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Everything posted by donb1

  1. Hi, I have transfered numerous vcr tapes , ones that I made with a older video cam, not digital. I use a Dazzle Hollywood Bridge which is a piece of hardware that I hook my vcr into and it is hooked to my computer via usb port. I then have numerous capture programs that allows me to capture the video off the vcr tape and then I move it to a dvd or vcd depending on the case Don
  2. I see that beta 4 still requires to snyc to audio file to create a AVI. Any idea if or whenever it will be able to create a AVI file with just the pictures and no background music? As I see it now the length to the music file divided by the number of picture files determines the time the between transistions. So if I want a 5sec time and have 100 pictures I need a music file that is 500sec long. I did this once by recording nothing to a file but sure would be nice I all you want to do is load some pictures into a slideshow and create a AVI file. Thanks, Don
  3. As noted previously in beta 1 we need a music file to be added to the project so as to be able to create a dvd and was told that soon in the next, I think, that it would be fixed so not to need the audio file so that a dvd could be made with only pictures. I saw beta 2 and downloaded and installed it and I see it also needs a music file. Any idea when this will change? Don
  4. I downloaded V4.20 and then started a test project by selecting a dozen or so pictures and added them in a new project. When I attempted to create a AVI file by clicking on the AVI button but it came up saying I had not added any music files and it would not let me go any further. Is it possible to set something so I can create a avi without any music? DonB1
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