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  1. I have 3 specific questions -- Do I need Deluxe to create a DVD that will play in a DVD player? If so, is that the only thing that I will need (besides burner, of course) to burn a DVD? If I do NOT have Deluxe, can I use the standard version to burn a DVD? And can it be burned within picts to exe --or is there another software that is needed? Thank you, Lin-- as you can see I am accustomed to animoto and this is different-- I did try to search on wnsoft.com but perhaps I am not looking in the right place but I'm not seeing alot of help--- This forum with the exception of one comment has been more helpful than anything -- thank you so much -- I appreciate your kindness :-)
  2. WOW---- I did try to help myself-I did look and just didn't see what I was looking for- God also helps those who helps others .. jes sayin -- but thanks
  3. Okay at the risk of sounding stupid what is the Video Builder capability?
  4. I have downloaded 7.0.3 regular version -- what version do I need in order to create DVD's? What is video builder? Also -- in animoto there are templates one can use to create slideshows-- does picts to exe offer same type of thing? if so -- where do I find? Also-- does picts to exe recongnize ITUNE downloads for music? Thanks for your help
  5. I have version 5.6.5. and today I downloaded 7.0 today and now see that there is a deluxe -- what is the difference between the regular version and the deluxe? Thank you so much! And is the upgrade only $34?
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