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Robert, We plan to use improvement realized in PteShow_H variant for beta #3. So it will vastly help and antivirus/some other programs in working in background will not disturb to work of slide-show. Question. Try to wait for second loop of PteShow_H variant (when first slide will be shown again). Will at this second loop stutters occur? Try to install latest drivers from NVIDIA web site - www.nvidia.com
Thanks for sending me project files! With "Hold time points" enabled, Slide list works exactly as in v4.48 with "Synchronize slideshow to music". If you insert new slide in Slide list, all keypoints on timeline will be hold. In this mode, you need in exact synchronization of slides to music, slides can be any, but they must be exactly shown at specified time on the timeline. Without "Holf time points", Slide list works as usual non-synchronized project in v4.48. As you noticed, inserted slide to Slide list, will has globally set value. So two modes work with Slide list. In fact all slide-shows in v5.00 always synchronized (it's necessary because of Pan/Zoom effects), but authors need to have two options: - Exact time points locked on the timeline - primary goal. Any slides, not particular, but with exactly synchronized to some moments in music. (Sorting of such slides in the Slide list will not affect to keypoints on the Timeline) - And when every particular slide should be shown specified duration (e.g. 4 seconds) For author no difference - they can be shown in any order, but every slide with specified duration. (Sorting of such slides will affect on keypoints, but duration of every slide will be same.) p.s. specially for fast show of slides (simulation of video) when every slide should be shown and not skipped we'll add special option.
In fact, motion paths already exists in the code of v5.00, but it's much more difficult to realize them in Visual editor. So I think this feature will be available in v5.1
Robert, I have idea and suggestion: 1) First of all, please compare two variants of PteShow demo on that PC: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/PteShow_H.zip http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/PteShow.zip (as I wrote earlier probably we'll find solution even for highly loaded PCs) 2) After this, start Task Manager, choose second "Processes" tab and look at "CPU" column, which program will cause such high CPU loading?
This error with timeline will be fixed in the next beta #3. Try to use 2x2 JPEG image or 1x1 BMP.
Dave, Please create this test project and did all steps (except of inserting new slide on last step). Save it and send to me. Will this problem occurs if you close/start PTE with this project and try to do this last step? p.s. I just sent you personal message via forum.
Dave, Thank you for your patience in explanation me! I believe that it should be some bug in current beta. But I a little don't understand "Slide 1: Change time to 30 seconds and add keypoints at zero 1.5 seconds and 30 seconds." instruction. Please say me do have enabled option "Auto adding of new transition points for new slide" ("Customize Synchronization" window, menu via "View" button) ? May I suggest you to create video record? Please download free Microsoft Media Encoder program: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsme...er/default.mspx (9 MB) It will ask you what you want to do and choose "Capture screen", select "Specific window" (PicturesToExe should be already started) and choose PicturesToExe from a list. Now start record and reproduce all steps you described me. Then send produced (about 2 MB) file to me int_support (replace to @) wnsoft.com Thanks in advance!
I recently fixed this my stupid bug in v5.00. Please wait for beta #3
Lin, We plan to add special option which will solve better flickering on some images with sharp details from very small to large zooming.
Peter, Music is not synchronized in v5.00 beta #2 yet. So music always starts from beginning. About problem with "Preview from a slide" in v4.4x. This function doesn't work if you have synchronized slide-show, but not all slides have keypoints on the timeline. Please try to start new project, add several slides and try again. I'm sure that all will work. p.s. PicturesToExe v5.00 beta #2 installs to separate folders, creates own program group in Start menu, doesn't associates with .pte files and should bother to work of previous versions.
thedom, Thank you, I reproduced both problems! 1) This green circle will appear on all video cards. In fact last right-bottom pixel becames transparent if you have "Edge antialiasing" option disabled. We'll try to solve it in the next beta-versions. Solution: in you case it better to add Rectange object which also save memory on video card. Or if you prefer to use image, add more large image. 2) The problem with horizontal line also will happens on all video cards. It's our bug with aspect ratio. Please read here: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....opic=4413&st=40 We'll fix this bug in beta #3 As temporal solution set another aspect ratio, for example, try 1.7
Dave, I still can't understand this problem. - With "Hold time points" option enabled, Slide list work as with synchronized mode in v4.48 If you insert new slides, keypoints on the timeline will not be moved. - With "Hold time points" option disabled, Slide list work as with not synchronized mode in v4.48 In this case inserting of new slides or sorting of existed slide will cause sorting of keypoints, too. If you can give me detailed step by step description how to reproduce this situation it will help me.
Hold Shift pressed to drag center point of an object.
Jeff, OK, let try again to reproduce this situation. If it's a bug, it will be quickly solved! - I start new project ("Hold time points" option is disabled) - Add 3 slides - Select all three slides, click "Customize slide" button and set 10 seconds - I open timeline and see that my project is 30 seconds, and equal 10 sec. intervals. Variant 1 (in Timeline window): I set cursor at 5 second's position (between first and second slides) and press "Insert Slide" button. So first slide will has 5 seconds, 2nd - 5 seconds, 3rd - 10 seconds and 4th - 10 seconds. Totally - 30 seconds Variant 2 (main window): I will insert new image in Slide list. I drag new image to between first and second slides. And same result as described above.
Just to don't limit creator of a slide-show. It's as workplace.
John, Anyway unfortunately Microsoft didn't provide support of color profiles in DirectX at all. No modern or future video cards support it. I didn't hear about this feature in the next version of DirectX 10. I appreciate your wish for exactness of color and care about them, I also spent much time for fine calibration of my projector.
Barry, No problem We plan to include the next features to beta #3 (probably on this week) - Synchronized music - Listing of slides (forward/backward). - Close on show end. - "Curling of page" effect (probably). - Various small improvements in Visual editor. - Fixing of several bugs. - Potentially more reliable work of slide-show.
John, It's not simple question. Probably my knowledge wrong, but because almost all output devices (displays, projectors) have sRGB format it is enough to have global color profile installed in Windows for particular display. Also Direct3D (and even modern videocards) which we use in the new graphical engine doesn't support color management for individual images. And it better to use Photoshop to convert each image to sRGB format.
Hold Shift key pressed and try to resize an object (without proportions). Jeff, Global time Yes, you're right. Because of animation. But I added special button "Set for existing slides". Type as usually new global time and press this button ("Main" tab in Project options). Also newly added slides use this value by default. Visual editor Please attach a screenshot to illustrate your question. I'm not sure that I've understood rightly. This additional space maybe useful to locate some objects outside of the screen before their appearing. I forgot to asnwer on one recent question. The button ">" near to Undo button is for Redo function. Undo and Redo - two buttons.
Dave, If you set "Hold time points" option enabled (look at right-bottom part of the main window) keypoints will be hold when you insert new slide(s) to the middle of existed slides via Slide list. Please send me such PNG image (int_support _A_ wnsoft.com). Maybe problem in incorrect alpha channel of this PNG image. Did you seen sources files of my PteShow demo? It has no problem with PNG images with semi-translucency and smooth edges.
Thanks! It's our simple mistake in rounding of a number when we calculate aspect ratio.
I also noticed short appearing of thin white line. Most likely it's a bug in system of calculation of aspect ratio. Not depended on video card. Our mistake only. Thank you that you found it. Will fix it in the next beta!
Andrew, Excuse me for the delay with replying on your question. Yes, exact synchronization will be implemented in v5.00 so well as in previous versions of PicturesToExe. Currently in beta #2 music is not synchronized and divergence varies on different PCs (1 sec or 4 seconds - it depends on speed of CPU and large or small images). Next beta #3 will has absolutely exact synchronization. I would explain why current beta so limited. Our strategy - develop program by parts and carefully polish all parts independently. You see that although beta #2 has a small number of functions, they work very well. If we add all functions at once, we will never able to find reasons of many bugs and problems.
Bill, How "PteShow" example works on your laptop? http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/PteShow.zip
Text objects will be available in the next beta versions, of course. With same Pan/Zoom/Rotate effects. p.s. we almost finished beta #3. We couldn't show new beta earlier because we worked on vast improvement of graphical engine. For potentially more reliable work in various situations. Also antiviruses will not disturb to work of slide-shows anymore. And we spent additional time for testing under Windows Vista (beta). All worked fine.