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About quietstorm

  • Birthday December 9

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    Southern Michigan, USA

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  1. Thanks Dave that is exactly what I wanted!! Hope it wasn't too much trouble in doing it. Nice to have friends to help someone in need!! Have a nice day/evening and stay safe. Bart
  2. Hello, I had no problems with it and I am using PTE 11.0.1!! Maybe someone else can hep you out, sorry!! | Bart
  3. Thanks everyone with helping with my project! Like I said before, my brain is not sharp any more! The screenshot should make it more clearer....I hope!! Thanks again, Bart
  4. Gary, My mind is not sharp as it use yo be...sorry for the confusion! I would for the text to rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise circling from top to bottom and back back to the top continuing circling the image. Hope this makes sense and I made it clearer Again, if this is too much trouble, please do not try it. Thanks, Bart
  5. The samples were awesome and I want to thank you Dave and Gary for sharing such! Can you make it go clockwise and counter-clockwise too? If it is too much trouble, please do not do it!! I have missed being on here and have much to catch up on...again THANKS!!
  6. Thanks Gary, I will look into this when I get home from the doctor!! Bart
  7. Thanks Dave, I will try your samples tonight when I get home from the doctor! Bart
  8. Hello everyone!! Hope all of you are doing well and had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I know, I have not been active like I should, but I have been very "sick" the last few years and I am getting better! I like what I see in the new version...awesome work and my hat comes off to all that was involved in making it. I noticed too, that there are some symbols you can add to your project, another bright and clever idea! Link removed by author!! Please pray for the everyone that is involve in the situations we are facing in today's world! I would like to see the world all unite and be peace with each other. Take care everyone and hope to be more active soon, Bart aka quietstorm btw...Igor, just a note/suggesstion...is is possible that you/someone can tell me how you can add text outside an image and have it circle around the image? Thanks
  9. Thank you Rosemary!! It was just a simple way wishing everyone a happy, healthy and safe new year!!
  10. I uploaded a simple video wishing all my friends from all parts of the world a happy, healthily and safe new year! https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/661498813 Bart
  11. Thanks for your feedback!!
  12. Thanks for your feedback!! It took me a few weeks to accomplish it!
  13. Thanks for your feedback!!
  14. Hello everyone, I bet but a few members know who I am!! It has been a few years and I am doing well now....for an old man. (I have been down with my back and it had me "tied up"!) I have a Christmas presentation to share with everyone. btw...glad to "see" everyone again!! Take care and be safe!!
  15. Barry... You have done it again!! Awesome and breath taking video Bart
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