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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Ken, It fixes other bugs too, please read this topic: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=57544 I highly recommend always install newest beta.
  2. The topic is closed. See new topic: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8934
  3. Bug-reports on version 5.6 Beta Archived topic: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8903 Umberto, Regarding your post: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=57810 We'll check up. Apparently it happens because of slow video card. on fast enough video card it should works fine. Several users even wrote us that new version work more smooth now.
  4. Beta 3 fixes the problem with encoding video under Windows Vista. http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (6 MB)
  5. Beta 3: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (6 MB) * Fixed problem with encoding H.264 video under Windows Vista. * Fixed bug with NavBar when an action is assigned for Left mouse button in slideshows. * Fixed bug when Container of mask didn't remember assigned virtual size (in Properties tab). * Fixed various small bugs in the main program of PicturesToExe. + Activated "old" features: - "Pause when window of slide show becomes inactive" option (Project options | Main tab).
  6. When I decided to add support of Vimeo it was totally free (likewise Youtube). Sadly to hear about this restriction.
  7. Tom, Why not? We have good progress with it.
  8. Umberto, Thanks for info. And I'm guessing you use new Aero Glass user interface in Windows Vista? In v5.6 we don't use exclusive fullscreen mode anymore in Windows Vista when Aero interface activated. It caused visual problems with exiting of a slideshow or with running second slideshow from first one. Now slideshow works in context of Aero interface (like Media Center) and slideshow shares video card with Vista in this mode. So we need to have more fast video card or de-activate Aero when you run slideshow (right click on an icon of slideshow, compatibilty and choose Disable Aero or something this).
  9. We just found that creating of MP4 video file never work under Windows Vista with activated User Account Protection. The program can't create file on a disc. We'll fix it in Beta 3 tomorrow.
  10. Umberto, What version of Windows you use?
  11. Doug, I just sent you PM message. Please reply me.
  12. Jeff, There is no bug here. You set fixed size for slides (in Project options), but not for objects. Slide setting doesn't override settings of objects. If you wish to see your images (3:2) on entire display (5:4, 1280x1024) you need to resize/crop them or set "Cover slide" mode for every image in the editor. Ken, Gary, Media Player Classic Homecinema is more new product than Media Player Classic. Developing of MPC was stopped and other developers continued to release new version using new name - Media Player Classic Homecinema. Media Player Classic Homecinema includes built-in all necessary decoders/codecs to play H.264 MP4 video files. potwnc, We use 1-pass encoding, but we use quality based encoding, so it's very near to 2-pass mode. Currently 2-pass encoding impossible in PTE, because it generates different transition effects on second pass - we have to adapt the code of PicturesToExe to generate same video on 2-nd pass of video encoding.
  13. Tom, So the bug with thin line in iPod preset still exists with Beta 2? Please send me source files of this project in ZIP file. And attach screenshot with settings of encoding parameters (a window where you click "Convert" button).
  14. Jean-Pierre, Excuse me that I ask, please divide different problems by paragraphs - it will be more easy to read for me. I can't reproduce it. All modifications in the tool window are immediately visible on the screen and I don't see this bug. Right. It's dynamic edit control (value applies immediatelly) and maximal value is 10000. When you exceed this limit it automatically replaced entered value to 10000. Thanks, I've reproduced this bug and will fix it! You can place Frame object as a parent (instead slide) and set its virual size (in Properties tab), say 1024x768, and it will work you want.Sorry if I didn't understand rightly your question.
  15. Peter, Fixed, thanks! Fixed. On my five year's old ATI Radeon 9600 Pro both play very smooth. I think the problem not in text, but it's one additional object and scene becomes more complex. Geforce 8400 not very fast video card especially under Vista.
  16. Andreas, You can use some tricks for better smoothness of animation when you use Masks: - Better to use several Masks inside one Container than several Container with one Mask in each. - The most difficult moment for rendering happens during transition effect when two slides both have masks. Because of this better to interleave slides with masks with slides without masks where it possible. (1th Slide with mask, 2nd slide without mask, 3rd slide with mask, etc).
  17. Reworked text objects are not ready for v5.6 yet. Sorry. Please wait for the next version (5.7). As temporal solution you can use "Rasterize to PNG image" option in text object.
  18. Thank you, it's a simple bug. We'll fix it in Beta 3.
  19. Gary, We will try. Right. DVD players don't support playback of next-generation H.264 video (all presets in PicturesToExe). You can play this file on PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, and some advanced multi-format players with HDD (TViX, Popcorn A-110, etc)Andreas, Masks requires more powerful video card. I played your demo on my PC with Geforce 6800 - very smooth animation, but my display is 1024x768. What screen resolution of your display? We'll think probably it will possible to optimize this code.
  20. I apologize for this delay! Did you receive automated email or email with license key? If not yet, please let me know order ID of your purchasing. If both letters didn't arrive probably there was a mistake in email address or anti-spam filter blocks these emails.
  21. Dave, Please use our recommended player - Media Player Classic HomeCinema (includes all decoders and very smooth playback). To play in other players you need to install decoders. And don't forget use only Beta 2. With previous Beta 1 you might get worse quality and slow encoding due to mistake in the code.
  22. Steve, Please make sure that you use Beta 2 (see caption of main window of PicturesToExe).
  23. I just posted Beta 2: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (6 MB) It should solve the problem with creating video.
  24. I just posted Beta 2: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (6 MB) It should solve the problem with creating video.
  25. Beta 2: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (6 MB) * Fixed problem with locking of the program at beginning of encoding video (for PC, iPhone, Youtube, Vimeo). * Fixed bug if set rarely used aspect ratio of a slide (more than 9:1) * Fixed bug with thin black line in encoded MP4 video for iPhone/Youtube. * Increased limit of bitrate to 24 mbit for "HD video for PC and Mac". + Activated "old" features: - Print/Save dialogs in slideshows (if they used). - Screensaver mode. + Updated French language file. + Various small improvements.
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