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Everything posted by Igor

  1. "Quality" option is a next generation mode than VBR mode. It operates in a highest range of bit rate. For example, I encoded a simple show from 2 pictures at 1920 x 1080, 30p. In "Quality" mode it uses average bit rate = 388 kbit (0.3 Mbit). 16 seconds and total file is only 765 KB. It's very hard to calculate optimal CBR or VBR bit rate manually. Of course, if your project contains dynamic scenes, video content, you encode 4K video, the resulting file with "Quality" mode may use high bit rate values, for example, 20 mbit, or 40 mbit. A little magic. Flowers-16s.mp4
  2. Hi Eric, I checked the Mac version of PTE AV Studio 11 Beta today. In the Preferences I chosen "Light Mode" and restarted PTE AV Studio. All windows, popup menus, Save As window are now in Light (white) color scheme. No dark windows. Note, that if you choose a Dark Mode in settings of macOS for all apps, some windows in PTE AV Studio will be in Dark mode in PTE (menus and Save/Save As windows). The same for Windows 10/11. Also note, that even with a Dark Mode some small windows in PTE AV Studio stay bright (white) for better constrast with a parent dark window. For example, drop down lists, font list, Publish menu. Main menu and popup menus. This behaviour didn't change in PTE AV Studio 11.
  3. We recommend to use the Quality compression mode for video encoding (settings by default). It's a smart option which uses more bit rate automatically for a complex scene (or scene with fast motions), and less bit rate for a static pictures or picture with large solid areas. It works like a JPEG compression in Photoshop where you set a desired Quality between 1-12 levels. Setting Quality "7" for a JPEG you'll get different final file size depending on a content and fine details in a picture, even for for the same pixel size (width/height).
  4. When you work with previous version 10.5 do you see all your custom styles and transitions?
  5. We fixed this problem in Beta 5 today. Let me know about a result.
  6. Jill, we fixed this problem in Beta 5 today.
  7. We published new Beta 5 where you can use 2 new built-in presets for a Displacement Map effect: - Waves - Circle Waves You can customize a number of waves.
  8. Beta 5 is available See the download links above. Added 2 customizable presets for a Displacement Map effect: Waves and Circle Waves Fixed problem with displaying used files in a full screen view of the File list (F3 key). Fixed problem with a Mask container (opacity) inside another Mask container (Displacement Map).
  9. Barry Beckham has published a new video tutorial - What's New in PTE AV Studio 11 (Beta) :
  10. Hi, I confirm this issue. Thanks
  11. Hi, In PTE AV Studio 11 we added 4 improvements in the Styles and Themes window. Firstly, when you apply a complex style which requires several images, you can see a simple explanation how many images you need to use. 6+ images or 6,12,18,... images. Click the "Add Images" button if there are not enough images. 2. Styles and Themes window now includes a File List where you can re-arrange images, remove images, or add more images: 3. In the main window, it's possibly to quickly apply a slide style for selected images in the File List and add slides to your project: 4. When you selected several non-consecutive slides (for example 1, 3, 7, etc) and apply a single style (which uses 1 picture), it's possible to keep original order of slides. Tick and option "Keep slide order":
  12. Simulation of a curved paper map using a Displacement Map effect in PTE AV Studio 11. I used a new built-in preset Circles Waves which will appear in Beta 5. To be honest, this tool is not ideal for this task, because the Displacement Map effect was optimized for a fullscreen images, and without rotation in 3D space.
  13. Very good simulation of water waves!
  14. Jill, Try the following solution. When you open this project, click Save button. It should fix file names for missing files in a .pte project file. If the problem still occur, call Save As command in the same folder. Keep only one slide where you see missing images, remove other slides. Restart PTE, if you still observe this problem, please send me this modified .pte project and images which should be located on this slide.
  15. Hi, Firstly, I recommend to make a backup of your folders where you store Templates and Styles/transitions. in PTE AV Studio 11. Check in the Preferences > Templates tab where are located folders for Templates and for Styles/transitions. If you didn't change these paths, they should be located in Documents > PicturesToExe Usually when you install any new version (including Beta version) PTE suggest you import settings from a previous version. It's the most easy and simple way to transfer all settings from PTE 10 to PTE 11. If you earlier change a location for templates/styles in PTE 10, after import of settings, PTE 11 will use the same location for your templates/styles. So you can simply uninstall PTE 11 Beta and reinstall again and accept import of settings from PTE 10.
  16. Thanks, Jill, I confirm this.
  17. Hi, Please add English translation of your question. Or you can ask on Diapositif forum (French): http://diapositif.org/forum/
  18. Hi, PTE AV Studio 11 Pro introduces a new feature - Quick Style. Using a Quick Style you can immediately copy all objects with animations from one slide to another slide or slides. Transition, synchronization and duration of a target slide will be untouched. Main image file name also will be remained original. See the Main menu > Slide > Create Quick Style (Shift + Ctrl + N) / Apply Quick Style (Shift + Ctrl + Q)
  19. We'll add 2 new built-in presets in the next Beta for a Displacement Map effect: - Horizontal/vertical Waves - Circle Waves A number of waves will be customizable.
  20. I'm grateful for all your payments. Thanks! If you pay more, we get more. Thanks for any your support of our work on PTE AV Studio.
  21. Hi, In PTE AV Studio 11 we introduced a new option in the Preferences > Project tab: Save a copy of .pte project file in a .bak file Currently, it's not ticked by default. You'll always get a previous copy of .pte project file before last Save command in a .bak file. It's a renamed project file. In case of any problem with .pte project file, you always have a copy of a project from one previous step.
  22. Mark, We added 440 vector icons/symbols. They all are from Webdings and Wingdings fonts. Only these 2 fonts available in all versions of Windows and macOS. So a project created on Mac can be transfered to a Mac. Also we manually sorted these 440 icons to add categories for fast search. Probably we'll add more icons in future version(s) from another source.
  23. Hi Alex, These vector icons are based on special fonts included in Windows and macOS. In this version we don't plan to add more icons.
  24. Hi Pascal, Thanks for using a new Directional Blur to simulate a Motion blur effect!
  25. Hi, In PTE AV Studio 11 Beta we introduced 440 monochrome vector icons. They can be scaled to any size without loss in quality. Change a color and adjust a shadow. Vector icons will help decorate your slides. Show a popup menu in the Objects and animation editor > Add > Symbol
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