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Everything posted by Igor

  1. It should works with default settings. "Pause when window of slideshow becomes inactive" option should be enabled in your project.
  2. Thanks, I'm already thinking about next version 5.1, I plan to begin the work soon.
  3. Across The Stars I watched thunderstorm today and I've did several photos. Then I decided to combine clouds with cosmic photography I've found on Hubble Space Telescope website. Just an experiment, a short slideshow. http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/Across_The_Stars.zip (4 MB) And infinite screensaver on this theme: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/Across_The...Screensaver.zip (900 KB)
  4. I will be on vacation next two weeks or so. Probably I will respond only on highy important problems.
  5. This problem may occurs only with main program of PicturesToExe 4 or 5 (not with slide shows). It's a conflict of reg. keys protection in PicturesToExe and Vista. But this problem may happens only if you enabled "DEP" option for all programs in Windows Vista. When you install PicturesToExe 5 it should warns you about this problem. Please read it to solve this problem: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/windows-vista.html
  6. Keith, Please remind me what video card you have in your PC and version of Windows. Please send me source files of this project. Do you can reproduce this problem when re-build EXE file, or it's necessary to restart Windows?
  7. Press-release. WnSoft Announces PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0 http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/press-release/pte-50.html
  8. Al, Thank you for your PTE-5 Adjustor!
  9. PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0 requires DirectX 8.1 or higher to use hardware accelerated graphics. But it should work even with DirectX 6.1 (without hardware acceleration of graphics). Music player in PTE 5.0 requires DirectX 6.1 or higher. I tested on newly installed Windows 98 without updates and PTE worked. Maybe it's local conflict with particular sound card. I'm glad that updating of DirectX helped. Windows XP ships with embedded DirectX 8.1 and it's quite enough for PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0
  10. The benefits of version 5.0 in comparison with old versions even if you don't use Pan/Zoom effects. 1) On PC with modern video card you get: - Ideally smooth Fade in/out effect. 60-100 frames per seconds according refresh rate of your display. Old version even on modern PCs couldn't show more than 40-60 frames per second. And difference will be more noticeable on high resolution displays (1920x1200, for example). - You can set wide smoothing line (50% of slide width, for example) for Circle, Slide, Gates, Hour Hand effects. Old version can't manage these effects with smooth playback on values more than 200 pixels. - Curling of page effect works ideally smooth now. - Show of transition effects exactly synchronized with display (so called Vsync mode). It gives ideally smooth playback even for simple transition effects. 2) Benefits for your slideshows available for any PC: - Powerful text captions and objects with drop shadow or glow. - Proportionally scalable objects of a slide (independent from screen resolution) - PNG images support. - Better quality of music, especially under Windows Vista. - New cool Navigation bar in slide shows. - Seven skins for buttons for your slide shows. 3) Benefits in main program of PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0: - Burning of DVD-Video discs with your slide shows right in PicturesToExe. - New vastly improved editor of objects and animation. - File tree in the main window of PicturesToExe will help to find images for your slide shows. - Ability to quickly create backup of your project (Main menu | File | Create backup in ZIP) - Undo/Redo - Better support of Windows Vista. - HD presets in AVI video output. - Base version of PicturesToExe 5.0 is free for all existing users of PicturesToExe (excluding VideoBuilder for burning DVD-Video discs). - The program still starts very quickly, fast work of the program and very small size of created slide show (270 KB for slide show engine). And additionally you can use Pan/Zoom effects with ideally smooth playback and sharpness of picture as no other product can't.
  11. Don, I'm sorry about this problem! We tested on Windows 98 and slide show worked on our PCs. Please download these two EXE files I just created, how they will play under your PC with Windows 98: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/Win98_test1.zip (1.7 MB) p.s. Try to uncheck "Pause when window of slideshow becomes inactive" in Main tab of Project options. Will it help? Thanks in advance,
  12. Fred, You don't see Fade effect when hardware acceleration enabled in beta 13. Because of this we disable hardware acceleration on G550 card with this version of drivers. Keith, Use "Hardware acceleration" option for all projects except of menu slide show to run other slide shows (as Lin Evans described in another topic).
  13. Thank you! I confirm this bug and will fix it later. We attentively tested very complex engine (8 parallel threads/processes which manage graphics and audio in a slide show), but skipped such simple bugs!
  14. This "% of the screen to show slideshow" option a little modified, but exists:
  15. Moelwyn, Thank you, we fixed this bug with shadow you wrote about: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe.zip (4 MB) It could happens with shadow for JPEG images in slide show when "Hardware acceleration" option disabled and there were portrait and landscape images with similar size (800x600 and 600x800) and same shadow parameters. I'm guessing, speaking synchronize slides to music you mean ending of a last slide with end of a music? if yes, just set checked "Auto spread slides along music" option in Customize synchronization window (by "Timeline" button). Patrick, Try final release, transition effects much speeded up (except of Mosaic) in comparison with latest Beta 19.
  16. I just uploaded updated build 5.01 http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe.zip (4 MB) * Fixed bug with incorrect size of shadow for JPEG images in slide show when "Hardware acceleration" option disabled. * Fixed bug when Distance of shadow for a button object changes according length of caption. * Fixed bug with earlier appearing of a next slide where set "Quick transition" when "Hardware acceleration" option disabled. I apologize that we missed these moments in final release.
  17. Fred, Do you see transition effects between slides? Fade effect, for example.
  18. Fred, If you want, I can give you URL on old Matrox drivers (issued in 2002 for Windows XP) for G550 where all worked fine. I don't know why after 2003 year they disabled some important features of Direct 3D. We have G550 card at our office and I only can wonder. Matrox didn't reply on our request about this problem.
  19. New versions of drivers for Matrox G550 don't support import kind of textures for slide show. So in earlier betas transition effects didn't work (worked as quick transition). Now we read capabilities of video card and if it doesn't support such textures, we sets second CPU based graphical engine. In fact Matrox G550 doesn't correctly support DirectX and Direct 3D. We can't allow partial work of Matrox G550 in hardware accelerated mode when some things work and some don't work. I'm sorry.
  20. Thank you! p.s. I unpined old "Bug-reports 5.0 beta" topic not because version 5.0 doesn't contain possible bugs But as I hope we could miss small number of bugs after beta-testing and no need in special topic. Let put bug-reports in individual topics.
  21. Since final release of version 5.0 all future versions will install separately. Like "PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0", "PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.1", and etc. You can uninstall all previous versions/betas. If uninstaller will ask "Keep personal files (templates)..." click YES button.
  22. Ken, They already bought Deluxe version in beta state and can use final version!
  23. User who bought previous versions of PicturesToExe can continue to use for free version 5.0 except of VideoBuilder. if they want to use VideoBuilder and burn DVD-Video discs, they have to pay for upgrade $20.
  24. Please send all project in ZIP archive (in main menu | File | Create backup in ZIP archive) I just sent you PM message with details.
  25. Dear friends! We're glad to present PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0 http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe.zip (4 MB) Build 5.04 Updated: October 12, 2007 We're very grateful to all people who helped us during two years of development of version 5.0. Thank you for your new ideas, advices and bug-reports - all it made better PicturesToExe! I will happy to continue our common work for the next versions. Key features of version 5.0 - New graphical engine which uses all power of your video card. - Burning of DVD-Video disc with your slide shows right in PicturesToExe. - Pan/Zoom/Rotate effects in real-time with high quality. Sharp picture and smooth animation. Special option "Perspective correction for Zoom" to reach natural looking zooming. - Completely new editor of objects and animation. Proportionally scalable objects. Improved Text objects, drop shadow or glow can be applied for any object. Seven skins for Button objects. - New cool view of Navigation bar. - Tree of folders in main window of PicturesToExe. - PNG images support. - Improved quality of music player. - Improved support of Windows Vista (in main program of PicturesToExe). - Undo/Redo feature. Example of slide show created in PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0: http://wnsoft.com/apr/show/PteShow.zip (8 MB) And many other slide shows: http://wnsoft.com/download.htm Base version of PicturesToExe 5.0 is free for all existing registered users. If you want to burn DVD-Video discs you have to pay $20 for Upgrade to Deluxe edition: https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsel...e%20to%20Deluxe Full list of new features in version 5.0: + New Visual editor where you can add Pan/Zoom/Rotate effect. See "Objects and Animation" button (Ctrl+ on the main window. > Added "Drop Shadow and Glow" option for objects (see Objects and Animation window). > Added "Diagonal" style for Rectangle objects. > Added alpha parameter to color of Rectangle objects. You can set alpha 255 for one side and 0 for another side and make partially semi-transparent rectangle. > Added "Perspective correction for Zoom" option for objects. See "Objects and animation" window. With this option enabled we simulate true movement of a camera to an object. > You can adjust any non-linear speed for Pan/Zoom/Rotate effects for objects. + Added Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) features. See Main menu | Project | Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y). + Transition effects: + All transition effects work much more smooth with new graphical engine, especially "Curling of page" + You can change center of appearance for "Circle" effect. + Improved Navigation bar. > New Navigation bar themes. > Fade in/out effects. > New parameters. > Added support of skins. You can add any images of buttons and background, Navigation bar can be semi-transparent and has a shadow. See folder "NavBar" in PicturesToExe's folder. Just add new folder to create new style of Navigation bar. + Added tree of folders to main window. See Main Menu | View | Show tree (Ctrl+G) + Added support of PNG images files (including PNG with partial semi-transparency). + You can quickly remove slide(s) from Slide list simply dragging them back to File list. + You can quickly press Enter to show "Customize slide" window for selected slide(s). + Main image of a slide can be transparent GIF or transparent PNG now. + Added new function to Main menu | File. "Create backup in ZIP" which compress all files of your project into one ZIP archive. It can be useful for moving project to another PC. + Vastly improved speed of work of PicturesToExe's main window. Instant response now. Especially when you work with 1000 or more slides in the Slide list. + Added new style of background image of a slide: "Fit to screen". + New view of color dialog. + Added option "Keep slide aspect ratio" (1,3333 by default) to correctly draw slide + Added "Scale keypoints in objects (on time change)" option in properties of a slide, "Main" tab. This option useful if you have complex animation (with several keypoints) and you need to change slide time from 4 seconds to 12 seconds, for example. + AVI video output window: + Added "Anti-flicker filter" which is turned on by default. + Added "HD-1080" mode. If you slideshow has 4:3 aspect ratio it produces 1440x1080, if 16:9 then 1920x1080 + Added "HD-720 progressive, 50/60 frames" mode. + Fully rewritten music player and improved quality of sound. + Vastly improved quality of video output (AVI, DVD and HDTV). + Ability to insert comment or description from EXIF info of JPEG images. See Project options | Comments tab | "Set comments for all slides as" | "Display EXIF". on various displays (usual 4:3 and wide screen). See Project options | Screen tab. + Added compatibility of main interface of PicturesToExe with Large font (120 dpi) mode of Windows. + Main interface of PicturesToExe supports "Clear type" font mode of Windows XP. + Various improvements in File list in the main window. + You can customize double click in the Slide list: show Slide window or Objects and animation window. See main menu | View | Advanced options. + Enlarged size of preview area in "Customize synchronization" window. + Added text macros. + New "About PicturesToExe" window. + New Welcome Screen. + Added "Loop this slide", "Pause at the end of this slide", "No actions after this slide" options in properties of a slide, "Main" tab. + New drive bar (in main window). + You can create screensaver from any EXE file with slide show which created in v5.00 or later. Just rename SlideShow.exe to SlideShow.scr + New drive bar (in main window). + Added "Pause when window of slide show becomes inactive" option (Project options | Main tab). + Added global option "Allow modification of EXE file with slide show" (Main menu | View | Advanced). This option disabled (by default) and if EXE file with slide show damaged or infected, it will warn that slide show damaged and will not run. When this option enabled, you can use EXE packer/crypors to pack or additionally protect EXE file. + Added compatibility of main application of PicturesToExe with Windows Vista. + Added compatibility of main application of PicturesToExe with restricted user accounts in Windows. + Improved installer. Updated build 5.01 * Fixed bug with incorrect size of shadow for JPEG images in slide show when "Hardware acceleration" option disabled. * Fixed bug when Distance of shadow for a button object changes according length of caption. * Fixed bug with earlier appearing of a next slide where set "Quick transition" when "Hardware acceleration" option disabled. Updated build 5.02 + Updated Polish language file. * Duration value didn't show on the status bar when you visually changed duration of a transition effect on the timeline. * Fixed rare bug of previous versions when "Select all images" action in popup menu not always worked for the File list. Updated build 5.03: + Creating of ISO image of DVD disc in VideoBuilder works much faster now. In 10x faster. * Fixed bug under old Windows 95/98/Me in the slideshow engine. When Help window, or startup screen adjusted without an image appeared, slideshow crashed. * Fixed bug when startup screen with an image could be larger than current screen resolution (for example, if you used huge 3500x2200 image). Updated build 5.04: + Added link to Complete User Guide for PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0 (By Lin Evans and Jeff Evans (Appendix G By Ray Waddington) (127 pages, PDF file, 7 MB) to Help file. http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/PicturesToExe_v5...erManual_en.pdf * PicturesToExe didn't support 8-bit grayscale PNG images with alpha channel. The problem fixed now.
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