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Everything posted by DiverX

  1. Well I haven't been here for quite a while. I am happy I dropped in today and see the new program is ready. I downloaded and paid for the upgrade to the Deluxe version and am looking forward to trying it out. Congrats to all the crew, it looks great!!
  2. I am very humbled by your kind words...thank you all!
  3. Thanks VERY much folks! Kenya is so incredible it's hard not to get decent photos! I am glad you enjoyed it. Will be back underwater May 15th!
  4. Wow, thanks so much for the kind comments! I use a Nikon D100 and the following lenses on this trip : Nikon 500mm AF-S, 80-400VR, 70-200VR, 28-105 ...all Nikon lenses. I broke it into 3 sections for subject matter and a change of pace. Glad you enjoyed!
  5. Just added a new show "Kenya - February 2004" after a long absence here. My wife, myself a friend and his Mom went and had an unbelievable trip. I took a bunch of photos and put one show together. Check out Beechbrook Cottage for the download. Enjoy.
  6. Glad you found your way here Chris! Once you get it you will have a ton of fun! Glitches happen with everything these days because of all the spam as I already mentioned to you. They will fix it! Write to support, see other post below! Have fun!
  7. Thanks guru but as you know Igor did all the work! Version 4 sure works great though and sure makes it easier for us!
  8. Well, haven't been here in a while. Had a busy winter but finally got a break and went diving in Bonaire last week, actually for 10 days. I come home and there is a new version of PictureToExe to try, so I did! Works like a charm too! Thanks Igor, great job! This show had 100 slides in 3 sections and is 15MB in size. I figured I would show you that version 4 works like a charm. Bonaire 2003 Hope you enjoy, not all UW photos...well you'll have to see for yourself. Edit: OK! Here is a zip file also as requested...thanks for the suggestion. Bonaire 2003
  9. WOW, thanks!! Just stopped in to take a quick peek around while at work (shhhh!). Nice surprise to see this, I thought it must be someone else with the same birthday but it's me! Happy New Year!!
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