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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Ken, Try to Save As this old project in PTE AV Studio 10. Then open it in VideoBuilder. I also recommend consider MP4 video output which gives much better visual quality than DVD.
  2. Honestly, I can't imagine how it might happen. Only uninstallation of PTE AV Studio could delete a configuration file with user settings.
  3. Hi, Auto Update feature should keep your existing settings in PTE AV Studio if you update version 10.0.x to 10.0.x. All settings in the Preference window and size/position of PTE windows and panels. Because a new update uses same configuration file from existing version.
  4. Hi William, The most likely you have an old version of PicturesToExe 9? And Windows 10? Download and install the updated version 9.0.22: https://files.wnsoft.com/picturestoexe/previous-versions/picturestoexe-setup-9022.exe It should help.
  5. Hi Tom, Thanks for your video demonstration of modifiers!
  6. Hi, Try to change an audio format for your DVD disc. In the Project Options of VideoBuilder find Audio format option and change it from "MPEG Audio" to "LPCM". This problem occurs very rarely and this solution may help with some DVD players.
  7. Hi Lynette, Thanks for purchasing upgrade to PTE AV Studio 10. I apologize for our late response and this problem! It seems that I missed your question when I checked unread content. Your new license key is correct for PTE AV Studio 10. I just checked and it was accepted. The common typos are possible with "1" and "I". I used Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V and it worked fine. I've read above that you already tried this method, please can try again? I'll send you the key again in a private message. The contact form on WnSoft website requires to reply an anti-spam question. Just type: PTE (3 symbols) as suggested in a hint.
  8. Hi, Mouse and keyboard commands are not available in MP4 video output. Only standard possibilities in a video player software. First video from Olympus is 4K (3840 x 2160). It's a very heavy video format for an old laptop from 2012 if you create an EXE show. For an EXE show we recommend to include video clips up to 1920 x 1080. For 4K video clips you need a new fast desktop computer or laptop. However there are many case when video may stutter during playback, a mix of several video clips, many hardware configration of computers. So in general we recommend to create a MP4 video if your project contains high quality video clips to guarantee always smooth playback.
  9. I'm glad! Thanks for the confirmation.
  10. Hi, Try the following: 1. Uninstall PTE 9. It will keep all your projects, templates and styles. 2. Restart Windows. 3. Reinstall PTE 9.0.22. Untick the option to automatically "Run PicturesToExe" after the installation. Run PTE 9 manually. 4. When the program will suggest import settings from previous versions, please SKIP this action. If it doesn't help update drivers for your graphics card, check Windows Update for avaiable drivers.
  11. Hi, Download and install version 9.0.22: https://files.wnsoft.com/picturestoexe/previous-versions/picturestoexe-setup-9022.exe P.S. Please use Google Translate.
  12. Gary, Glad that you resolved this problem. Video encoding utilizes all power of your computer. But normally it should not case such problems.
  13. Gary, This error occurs when the program cannot generate a waveform from an audio file. It might happen if an audio file was locked for reading (opened in an audio editor, for example). Even if you restart PTE AV Studio, these wrong waveforms stay cached and will be used again. There are 2 solutions: A. Rename affected audio files in Windows Explorer and replace audio files in the Project Options. It will force PTE to re-generate new audio waveforms. B. Only for advanced users. Browse the folder: C:\Users\YourProfileName\AppData\Local\WnSoft-WaveCache\ Delete all folders inside this folder.
  14. Auto Update from previous versions of PTE AV Studio 10.0.x works again.
  15. If you had a problem with import of this Mega Pack transitions, please try a new test version of PTE AV Studio: https://files.wnsoft.com/test/pteavstudio-setup.exe
  16. Please add a translation of your message on English.
  17. John, "Alternate renderer..." option doesn't change any system settings in your computer. It simply use a slightly different mode of the graphics card (nothing special). So if you saved earlier your projects, they should be available now. Also you may try to uninstall and then reinstall PTE AV Studio (your projects, styles and templates will NOT be deleted). It may help if some settings of PTE were damaged. Note, "Alternate renderer..." option will be unticked after the reinstallation. And I highly recommend to update drivers for NVIDA graphics. It should be done in case of any freezes of PTE AV Studio. Please read the advice from Dave above. I apologize for the delay with your engagement due to these problems with PTE! And I hope that all issues will be solved quickly.
  18. Bert, I found a reason of this problem. Auto Update in PTE AV Studio downloads a special INI file from our website. This small file contains a version number. After a recent update of our server for security reasons all INI files are prohibited for downloading to protect system INI files of a server. So I had to rename this version file from INI to a TXT file. You need to download manually a new version 10.0.8 (released today). And future updates (10.0.9 and later) will be available again through the Auto Update. I apologize for this incovience.
  19. PTE AV Studio 10.0.8 is available Dowload: https://files.wnsoft.com/pteavstudio/pteavstudio-setup.exe Or use Auto Update feature: Main menu > Help > Check for Free Updates. Added Slovenian translation. Fixed problem with a wrong audio synchronization for some MP3 audio files after trimming. Fixed rare problem with visual defects in the editor of a custom transition if it contains a video clip. Fixed rare problem with trimming video clip in Convert/Trim command. Improved playback of video clips: the decoder doesn’t miss last 3-5 frames at the end of a video file.
  20. The problem is caused by one file in the original pack of transitions. We're working on the solution.
  21. John, Let me know what graphics card installed in your computer? I recommend to update drivers for this graphics card. If it doesn't help, browse the Main menu > Settings > Preferences. System tab. Tick the option "Alternate renderer..." and click OK button. Restart PTE AV Studio. Let me know about results.
  22. Hi Carol, I'm glad that you solved this problem. We didn't hear about similar problem earlier. Because PTE AV Studio can associate only with .pte project files which are created in this program. Not with image files. Probably it's a some glitch in Windows. Lin, Thanks for your help.
  23. Bert, Thanks, you're right. It should display 10.0.7. I'll fix it tomorrow in Auto Update function on the server.
  24. Aleina, A very impressive animation work without use of video clips. Thanks!
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