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Everything posted by Igor

  1. All these problems should be fixed now.
  2. Finished.
  3. We will install scheduled update of the forum today.
  4. I'll contact to Invision's developers of the forum's engine and also ask then update forum.
  5. This bug was fixed 5 days ago, version 5.1 Beta from December 10th, 2007. Please download this file again and install it. It should help.
  6. This problem was in earlier beta versions. Please install latest build: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB)
  7. Thank you, Jean-Claude! I see many good ideas for PicturesToExe. I'm grateful you for wonderful work you've done. I plan to add grid and waveform in Objects and animation window to next version 5.2. For other features, I would like discuss a little later.
  8. Mary, We didn't implement it because PicturesToExe may start/exit slowly because of full monitoring of folders. This code was written by us I decided do not use it. Probably you noticed that PicturesToExe 5.0 and especially 5.1 is fastest with work of folders tree. It is related with first question. Windows slowly works if we set too many folder watchers. If you will open image for editing directly from Slide list (right mouse button, "Open image") PicturesToExe will update thumbnails in the Slide list after updating of image(s).
  9. - What version of PicturesToExe was used for your slideshows? - And please let me know version of Windows: XP or Vista?
  10. We removed this control from PicturesToExe.
  11. PicturesToExe 4.49 http://www.wnsoft.com/files/picturestoexe/previous-versions/pte449.zip (1.4 MB) We decided update old version 4.xx of PicturesToExe because it contained unplesant bug. Slideshows with music/sounds can't exit by Esc key or at end of a show under Windows Vista on dual-core CPU based PCs. Also we prepared special utility which patches EXE file of slideshows created with old versions from 4.40 to 4.48 and it updates slideshow's engine to version 4.49 and solves this bug: http://www.wnsoft.com/files/picturestoexe/previous-versions/pte449patch.zip (400 KB) This utility automatically recognizes EXE files and will not modify already patched EXE files or more new 5.00 slideshow where there is no problem. We apologize for this problem.
  12. Release-Candidate (December 13, 2007) http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB) * Improved association of .pte project files with PicturesToExe. In some cases project couldn't be opened from Explorer in earlier versions of PicturesToExe. I hope it will be final code for version 5.1 and if all is OK, we'll announce final release next Monday.
  13. OK, I agree, in the next version, we'll activate encryption of images/music by default. Author will able disable this option for own slideshows from Main menu | View | Advanced options. This code already written, but not in use.
  14. This problem happened because .pte project file is damaged when it earlier was modified in another program (not in PicturesToExe).
  15. No absolute protection. Blu-Ray/HD-DVD disc are example.
  16. Dmitry, Please don't forget to press "Apply to all slides" button below this checkbox. I just checked up - all works fine. Âñå äîëæíî ðàáîòàòü
  17. It happens because by default old version 4.xx displayed images pixel to pixel without resizing. New version 5.x fits images to entire screen by default. If you prefer exact pixel in pixel rendering in v5.x, please set checked "Disable scaling of main images" option in Screen tab of Project options.
  18. Paints of Summer By Igor Kokarev, WnSoft http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/PaintsOfSummer.zip (11 MB) This slideshow includes some of my photos since past two years.
  19. I've received your file and reproduced this problem. We'll try to fix it today. Thanks!
  20. Al, I hope realize more better support of a large number of various EXIF/IPTC fields later.
  21. Al, I would like to leave this moment for the next version(s).
  22. Strange. On our ATI 7500 it helped in both modes. Because it is a bug of this video card, we can't do more. Sorry.
  23. Manfred, Thanks, I've sent you PM message via forum. Please read it.
  24. Al, Please try again, I uploaded more new version.
  25. Dick, It seem to be a bug of ATI Radeon 7500 video card, but likely we have this video at our office. We reproduced this problem and found solution. Please download this updated version: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB)
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