it looks right. No distortions of a picture. In 4:3 NTSC DVD resolution of picture is 720x480 and pixel not square (you can easily check it up dividing 720 on 480 = 15:10). To solve this issue all MPEG2 encoders (including VideoBuilder) distort/compress picture vertically. And when you watch encoded MPEG2 file or DVD, player performs back operation - extends picture vertically. I'm sure that VideoBuilder correctly creates video file for NTSC.
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