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Everything posted by Igor

  1. DirectX performs automatical management of video memory. If slide contains 89 MB of images and your video is only 64 MB it will continuously load/unload images from video memory to system memory and back again (even during rendering of an one frame). This reason of slow work when video memory smaller than images. Also more modern video card much more quickly load images to video memory from system memory. For example, on ATI Radeon 9600 that slideshow you've described starts within several seconds.
  2. John, I prepared special test version: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/pte500_b6_RC2.zip please download it and unpack to a new folder. Run apr.exe file. Try how Preview works now. If it will show text message on Preview, please inform me about exact text.
  3. This problem happens because of damaged MP3 music file. At ~2:38 position it has several damaged parts and our music player unfortunately falls when try to play it. In the future we'll try to prevent this falling, but however you'll hear two sound "clicks". WinAmp, Media Player also plays this file with sound "clicks". No problem with correct MP3 file. I recommend you to grab this audio track again from CD disc using exellent and free "Exact Audio Copy" program.
  4. Thank you, I just reproduced this problem with your .EXE file on my PC.
  5. I think it's a combination of some parameters in this particular slide show caused this problem. If you can send us this .exe file, we'll quickly find and solved reason of this bug.
  6. Please never use GIF transparent images, especially for text labels. It gives various visual problems and artefacts. Also GIF image doesn't have alpha channel and it's a reason of possible visual artefacts on edges when image enlarged on the screen. It's hard to explain all related problems, but no reason to use GIF anymore. Anyway PicturesToExe converts GIF and PNG to our own lossless compressed format. This format has alpha channel, file size as PNG and loads in two times faster than PNG and in three times faster than GIF.
  7. Sorry, we have no plans about creating of native EXE files for Windows Mobile platform. It's a very hard work. And all continuously vastly changes on this platform with every new version of Windows Mobile. But I think that even WMV 640x480 looks and plays very well on Pocket PC and has small file size.
  8. Yes, I'll try to do it.
  9. Ok, it explains appearance of this error message Just we're working on the next beta 6 and this intermediate build is not fully completed and tested as for beta. Please use beta 5. I wrote that I prepared this build for checking of two problems.
  10. Jill, Thanks! We'll fix that small bug with times of files in ZIP archive in the next beta. Peter, Microsoft requires to keep all settings and user files in Documents & Settings folder. Especially it's important in Windows Vista. Because of this we use this new path by default now. But, of course, you can change it. Dominique, Of course, you can ask for new features for the next versions, I'll add record to my TODO list. Yes, I remember about this important question! I'll try to reply soon. About preview and selected slide. I think it can be realized. But only when you run preview from main window of PicturesToExe. If you started preview from Objects and Animation window it will keep same slide. I've added your idea to our TODO list! Probably already in the next betas. And I think it should be realized as option if somebody prefer old behaviour of PicturesToExe. p.s. we're almost finished second CPU based graphical engine (like in v4.48).
  11. Nettleton, Thank you for letting me know about this problem! But please don't worry, it will not appear again in the next betas. It's our quality-test. 1) Does it appear when you closed main program of PicturesToExe or after closing slide show? 2) You have beta 5 installed or latest test pre-beta 6 I posted on the forum several days ago?
  12. Steve, Thanks for good news! p.s. I remember that I have to answer on your letters you've sent me. Sorry for the delay!
  13. Dominique, We're very pleased to see so complex usage of various effects of v5.00 !
  14. Steve, We fixed one problem with time on last slide (this slideshow contains one slide only). Please try with this beta: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/pte500_b6_pre1.zip
  15. Ken, Please excuse me! I'm still working on several problems simultaneously and unfortunately my email box contains 28 unanswered letters. I'll try to reply you ASAP! Please don't worry, I'll reply on all emails and every problem will be solved. I very appreciate all your help. p.s. on past week I found that SpamPal program blocked many useful letters, so I uninstalled it and manually checked up all folder with blocked letters.
  16. I think it is visual problem because of parameters. It's a really hard work to create such complex animation! By the way, I found that if add other slide(s) after this one, or set "Repeat slideshow" mode, your animation also will work as you wish. Because in this case slide time becomes longer on duration of transition effect a you see on the timeline in the editor. And it seems that it was necessary correction for values of last lap.
  17. Thank you!
  18. Al, Bug with line in Push effect is another problem and we already fixed it. Solution of this our bug will be in the next beta 6. I already posted test build in another topic. But above mentioned two problems more complex and difficult. NVIDIA and ATI allow to change some global parameters for all 3D application and it brings additional headache. But for these two problems we've found excellent solution today and it will be fully solved.
  19. Ron, Sorry, we did stupid mistake. All should works now. Thanks! Please download again file and check up again for those problems you've described.
  20. Lin, Yes, I confirm this visual problem. But we found, values of "venus" object are not equal on second lap as were on first lap at same places. Probably you did a mistake in copying values? I a little modified your porject: removed second lap and duplicated slide: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/venus_Aug28-2006_17-31-37.zip and animation may continue so long as you wish. p.s. we plan to add auto cycling in next versions of PicturesToExe to make continuous animation so long as you wish.
  21. I displayed Position (Time) as in Customize synchronization window. Almost exactly same view and interface. I hope the problem is solved now.
  22. Ron, Please try this new test beta: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/pte500_b6_pre1.zip Unpack to a new folder and run apr.exe file Now slideshow will work when "Use music" unchecked. Thanks that your found this problem! p.s. please don't use it as main beta, because it's not fully ready.
  23. Cor, please write me to int_support@ [antispam] wnsoft.com We'll include latest version of the language file to the next beta of v5.00
  24. Thanks, we're working now on solving this problem.
  25. Yes, it is exactly same problem - horizontal or vertical thin line It's not our bug, as I've found today, but I have to to find some solution for it. Please remind me: 1) What video card you have installed? 2) Do you have one or two displays connected?
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