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  1. Thanks, Guys. I think I will talk to mrs. santa about thumbs plus. May take a few more honey doos (just pre-ordered Epson 4000) tough.
  2. Thank you guys very much. Great help.
  3. Hello, All I wonder, if anyone could point me to "Slide Viewer" options and posts. All my slides are listed as a names and files. No tumbs. Since I am a visual guy, (and to lazy to name each of my slides), I would prefer the tumb viewer, where I could easy re-assign my pix position before synch and transissions. I don't think PTE have one yet... It is anything like this aviable? All my picture viewers have a option to sort by name, size, date and type. I can move them and manipulate them, but I can not store my own sort. It reverts to auto sorting. I use Photoshop 7, Office Picture manager. In Power point I was able to sort my own, but rest of it is a baby compering to PTE Love for help..
  4. Thank you LumenLux. That explain all dillema. Now I know that .exe are the way to go.
  5. Thanks so much, Jim. I understand, I place autorun file on the end of the track. or just separate from.exe?
  6. I have no problem with .exe files. They play beautifully. How about others people computers? Will .exe play on them or do they need a .avi file for their media player? Where can I get auto start file?
  7. Dear Folks, I am new on this forum, and I am new to PicturesToExe, version 4.20 beta. For that matter, I am new to slide projects but thanks to my earlier experiences, and the PictureToExe program, I was able to effortlessly put together a seven minute show of my digital photography, nicely synchronized with quality digital audio track. I promptly saved my file in .pte format and then I created .exe file. Everyone of you most likely knows the feeling when you push that icon and your presentation is being played first time on the full screen by itself, just like you made it. So, just to be sure, I played the .exe file on my wife’s laptop, and it played just fine. Here is my dilemma: If I send out, on cd, .exe file, will it be opened in the same way on every other computer? Or, do I have to make AVI file and make SVCD disc? Or VCD disk. Or create custom AVI video file? (I do not have a DVD recorder yet) Before I asked you this question, I did make an AVI file and burned it on cd-r using sVcD disk The cd has now AVI file with “RealOne” icon. It does not start itself automatically and when I open my computer - Drive E:( cd-rw) my icons show for a moment and then my Windows Explorer error sign appears, saying it has to be shut down. The error signature : AppName explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2800.1221 ModName: ptevideo.dll ModVer: Offset: 00001551 Before that happened, I previewed the .AVI file which was temporarily stored on my desktop. It played in RealOne just fine although the quality of the pictures was not anywhere near the quality of .exe file. I don’t know why. Please be so kind and tell me what is going on; what am I doing wrong? Sincerely, aspectslink
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