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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Thanks, Ron! I know now exactly that problem happens when we run EXE file from temp folder (for preview). It's very interesting. Try newest beta #2 and please let me know exact information you'll see in message boxes (during Preview): http://www.wnsoft.com/test/pte446b2.zip
  2. So my utility shows correct length for my 1.mp3 file and always "0 ms." for your MP3 files? 1) Please send me to int_support (replace to @) wnsoft.com one of your MP3 file. 2) Download and try this slide-show I've created: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/v445_Per_aspera_ad_astra.zip Will the music plays?
  3. Al, Ron, I finally found that we have two problems with sound in PTE: 1) Music in Preview doesn't play on your PC. We're very near to solve this problem. 2) And another problem on PC of Slee (Shik Lee) - PTE can't calculate length of music file. Please download this v4.46 beta #1: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/pte446b1.zip (Unpack it to a new folder and run apr.exe file) Please check up how music will play in Preview?
  4. Al, Please download special v4.45A: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/pte445A.zip and unpack to some new folder. Run apr.exe file and please make sure that you really started this special version - the caption of main window should shows v4.45A. Over file panel you'll find 3 buttons - "Preview 1", "Preview 2" and "Preview 3". Please open some project where you experienced problem with music during preview. 1) Press "Preview 1" button. Please let me know will you hear music now during preview? 2) Press "Preview 2" button. In this case will the music plays during preview? 3) Press "Preview 3" button. In this case will the music plays during preview?
  5. Shik, Please download this utility I've prepared: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/ShowLength.exe 1) Press "Open file and play" button. After it show duration of MP3 file, it should start playback. Close this utility. 2) Start again this utility. Press "Play" button. Music should plays. Please let me know about two results. 3) If you see "Lendth: 0 ms." message and music doesn't play, please try with my MP3 file. Download it here: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/1.mp3 (1.6 MB) (Right mouse click on the URL and choose "Save target as")
  6. Al, Thanks, I've received your file. It plays fine. 1) But how this preview.exe file plays on your PC being located in C:\ptemusic folder? 2) Another moment. You wrote that created EXE file plays OK. Please visit main menu | File | and choose "Create SlideShow and Run" (Ctrl+F9) it will create EXE file and run it immediately. Please let me know will music plays in this case. (I apologize that this beta-testing is so difficult!)
  7. Al, Ok, perfect! 1) Please download this utility http://www.wnsoft.com/test/CopyPreview.exe 2) Open again this project and run preview (I know, without music yet). 3) Press Alt+Tab and (don't close this preview) run my new utility, press "Copy" button there. 4) You'll find new Preview.exe file in C:\ptemusic folder. Please send it to my email address.
  8. Bill, If you don't have problems with music described in this topic, most likely that you didn't unpack ZIP archive into disc C:\ I specially prepared two variants of EXE files - created with embedded pictures/music and EXE without pictures (as in Preview).
  9. Download this ZIP archive http://www.wnsoft.com/test/ptemusic.zip (3.8 MB) and extract to disc C:\ (After extracting there should be: C:\ptemusic folder with files inside). 1) Please run 4 EXE files you'll find inside. And let me know about result. (For example, ptemusic1.exe - OK. ptemusic_synced.exe - NO MUSIC) 2) If all four EXE file work, open ptemusic.pte project file (you will find it in this folder) in PicturesToExe and try to run Preview. Thank you all for testing and help!
  10. Re-download it again, please. The file should be uploaded now.
  11. I prepared new test. Please download again this file http://www.wnsoft.com/test/ShowLength.exe 1) Press "Open file and play" button. After it show duration of MP3 file, it should start playback. Close this utility. 2) Start again this utility. Press "Play" button. Music should plays. Please let me know about two results.
  12. Al, Gilbert, 1) So when you press "Show Music Duration" button (Project options | Music tab) you always see "00:00" length and when you try to open timeline window you see the text "Please visit Music tab and add sound file"? 2) Please download this utility I've prepared, it will show duration of selected MP3 file. http://www.wnsoft.com/test/ShowLength.exe (400 KB) If it shows "Length: 0 ms.", it will help me to more exactly determine the problem.
  13. A terrific problem! Fullscreen preview button in fact just same EXE file which doesn't include embedded music/pictures, but plays/shows original files. Al, The only additional thing that I'd want to exactly learn. Does this problem happen with ALL MP3 files or only with PARTICULAR MP3 file? For example, please try with my "1.mp3" file (see the link above) and let me know about result. If it's possible, please send me to int_support(..replace..)wnsoft.com your .pte project file and MP3 file. p.s. I just thought, maybe MP3 file is locked by some program (sound editor, player?)? Try to make a copy of this MP3 file (with whom the problem occurs), place to another folder, and use it in the project instead of original MP3 file?
  14. Ron, Can you try with another MP3 file? For example this file: http://www.wnsoft.com/test/1.mp3 Also please run http://www.wnsoft.com/test/mdiapp.zip this small application (240 KB). Main menu | File | New | choose that MP3 file and let me know what length you'll see. Look at attached screenshot.
  15. Please read my topic with questions here http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4042
  16. Please read my topic with questions here http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4042
  17. I've read two topics where at least several users found problem with sound/music in PicturesToExe. Please can you help me with solving of this problem: 1) Please describe shortly your PC or laptop (CPU with one or dual core?), version of Windows and what sound card you have. 2) As I've understood "Duration button" (in Project options | Music tab) shows 00:00 empty length of added sound files? And 00:00 in the timeline window and warning when you try to press Preview button? 3) And problem occurs with WMA and MP3 files, too? 4) Please try with this MP3 file (192 kbit, 44 KHz): http://www.wnsoft.com/test/1.mp3 (1.6 MB) 5) What version of PTE you have installed - most likely - v4.45? 6) If problem occurs with newest v4.45, please download previous v4.44 here and try again: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/pte444.zip (1.5 MB) (Please make sure that you will work with v4.44 - check up the caption of the main window) 7) Try this example of slide-show, which I've created in PTE v4.45: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/v445_Per_aspera_ad_astra.zip (1.5 MB) p.s. I've checked up code of v4.45 several times - it shouldn't contains new errors - I very carefully change old code. And since June (v4.42) I've changed only one line of the code with not critical place in the music player. Anyway I'll try to solve this problem ASAP.
  18. Igor


    You are right, it's a very important feature and we added Undo/Redo to the next v5.00
  19. Alexander, Thanks for idea about time ruler. I thought about this moment a year ago. It could be added as possible view of timeline in the next versions (after v5.00). Alexander, Michel, In future v5.00 you can work with the timeline before adding of a soundtrack. p.s. v5.00 beta #1 can be ready at any moment, we tested all features and it works. I know we worked so long time. Only new Circle, Hour hand and other transition effects with smoothing line took 2 weeks to write difficult mathematical formulas. I'm guessing that Aleksey even will not understand own formulas - how this code works - after some time But now these effects can work simultaneously with Pan/Zoom/Rotate.
  20. I just sent you the key again. Please run (attached to the mail) file.
  21. Unfortunately, Aleksey, my colleague, said that it's difficult to fix it now. Probably he will find time to fix it, but currently he is very busy with new transition effects for v5.00 It's highest level of mathematics that v5.00 contains.
  22. I agree. Some users informed me about this moment, and in the next version 5.00 PTE will ask name of EXE file on "Create" button click after "Save as".
  23. You're right. I just reproduced this visual bug. We'll try to fix it ASAP.
  24. The main reason why we still use AsPack - reliability shown during over 6 years. I'm afraid to change something in this question if all works OK. I just checked UPX 1.93 and it created EXE file larger on 500 bytes than AsPack. With compression parameter "-9" UPX packs EXE file exactly as AsPack with "Max compression". Both - 248 KB (246 KB with normal compression). You can see that no difference and no reason to replace compressor. Maybe EXE files created in PTE v5.00 will be more compact that v4.xx. I hope on your understanding. p.s. If you need to create really small slide-shows, please use MIDI music and small JPEG images. Be aware that "Save as" in Photoshop adds additional 15-25 KB (!!) of EXIF data to each JPEG image, even if it could be only 30 KB! Use "Save for Web" instead of our PixBuilder Studio which also produces compact JPEG files. (Concerning "Save/Save as" in Photoshop, for example, one large slide-show, 30 MB of EXE file with 100 slides, may contains 1 MB of useless in slide-show EXIF data. And this slide-show could be reduced down to 29 MB without any losses in quality.)
  25. Just I forgot to remove this option from Project options in PTE v4.xx. Now slide-shows start immediately, and this option is not actual any more.
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