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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Invision wrote me: ------------------------------------- Apologies for the inconvenience, this should now be resolved. We are working to resolve the difficulties with this server ASAP. Thanks! Stewart Campbell Senior Technician & Conversions Specialist
  2. Stupid problem, really. Three years ago we had exactly same problem with wrong detecting of EXE created ONLY with PTE v4.30 with Norton Antivirus and Kaspersky Antivirus (as now problem with AVG). I wrote directly to Cris Kaspersky and to internal email of developers of Norton Antivirus and they quickly solved this false alarm. Now it seems that AVG took same earlier bases with this error... Here are letters of Norton Antivirus to Cris Kaspersky concering similar problem which happened 3 years ago:
  3. I just sent a letter to AVG. This problem occurs only with old slide-shows created in v4.30 And I think AVG will solve it very soon. If it possible, please send your response to AVG. Here is example of slide-show created in v4.30 which AVG MISTAKENLY marks as a "virus": htttp://www.wnsoft.com/test/PTE_v430_SlideShow.zip
  4. Yes, I remember similar problem with mistaken detecting with Norton Antivirus and Kaspersky Antivirus - they fixed that problem very soon.
  5. Ok, I'll contact to AVG to solve this problem ASAP.
  6. Tim, I'll send you email with special test version which will help us to find exact reason of this problem.
  7. What exact antivirus program you use? And date of last updating.
  8. Quote and other forum codes are working now.
  9. It should works now. p.s. currently Invision is solving the problem with incorrect displaying of quote.
  10. You can now upload avatars. Also I just sent new request to Invision about problem with forum codes, quotes.
  11. All problems with the forum should be resolved now. Please let me know if still something doesn't work.
  12. Some members still can not start new topic or reply. It happened because after upgrading of the forum. "Restrict posting indefinitely" option was added to all profiles automatically. This problem will be solved soon.
  13. We are very near to the first beta version. As I said earluer, we've finished the new main graphical engine. Currently we're working on code which manages slides and realize again all features in slide-show.
  14. Thank you for your patience! Invision staff already working on solving of all these temporal problems. We use Invision forum's engine and we use Invision web hosting for the forum and they performed upgrading of the forum. So I think the problem will be solved soon. Also I have full backup of the forum before upgrade. I never did this upgrade, but all highly recommended to do it because of possible safety moments of the old version of the forum.
  15. I'm sorry for temporal problem with access! We're updating the forum and all problems will be solved very soon. p.s. updating is very necessary because of old version of previous forum's engine and possible security moments.
  16. WnSoft PixBuilder Studio v1.10 http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...t=ST&f=5&t=3656
  17. During this week. You'll see a little improved view of the forum.
  18. We plan to install newest version of the forum, because current version is very old and we were informed about necessarity of a upgrade.
  19. I work in 800x600, but I always watch slide-shows in 1024x768
  20. New features: * Of course Pan/Zoom/Rotate and improved quality of all transition effects. * Unlimited "Undo/Redo" anywhere (Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y keys) * New Navigation bar (with ability to create fully own view and form) * Full PNG images support. * Main picture can be transparent. * Better support of Large font screen mode (main interface of PTE). * Displaying of four small images on a folder in thumbnails view of the File list (exactly as in Windows Explorer) * Faster work of the program. * Ability to show comments from JPEG EXIF files. * "Create backup" feature which packs all project files into one ZIP archive. And several other key useful functions which I will not describe right now. Please wait a little more.
  21. Today *we* have finished alpha version of our new graphical engine for PicturesToExe v5.00. It seems that it works fine and responds to all our requirements. I also finished almost all other scheduled improvements for v5.00 Now we're re-writting slide-show engine which manages slides, objects, which reads and processes various parameters of slide-show, and rewrite all transition effects for new graphical engine. It's much more easy part of our work.
  22. What size (in pixels and size of file) of your images?
  23. I was not able to reach you! <rayw@sa[...]>... Deferred: Connection refused by dev.null. Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours Will keep trying until message is 5 days old 451 4.0.0 hash map "Alias0": unsafe map file /etc/aliases.db: Permission denied Please write me to int_support@ antispamprotection wnsoft.com Here is text of my letter: ----------------- I need more info to reproduce this error. With quick test which I just performed I found no problem. 1) Version of PicturesToExe 2) CPU in your PC, memory size. 3) Version of Windows and DirectX. 4) Version of Media Player (9 or 10?) 5) Please send me screenshots with settings of "Video" window in PicturesToExe 6) Also send me step-by-step description how you imported PTE video to WME9? (I tried with File -> New -> Convert a file -> "File download (computer playback)" - > High definition 5mbps VBR, 1280x720) 7) What duration of slide-show and is it synchronized? 8) Will the problem appears if you try with another project of slide-show? This will help us to find exact reason of the problem and prepare new PTE version during nearest days.
  24. 800x600 on 15" LCD
  25. Eliot, It seems that your mail server blocked attached registration key. I just sent again you a letter with the key.
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