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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Why you changed this value? I'm really interesting. I consider that it's dangerous option (may give unexpected results). Fortunately all such options are removed at all in Windows Vista.
  2. No, we did it specially to make more reliable code of effects. Because if allows Quick transition in global effects, a duration of transition effect will vary (because this effect has no duration at all). But if you need to globally set Quick transition for all slides, just uncheck "Enable transition effects" option.
  3. Ron, Thank you, I confirm this bug. It will be fixed in the next beta 6.
  4. Dominique, Your sample project works fine on my PC. But probably I'll fix this problem you've described soon, right now I'm working on more exact timer counter.
  5. Dominique, About problem with angle like -0,5° you've found. A very funny bug! Thank you, we just fixed it. We plan to add text objects and "Run external application" function in the next betas. Currently we're working on finalizing of music modes/synchronization and second CPU based graphical engine. I understand that you need these functions and we'll try to implement them ASAP. We'll try to realize it in next betas.New Navigation bar will appear soon in beta #7 or so.
  6. If you set 30 days it means individual 30 days for every PC. So it will work on another PC. But if you set up to some date, slide show will not work on all PCs when expired.
  7. Limitation for 30 days starts when EXE file started first time on particular PC. After 30 days when user see messages that it doesn't work more, this slide show will not work any more even if sets more earlier date in Windows. But, of course, you know that there is no absolute protection. And experienced programmer/hacker may breaks any protection.
  8. I'm sorry about this problem! I asked my colleague to send you again the registration key several hours ago. Let me know if it still didn't arrive. I'm at home now and can't open your first emails. Please say me your Order ID and I'll try to manually send you the key. Our registration system sends email with the registration key during several minutes after an order. But some email programs, mail severs of ISP, or antispam program/filters lock attachment and this letter arrives broken.
  9. John, Please send me .pte project file of this project, it will help me to find and fix this problem. Also try latest beta 5, probably it may helps.
  10. Dominique, I'll reply on your letter tomorrow!
  11. Thanks! p.s. Jean-Pierre, please say me, did you receive my reply on your questions about lines/PNG/GIF in objects?
  12. PicturesToExe v5.00 beta #5 http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr_beta.zip (1.5 MB) Also available at http://www.guru.to.it/en/downl_e.htm (server in France). Page en français: http://www.guru.to.it/fr/downl_f.htm Pagina in italiano: http://www.guru.to.it/it/downl_i.htm Notes: You can point center of "Circle" effect. It gives interesting variations! See http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/CircleVariations.zip (700 KB) Vastly improved view of "Hour hand" transition effect. What's new in beta #5: + All transition effects are re-activated now: - "Hour hand". - "Advanced Hour hand". - "Mosaic". - "Rhombus". - "Rectangle". - "Page" (diagonal). - "Gates" (diagonal). - "Push". - "Slide". + You can change center of appearance for "Circle" effect. + Re-activated again time limited usage functions (password query, date trial) + Re-activated again Help window by F1 key. + Re-activated again startup window (Project options | Main tab). + Some minor improvements. * Fixed bug with adding PNG/BMP/GIF images with some symbols in filename.
  13. John, I still can't reproduce this problem. As I've understood you have 1400 x 1050 display resolution. Before future tests, please save copy of this project to be able reproduce this problem. 1) What aspect ratio you choosed 4:3 or by default (no changes)? 2) Do you set "Background color" and black or "Tiled background picture"? 3) Please send me .pte project file of your slide show. int_support@ [nospam] wnsoft.com (remove [nospam] and empty spaces) Thanks in advance!
  14. When you encode DVD or HD-DVD/Blue-Ray with Progressive mode (30 FPS) motion effects look not enough smooth. You need to set Interlaced mode, in this case it will give 60 half-frames in 30 FPS which will be decoded to 60 FPS on TV.
  15. Al, I forgot to say, I'll add option (to Project options | Screen) to force use of software graphical engine for created slideshow. In this case new hardware accelerated engine will not be used at all. It may be useful if you will create slide show with Dissolving effect only. Brian, I would suggest a little another idea - PTE will ask author before *first creating* of EXE file what graphical engine he prefers.
  16. 1) Please try with another smaller images, for example, 1024x768 2) Create special slide without image - add Rectangle object. Will you see same problem? (All other settings/parameters without changes.)
  17. Please don't worry about versions of DirectX, video memory and etc. Now we're almost finished re-working of old CPU based graphical engine from v4.48 to v5.00 If slide show doesn't detect enough video card with at least 32 MB of video memory and DirectX 8.1 or higher, slide show will automatically use that second CPU based graphical engine. No error messages, of course. You even don't notice delay - slide show will start within 1 second as usually. - If you have simple Fade, Circle and other effects and no Pan/Zoom effects. Your slide show created in v5.00 will work on any PCs as you earlier created slide show in v4.48 - If you created slide show with Pan/Zoom effects and various animation, and slideshow started on PC with old video card, or old version of DirectX slide show also will work without any errors. But obviously animation effects will work not enough smooth without hardware acceleration. All this will appears in late betas of v5.00 before final release. p.s. by the way, we require DirectX 8.1 and higher. This DirectX version already exists on ALL Windows XP based PCs during paste 5 years.
  18. John, I didn't hear about this problem, please tell me in more details. 1) Where exactly it appears, if possible make screenshot (by PrintScr key and then paste in graphical editor) 2) Slides with Pan/Zoom effects or not? 3) What particular transition effects used or it happens with any effect (Fade, Circle, Curling of page) Do you see this problem in my PteShow demo: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/PteShow.zip
  19. Thank you for send me project files! But I still can't reproduce this problem. 1) Do you see these artefacts (line on picture) on AVI file if open it in Media Player? 2) If problem still exists please try to set another AVI resolution, e.g. 1024x768, will the problem visible here? 3) Try with previous PicturesToExe v4.48 will same problem occur? 4) Please also let me know: - What video card you have? - Screen resolution. - Version of Windows.
  20. Ideal variant for laptop: NVIDIA (5700, 5900, 6600, 6800, 7600, 7800) or ATI (9600, 9700, 9800, X600, X700, X800, X1600, X1800) video card with own 128 MB of video memory (not shared memory). Usually weight of such laptop is 2-3 kg. Or almost good solution: NVIDIA 6400, 7400/ ATI X300, X1300 with shared video memory. Weight: 1-1.9 kg. It better to take some example of slide show, for example this, and try on several laptops: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/PteShow.zip
  21. OGG/WMA temporarily are not supported by current beta version. Please wait for the nearest beta releases.
  22. bfreas, Interesting problem! 1) What exact size in pixels of these images? 2) As I've understood it is static image and no transition effects at that moment? 3) Did you render AVI for DVD-Video and choosed PAL/NTSC? 4) If it possible please send this project and photos to me - Save As your project with another name, leave only these one-two slides, remove music and call "Create backup in ZIP" (Main menu | File). My email address is int_support@ [nospam] wnsoft.com (remove [nospam] and empty space, please)
  23. Ray, 1) Yes 2) I'll rework this moment. 3) I just checked up. For HD-1080 or custom 1920x1080 if you choose Progressive, it's absolutely Progressive video. You can easily check this moment, add fast moving of image to black screen and set Interlaced - you see interlaced lines on image. Andrew, It's very difficult to calculate right sizes, because of hierarchical system of objects and animation. But as I wrote we found another solution which will give almost same result.
  24. Al, Sorry that I still didn't reply, but I'm thinking about this problem since winter and I hope to discuss with you this problem tomorrow. I'll prepare couple possible solutions with illustrations.
  25. OK, I'll think about copying/pasting objects! About borders of images. Please show me screenshot to illustrate your question. If I understood rightly, you means placement of many small objects as entire image without holes. It's difficult task in Direct 3D we use, and as "Curling of page" shows, PicturesToExe should know that they are one big object and then tell Direct 3D to draw them together at one pass. v5.00 is only beginning and we plan a lot of improvements and many features for creative work like yours. Thank you for very interesting demonstration of possible effects!
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