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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Hi, Did PTE AV Studio work correctly earlier on this computer? Try to uninstall PTE AV Studio, restart Windows. And reinstall PTE AV Studio again. I recommend to get the latest version 10.5.8: https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/download/
  2. Hi, There is a good solution to convert existing EXE shows into a MP4 video with HD quality and smooth animations. You need a desktop computer with NVIDIA Geforce graphics 1050 or higher. Or gaming laptop with NVIDIA graphics (without Intel graphics). Use Geforce Experience free app to perform screen recording with 60 frames per second into a MP4 video file. You can see example how it looks on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjbwbK8Yjds We used Geforce Experience to capture a screen video for this demonstration. Note that original captured video looks a bit better, because YouTube slightly reduces picture quality due to video stronger compression. P.S. Please add English translation for your replies.
  3. PTE AV Studio 10.5.8 is available for PC and Mac Download: https://www.wnsoft.com/pte-av-studio/download/ Or use Auto Update feature: Main menu > Help > Check for Free Updates. Fixed issue with editing author’s description in a slide style. Fixed problem with reading IPTC tags from certain JPEG images. Fixed rare problem with copying a slide which had a certain custom transition. Fixed problem of exporting a theme with slide styles.
  4. Hi, Yesterday macOS 13 Ventura was announced by Apple. Today we installed first Beta version for developers on our Mac Mini with Apple M1 chip. PTE AV Studio 10.5.7 works fine on first glance:
  5. Hi, We apologize for this problem. I suppose that this problem is related with graphics drivers or hardware. Check for available drivers in Windows Update control center. Or if you have a a desktop PC, update manually graphics drivers (NVIDIA or AMD).
  6. Congratulations, Mark! Well done.
  7. PTE AV Studio 10.5.8 Beta is available (Build 3) What's New: Fixed problem of exporting a theme with slide styles. See the download links above. It should be a stable build for version 10.5.8.
  8. Barry, thanks for the confirmation.
  9. Barry, let me know about the result when you have time.
  10. Probably this link: https://www.slideshowclub.com/files/file/646-out-and-about-in-the-yorkshire-dales/
  11. UPD. I found your license key. Check the personal message.
  12. Hi Manuel, Please let me know, when you purchased PTE AV Studio 10 and email address associated with your purchase? Sorry, I could find only licence key for version 8.0 which you purchased in December of 2013. If you used another email address, try to recover a lost license key here: https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/lost-license-key/
  13. Hi, We thought that it's very rare operation. You can convert an Image object to Slide object (or ad versa) manually: 1. Copy an Image object (or Slide object) to the Clipboard (Ctrl+C). 2. Paste objects as a text into Notepad editor. 3A. To convert an image object to Slide object No. 1 add this text line: ReplaceWithEffectBuffer=1 ImageName= ImageName should be empty (no value). 3B. To convert Slide object to image object, remove ReplaceWithEffectBuffer=1 (or remove ReplaceWithEffectBuffer=2) text line. Specify ImageName with a full file path: ImageName=C:\Photos\River.jpg 4. Copy the all text from Notepad to Clipboard and paste as an object in the Objects and animation editor in PTE AV Studio.
  14. Recover your lost license key here: https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/lost-license-key/ Or search in your mail app.
  15. It seems that you disabled installation of apps outside Microsoft's app store. See the attached screenshot below. Windows 10 or 11 > Settings > Apps > Apps & features. Choose "Anywhere" (as it set by default).
  16. Barry, No worries. Have a pleasant journey.
  17. Hi, Can you explain in more details this problem?
  18. Hi Barry, Try a new version 10.5.8 Beta (Build 3): https://files.wnsoft.com/test/pteavstudio-setup.exe
  19. Hi Barry, Thanks, we'll check the code on Monday. I confirm this issue.
  20. Hi, I tested with VPN / Phoenix, Arizona. "Aspects of the Algarve" was download within 25 seconds and "HILLS AND DALES for MACS" in 10 seconds. The same result for VPN / San Francisco. Our normal Internet connection is 50 Mbit. What is your normal Internet connection speed? Also check again downloading and let me know when it lost a connection for downloading? After 5 minutes or less/more?
  21. Hi, PTE AV Studio 10.5.8 Beta is available. What's New: Fixed issue with editing author’s description in a slide style. Fixed problem with reading IPTC tags from certain JPEG images. Fixed rare problem with copying a slide which had a certain custom transition. Download: For Windows: https://files.wnsoft.com/test/pteavstudio-setup.exe For Mac: https://files.wnsoft.com/test/PTE-AV-Studio.dmg
  22. Hi, I very apologize for these issues with download speed. I remember that you're located in USA? I'll check downloading using VPN/USA service later this week.
  23. Did you try to download an EXE show or MP4 video of "Aspects of the Algarve"? Try again to download MP4 video from this link: https://www.slideshowclub.com/files/file/644-aspects-of-the-algarve…/ Let me know about a result.
  24. Hi, When the download appears as "cancelled" in Chrome try to click a small button ^ on the right side of download caption (at the bottom part of Chrome window) and choose Save file. Will it help?
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