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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Release Candidate 1 http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (5 MB) * Improved reliability of PicturesToExe (main window). * Fixed problem with selecting keypoints in the timeline when "Auto Scroll. Style 2" option choosed. * Improved quality of text objects displayed on small slides in the Slide list. * Fixed bug with displaying of textured background when hardware acceleration disabled in Objects and animation editor. + Updated languages files.
  2. John, I think this question is located in area of logic. To display correctly preview of a selected slide in the mini-player we have to set a position cursor to end of selected slide (right after transition effect). And if you moved a slide, we move the cursor. But really there was another bug with incorrect choosing keypoints in the timeline when "Auto Scroll. Style 2" enabled. I'll fix it today in nearest update.
  3. For the first problem, please download and install latest drivers. It should solve the problem with crashes. Desktop gamma problem. It's a bug of ATI, regrettably. For the solution, please read this message: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....amp;#entry48743
  4. Igor


    I have Canon 350D DSLR camera, and a second very compact camera (170 gram) for far trips - Samsung NV24HD (besides photos it also records a good HD video 1280x720 30p in H.264 codec)
  5. Beta 11: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (5 MB) + Added Farsi language. + Various minor improvements. * Fixed bug when PicturesToExe could work incorrectly or show error messages if PC was locked by user (Win+L for example).
  6. Personally I prefer LCD and LCoS based projectors. Because they provide solid and flicker-free picture which looks like usual 35 mm film projection. Earlier DLP projectors shown better contrast and deep of black level, but now newest projectors Epson 1080UB (TW2000), JVC RS2 (HD100), Sony VW200 deliver almost comparable with DLP contrast. Although they are still too expensive. Let leave DLP vs. LCD for other technical forums Other moment, format of a picture. As I know, the highest quality of picture can provide only projectors intended for home cinema and almost all of them are 16:9, not 4:3. I plan to prepare my new slideshows in 16:9 format. This format of a picture is ideal for further transfering to Blu-Ray video disc. All written above is my opinion only.
  7. Probably it would be an interesting and useful article: "Choosing a Projector for Photography, Part I" (May 13, 2008) http://www.projectorcentral.com/photography_projectors_1.htm
  8. We have discovered that it's a bug in DirectX 9. Not a bug of PicturesToExe. But we will fix it.
  9. We have just found one reason of various possible problems with error messages. The problem happened when PC was locked (by Win+L for example)and then unlocked to work again. We'll fix it in beta 11 and I hope it will solve reported above cases of problems.
  10. Beta 10: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (5 MB) + Minor visual improvements. + Updated languages files. * Fixed bug with deselecting a keypoint in the timeline when Ctrl key pressed.
  11. Please try new Beta 10: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (5 MB)
  12. I've reproduced this bug now, thanks! Will try to fix it.
  13. Peter, 1. Can you repeat this problem again? 2. What will happen if you press call saving pressing Ctrl+S in Objects and animation window? Auto-save should perform similar action.
  14. Geoff, Sorry, but I'm not sure that I've understood rightly this problem. Ctrl+End doesn't select a range of slides. To select all slides to right you have to press Shift+End instead. Please provide me step by step instruction.
  15. I'll check up tomorrow. Thanks!
  16. Peter, Version 5.5 already includes the new DVD burning library (in VideoBuilder). It fixes 95% problems with DVD writting we have heard from our customers. If you didn't try to burn DVD-R disc with v5.5 please try. On some DVD drives even new version can't successfully burn all or some kinds of discs, as I know it happens and with other programs.
  17. For this version 5.5 we've bought new DVD discs burning library (and BD-R for future) and we will pay royalty from each sold copy. Now in ours plans - buying of Blu-Ray authoring library.
  18. When version 5.5 released (May-June) we'll set new prices for PicturesToExe: Standard edition - $49 Deluxe edition - $75 Upgrade to Deluxe - $26 Existing users of PicturesToExe needn't pay again. As earlier for VideoBuilder we provide 2 years of free upgrades (all new versions released during two years after a date of your purchasing). And then you should pay for the upgrade if you would like to install and use newer version of VideoBuilder, or stay with an old version.
  19. For beta releases we don't set association with .pte project files.
  20. John, No, this feature just saves current project, and it keeps full Undo/Redo history. I wouldn't like to add more new function to version 5.5, auto-backups or reserve copies features should be carefully thought-out, I need time to work out these options. As temporary variant, please call "Create backup in ZIP" periodically.
  21. We will try to return this feature back to the next version 5.6
  22. Please see Auto Save option in Beta 9. Already available.
  23. Beta 9: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (5 MB) + Added "Auto Save Project every ... minutes" option. (See Main menu | View | Advanced options). + Faster work of Undo/Redo if a project contains slides with many objects. + Changes in hotkeys: Del key performs "Cut transition" and Shift+Del removes the slide when you work in the timeline
  24. Peter, I'm sorry about this problem! If you saved the projector before the crash, PicturesToExe should not delete the project file. If you has intermediate EXE files, please let me know, I'll recover .pte file for you. I'll add auto-save feature and creating backup copies in separate file.
  25. Barry, 1. If I have understood rightly, you would like to see Del key performing "Cut" operation instead of "Delete" in the timeline? (Currently it does Shift+Del). 2. Select necessary images in the File list, click right mouse button, choose "Explorer" and then "Delete". It will moves the files to Recycle Bin. We wouldn't assign Del key for this operation, because other manipulations with images in PicturesToExe are virtual and diffirent behaviour of Delete action in File list and Slide list may cause problems. Jean-Pierre, Please tell me about this problem. Ctrl+X supposed to cut selected object(s). This function makes two actions: copies the object to the clipboard and then deletes the object.
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