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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Dear Truelight! We have suggested three variants and 75% voted for the second one (3-5 categories, which I've described in detail). Now I've added first promissed category from this list to see result during one-two weeks and add other ones. Only 8% were voted for a number of categories which is more than 5. Please feel free to let me know your opinion about this! With best regards,
  2. Yes, it will be added in the next versions.
  3. Thank you very much for detailed describing of the problem! I will fix it and difficulty with displacement of a project files at the *nearest* time.
  4. Ok, I have added this suggestion to my TODO list. Hope to check it up soon.
  5. Please send me to igor@wnsoft.com screenshot (by PrintScr key) which illustrates this problem.
  6. In such case PicturesToExe automatically tries to find files of the project in the folder where your placed .pte project file. Please let me know if it's not enough to make this process better.
  7. Welcome, friends! This category is created for your announcements of new presentations, discussions, links to Web sites where you can find new presentations. With kindest regards,
  8. Please click on PicturesToExe Forums http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index....php?act=SC&c=2 to see new category: "PicturesToExe Presentations" p.s. I've moved there "LINKS TO P2E MEMBER'S SITES" topic.
  9. One possible reason can be if DMA mode is not TURNED ON for the hard drive. In this case every accessing of the data from disk requires CPU time. Enabled DMA mode (Direct Memory Access) is always turned on by default under Windows XP. But in Win 98/Me and Win 2000 it should be selected manually (for example, installing of the Intel Inf drivers for Intel chipsets or VIA 4in1 for VIA chipsets). However we'll try to find an universal way to solve this problem (code optimization). p.s. also we're developing fully new MP3 player which may solve such problems.
  10. I consider that this problem (with music glitches) possible under PII-166..300 Mhz with External MP3 player. Because such difficult transition effects as Circle, Hand-of-clock and other take much of CPU resources. By the way, please, can you check how will play the music in a presentation with using of "Internal MP3 player" option? (in comparison with default External mp3 player).
  11. No, those are not my photos! Mainly shooted by the Hubble Space Telescope. You can find many high-resolution photographies on the famous Astronomy Picture of the Day or here The Best of the Hubble Space Telescope
  12. Please look at my new presentation: "Per aspera ad astra" (1.5 Mb)
  13. Wonderful presentation for relax! My congratulations!
  14. Sorry, but I've found one missed feature in v4.00 final. Preview feature from some slide doesn't start if you have automatically synchronized presentation (without manually added points on the time-line). The problem is fixed now (it was enough to add three words to unblock Preview feature). Please donwload corrected v4.01: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr.zip (1.25 Mb) or self-extracting installation kit: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr.exe (1.25 MB) p.s. "v4.01" text appears only on the caption of the main window.
  15. Sorry for delay, I didn't forget about categories. Please wait a little more.
  16. We have a little updated two examples of presentations: "About artist Nicholas Roerich" and "Star Wars". See Download area on our Web site: http://www.wnsoft.com
  17. We are glad to present PicturesToExe v4.00 How to download: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr.zip (1.25 Mb) or self-extracting installation kit: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr.exe (1.25 MB) Introduction: Version 4.00 contains a lot of various improvements and works faster. Produced presentations also will start faster. The new smoothed shadow for main pictures. The new default icon for the .exe file. A number of new features in the Visual editor of objects and in the "Customize synchronization" window. Now you can start Preview of your presentation from necessary slide. You can find full list of improvements below. What's new in v4.00: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed old bug when presentation run in the synchronized mode. The music started a little earlier, if the first slide contains a very large JPEG picture. However all next slides were shown *exactly* at the specified time. Now the first slide also will be shown exactly at begining of the music. * Fixed old rare bug in the Startup screen of presentation, if you twice opened the Help window. * Fixed old bug, if you pressed Ctrl+Enter in the "Comment" field to enter multi-line comment for a slide. * Fixed several other minor bugs. + Preview of large pictures works much faster now (with same quality) in the Main window of PicturesToExe and in the "Customize Synchronization" window. + Improved quality and speed of the full-screen viewer of images (the Main window). + Improved quality of gradient filling of background, if screen in Hi-Color (16-bit) mode. + Improved the shadow for the main picture: > It looks much smoothly now; > You can adjust opacity of the shadow behind the main picture. (Project options | "Screen" tab | "Opacity". From 0 of full transparency to 255 of opacity; > The shadow can surround picture around all sides (see "Offset" parameter). + Added new default icon for a newly created .exe (or .scr) file of presentation. The main icon of PicturesToExe is also improved. + Added new option: "Auto hide mouse cursor" (Project options | "Advanced" tab) + Some improvements in "Main" and "Advanced" tabs of the Project options. + Visual Editor of objects is vastly improved: * Fixed several bugs; > Added support for transparent GIF pictures (as objects of a slide); > You can call "Properties" dialog for a some object by double-clicking of a mouse button; > It's possible to cancel dragging of an object by pressing of <Esc> key; > To select/deselect several objects, click on an each necessary object holding <Shift> key pressed; > To select all objects, press Ctrl+A; > Added "Undo" button to cancel last modification; > Added Copy/Paste features (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V); > Improved popup menu when you click right mouse button on the object(s); > Added hot keys for all actions (see popup menu above); > Added some other helpful improvements. + Produced presentations will start faster now. + "Preview" of presentation starts faster. + PicturesToExe (Main window) opens projects much faster. + Improved "Customize synchronization" window: > You can start Preview of a presentation from a necessary slide ("Preview button"); > Time-line graphically displays effect duration for the transition points; > Added vertical graphical lines between sound tracks on the time-line; > You can adjust zoom of the time-line. Click "View" button (or press Ctrl+F11/F12 or scroll the wheel of the mouse); > Improved work of the horizontal scroll bar; > Added new hot keys: Play/Pause - Ctrl-P, Stop - Ctrl+S, Delete - Del, Add - Ins; > Click on "New transition" button instantly adds new point; > Added little improvements in the interface of this window. + PicturesToExe correctly informs you, if you add damaged JPEG file. + PicturesToExe will show a project name in the confirmation dialog (if you close not saved project). + Added numbering of slides in the Slide list (Main window). + Added support of Traditional Chinese language. + Vastly improved support of Italian language + Added various improvements in interface of the program. p.s. there are two small improvements in v4.00 release since beta #8
  18. I have added a little improvement to "Customize synchronization" window: > Click on "New transition" button instantly adds new point; It works when you press down the button and it doesn't wait when you release the button. So adding is put into effect instantly.
  19. I've added your idea to my TODO list (Close Show and Run Application). Thanks. Maybe it will appear in the next version. Also as I told earlier, we plan to make possible to use objects, navigation bar and control slides in the synchronized mode. In the nearest versions.
  20. Just select that slide (in the Slide list) which contains moved picture and click a button (where "Show image" field) to reallocate file path. If you have moved all files of project, PicturesToExe will try to find pictures/music where placed .pte file of this presentation.
  21. Thanks, I think this popup menu probably can be added in the future versions.
  22. Nevertheless we have decided to don't include changes into Internal MP3 player so late, because it would require thoroughly check up with a new beta during one-two weeks. So v4.00 will be released as in its current state (beta #8).
  23. Please don't worry about this! Because in the "Cust. synchronization" window when you adjust transition points and click "Play" button, PTE always uses External mp3 player (even if you've selected "Use Internal mp3 player"). So, there will be *no changes* for all presentations created with using of External mp3 player (this player is turned on by default). And presentation which uses Internal mp3 player will be played *exactly* as its author synchronized it in the "Customize synchronization" window. I'll add such code, which will workable only in case of using of "Int. mp3 player" and it doesn't take any effect for presentations with Ext. mp3 player. Just Internal mp3 player will report more exactly about its current position of playing. And no changes in mechanism of show of slides. If I missed something, please let me know!
  24. Thank you! I have checked, and really Internal mp3 player has a little delay (1/3 of second) in comparison with External mp3 player (which is recommended by default). We just discussed this problem and found wonderful solution. So will be no difference between playing of both players. Delays happened in Internal mp3 player, because of peculiarity of playing music from cache buffers. [Edited]
  25. Thank you, Granot. We all very appreciate your work! p.s. Happy Birthday!
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