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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Mary, Thank you for understanding! Probably we will able add antialiased edges to Rectangle objects. I have several ideas of using flexible capabilities of modern video cards. Like we use video hardware acceleration for video post-processing (antiflicker filter) in version 5.1.
  2. I very apologize for this problem! We're working now to find reason of this strange behaviour and fix it. I think crashes of VideoBuilder on pressing Start button - same problem. Mike, MickyP, Please tell me, can you always reproduce this bug? Brian, Thanks! It seems to be two different problems. Geoff, Different installed versions of PicturesToExe are fully isolated each from another, because they installed to individual folders and with own configuration and program files. Like self-running EXE file with a slideshow.
  3. Brian, - Did it happen with PicturesToExe and with other applications? - Did you have this problem with version 5.0 or 4.48?
  4. Limey, Apparently assigned menu duration longer than music. But we'll fix it and music/preview will repeat again according menu duration. Mary, Rectangle objects don't have antialiasing and it causes this problem. We can't enable antialiasing for this objects, because it may occur crashing of Windows in some rare cases on PCs with old drivers. I read this recommendation on Microsoft's website - they also don't use antialiasing in .Net Framework 3 based applications under Windows XP. In the next versions of PicturesToExe we will add "Color border" for images as an option in "Objects and animation" editor.
  5. Please let me know if this problem will occur again. Also if it possible try use previous version 5.0 to try reproduce that problem.
  6. Thanks, What antivirus installed on your PC? And do you have Google Desktop Search installed?
  7. Geoff, 1. Do you see some kind of error message before closing? 2. How easily you can reproduce this problem again? 3. Does it happebs with VideoBuilder or only with main window of PicturesToExe? 4. What exact window of PicturesToExe was opened before this problem? Main window, Objects and animation, Timeline window. 5. How do you switch to another application? By pressing of Alt-Tab, or clicking to application title in the Taskbar?
  8. Den, It can't be quickly solved. Not earlier than in v5.2, sorry.
  9. Mary, In Beta 4 you can again modify rasterized PNG text in Photoshop.
  10. Beta 4: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB) + Updated French and Spanish language files. + Small improvements in Create AVI file window (it displays filename of created AVI and browse button to open folder with AVI). * Fixed bug of previous beta versions when you couldn't modify PNG image of rasterized text object. * Fixed bug of previous versions when you couldn't create AVI file and "catCantCreateFile" error message occured. It happened when name of project contained a dot symbol ("Project 1.1" for example). * Fixed bug of previous versions with renaming of image filename in Slide list if there are two or more slides with same image file. * More accurate adjusting of Hue/Lightness/Saturation parameters in DVD menu of VideoBuilder. * Fixed bug when looping of music in DVD menu (in not animated menu) didn't work. * Fixed bug with Drop shadow of text in DVD menu in case of two or more pages. p.s. we're still working on the problem with crashes on clicking Start button in VideoBuilder on some PCs.
  11. Geoff, Ralph, Thanks, I just fixed bug with renaming image filename. Please wait for next Beta 4. Ralph, Excuse me, I was not able reproduce the second problem.
  12. Tom, Thanks, we'll fix bug with drop shadow in DVD menu in Beta 4. We're working on this problem. We hope to fix it in Beta 4.
  13. Thanks, We'll fix this problem with rasterized text objects in the next Beta 4 (probably already tomorrow).
  14. Limey, 1. "Menu Duration" applicable also for background music in DVD menu. But there is small visual bug, we should disable this parameter when nor music nor animated menu are enabled. 2. Music should start again. It seems to be a bug. We'll write you today later concerning this problem. Thanks
  15. Malcolm, I suppose you had in view problem with adjusted desktop gamma on ATI cards under Windows XP? Yes, we can also use windowed fullscreen mode under XP, but Pan effect will not look so ideally smooth as in true exclusive fullscreen mode. Under Vista windowed mode in fact works as exclusive fullscreen mode due to Aero user interface. But in XP we have to continue use exclusive fullscreen mode.
  16. Unbelievably beautiful photos!
  17. Steve, Please send email to orders (-dog-) wnsoft.com and let us know your full name and Order ID of your purchasing. We'll send you the new key.
  18. Beta 3: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB) + Updated language files. > Changes in VideoBuilder: * Fixed bug when "Burn ISO image" feature (Main menu | File) didn't worked in some cases. * Fixed problem of version 5.1 Beta 1-2 with sound "click" at beginning of encoded slideshow in some cases. * Fixed other problems.
  19. In the future version 5.2 slideshow will reduce size of image before loading images to video card if large size is surplus. It will solve this problem although EXE file will be still large. For example if you current display size 1280x1024 and you used 3500x2200 images without animation, slideshow will automatically reduce this image to 1280x1024. Of course, if display say 1600x1200 slideshow automatically reduces to 1600x1200.
  20. If you can press Esc button and slideshow exits it indicates that it doesn't freeze up. Most likely you used too large images with short time interval and slideshow can't load new slides in time. Reduce images size (for example if you used 3500x2200 images, set 2500x1700) and/or increase time interval between slides.
  21. Ray, I just fixed bug "Show Music Duration". Thanks! Limey, We fixed all bugs in VideoBuilder you've discovered. Please wait for Beta 3 today later and let me know about result. Peter, We sent you PM message with request for more details. p.s. see my article "Some improvements in VideoBuilder 5.1, DVD menu": http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7555
  22. More fine customization of DVD menu in VideoBuilder version 5.1 When you added one slideshow for a disc: Much better when we choosed 1 item per page instead of 2x1. Adjust color balance for the background right in VideoBuilder:
  23. Tom, So windowed mode completely solves the problem with quitting from a slideshow? If yes, I'll solve this problem in the future version 5.2 Brian, Thank you for your researchs of this problem! I agree that it's a bug of Windows Vista. But I still hope help users of current version of Windows Vista. Tom said that windowed mode doesn't cause this problem, it means that current build of Windows Vista doesn't work correctly with fullscreen mode of DirectX in addition to another problem with flashing of desktop when slideshow exits. The most likely this problem occurs because Windows Vista can't correctly switches between own "Aero Glass" user interface (which uses exclusive fullscreen mode) and slideshow which uses exclusive fullscreen mode. I decided stop using own fullscreen mode in Vista in the future version 5.2. We will initialize windowed fullscreen mode which will work as a part of Aero glass's exclusive fullscreen mode. In fact it will be true fullscreen mode with all hardware acceleration. I performed several tests and it worked well. No changes are schedulled for Windows XP/2000 because fullscreen mode work without problem under these OS. p.s. I shouldn't say this and maybe it will sound incorrectly, but Windows Vista contains too many problems, unfortunately. This one problem with PicturesToExe is only a drop in a ocean of other problems with other programs. Personally I can't use it at my home and work PCs because of various problems and very slow work. Windows Vista has a very good potential and ideas, but they changed too much in short time without enough beta-testing.
  24. tcg, Try to create windowed slideshow (not fullscreen). See Project options | Screen tab. Will this slideshow play fine on Windows Vista?
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