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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Manfred, Does it happens with all slideshows you created? Will slideshow work if create new simple show with only several images and no music? Please send me sources files of your project in ZIP archive. (In PicturesToExe, open main menu | File | then click "Create backup in ZIP"). I'll try to reproduce this problem.
  2. I just sent you personal message via forum. Please reply me.
  3. PicturesToExe associates .pte project files for current user account only. You can manually set association. Click right mouse button on some project file and choose "Open As" (or "Open with Help") and choose PicturesToExe from a list and set checkbox to always use this program for all .pte project files in future. It fixes another issue, not related with this problem.
  4. Mary, Lin is right - the more fast speed of panning the more blurred picture on LCD display. PicturesToExe doesn't apply special blur filter on moving picture. If you press PrintScr button and save a screenshot to a graphical editor you will see that image is sharp. You can even judge this effect of LCD panels as a kind of natural motion blur Like in a movie when camera moves.
  5. Please try this version, it should help: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=48181
  6. Release-Candidate (December 10, 2007) * Fixed bug when audio was not synchronized with video in produced DVD discs in VideoBuilder if you used two or more sound tracks. * Various small improvements. http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB)
  7. Just my thoughts on smoothness of Pan/Zoom effects. HD-DVD and Blu-Ray provide high resulution 1920x1080, but there is a problem with frame rate. If you live in USA you have to encode video at 60 frames per second. And 50 FPS if you live in Europe. Yes, 50 or 60 frame per second quite enough for smooth playback of animation. And it will play ideally on TV display. What wrong? The problem with playback on PC. If you encoded NTSC HD-DVD/Blu-Ray disc with 60 FPS, but your display has 75 Hz refresh rate, Pan/Zoom effects will not look ideally smooth. Why it happens? You computer should transcode one refresh rate to another one and add absent 15 frames. This problem like playback of PAL DVD film on some locked to 60 Hz NTSC TV displays. Refresh rate of display should match frame rate of video. 60 Hz for 60 FPS NTSC video, and 50 or 100 Hz for PAL video. EXE file with slideshow don't have this problem at all. Because PicturesToExe's v5.xx slideshow detects refresh rate of your display and dynamically renders slides with exact synchronization of display, producing 50, 60, 75 or 100 frames per second. In other words, on my opinion HD-DVD/Blu-Ray ideal solution for playback on Television and EXE file for PC.
  8. Thanks, I confirm this problem and we're working on solution. Please wait for the next beta version soon.
  9. Steve, As I remember this problem was in earlier betas of previous version 5.0 and no problem with final release of v5.0? Is this problem happened again with v5.1 Beta? I tried with my JPEG files and I was not able reproduce it, sorry. Please send me JPEG file which will illustrate this problem.
  10. Thanks, Al I hope to find some better solution, probably I'll find a way how to correctly fix gamma and in case of your PC.
  11. Lin, Thanks for the JPEG file with EXIF fields which can't be read in PicturesToExe. The problem well described in this topic - not enought exactly determined specifications of EXIF fields. I'll try to implement more complete support of various kinds of EXIF fields and probably add support of IPTC fields. Added to TODO list. But not earlier than in versions 5.2 or 5.3 Sorry that I can't do it in this version 5.1
  12. Al, Yes, in your case it will not work. The problem that even Windows Color Management (desktop gamma) contains logical problems. For example, Windows forget and reset desktop gamma after restarting of Windows and color calibration software (Adobe Gamma Loader) have to load gamma profile again. But if you adjust gamma in ATI control panel, ATI software at this moment also tries to load own gamma profile. And if you use color profiles in Adobe Gamma loader and adjust brightness in ATI control panel, I don't know who changed desktop gamma. I can detect that you adjusted colors in ATI control panel, but I can't detect that you use color calibration software. Because of this I have no way as do nothing if you adjust colors in ATI control panel to prevent setting of incorrect gamma in some cases. I'm still working on this problem, but it would be better if we could write email to a person in ATI who could responses on this problem and solve it at all.
  13. Updated Release-Candidate (December 5, 2007) * Fixed bug of previous versions when "Load last used project" option in fact always was enabled. http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB)
  14. We plan to apply ATI gamma fix only when you adjust desktop gamma via Adobe Gamma Loader and/or special professional color calibration tools. And this solution will be presented in version 5.11 But if you adjust colors in ATI control panel, we can't handle this case, because it is not determined who changes gamma settings - ATI drivers or Adobe Gamma loader. The complete solution will be possible when ATI at last fixes this gamma bug.
  15. Mike, Please set checked the option shown on the attached screenshot.
  16. Judy, Thanks, I planned this feature for future versions and I'll try to realize it in v5.2
  17. Updated Release-Candidate (December 3, 2007) * Fixed bug of previous versions when mouse wheel didn't work in Open/Save dialogs. http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB)
  18. Dave, I wouldn't recommend use "Original" size mode for objects, especially for DVD-Video. When we render DVD-Video we render it at larger size for further post-processing. In your slideshow please set "Cover slide" mode (instead "Original") and it will look exactly as you want.
  19. Thanks, Lin. Bernand, Currently you can reach this goal if you will create DVD-Video disc without menu at all. In the next version we'll add an option "Skip DVD menu at startup" (which can by called by "Menu" button on a remote).
  20. Al, In Manual advance mode, animation of slide still work. And if duration of a slide 4 seconds, pressing of Space bar toggles between Play/Pause modes. When internal time cursor reaches end of a slide, animation stops and pressing of Space bar will change to a next slide. Please see attached example. ManualAdvance.zip (270 KB)
  21. Al, Space bar switches between Play/Pause mode, not for a transition to a next slide. Because slideshow can be partially manual controlled (for example, from 1st to 5th slides) and timer mode (6th to 9th slides), I think Space button should always work as Play/Pause switcher. Probably if it really necessary, we can add new option "Press Space bar to show next slide"?
  22. Thanks, I've reproduced and fixed this problem. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=47921 Updated Release-Candidate (November 30, 2007) * Fixes bug with "Wait for a key press..." option in Project options. http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB)
  23. I apologize for this stupid bug! We mistakenly assembled Beta 10 and Release Candidate with old version of one module. Updated Release Candidate fixes this problem: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB)
  24. Thanks, I'll try to reproduce this problem tomorrow and fix it.
  25. It's Pre-Release. If there will be no bugs more, it will be marked as Final release.
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