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Everything posted by fredor

  1. I cannot find my licence keys for PTE and Video builder is it possible to have them re issued Thank You
  2. Yachtsman1 I would appreciate if you could point me to a GOOD AV Thank you Fred W
  3. For what it is worth, I download a PTE show to be either entertained or educated, I have to say that this did neither for me so as is my right I hit the escape key half way which up untill now I have never done when watching a Barry Beckham show, neither have I ever downloaded a show simply because someone else did not like it Regards Fred W
  4. My first public showing, not the best but some will enjoy http://www.mediafire.com/?lwhii0h1121 Fred
  5. IF I WAS SCOTCH I would be wiping the tears Ken, If you were Scotch someone would be drinking you If you were Scottish you would have a tear in your eye Fred
  6. IMHO if ever there was an Audio Visual that did not need movement this was it, excellent photographs Fred
  7. Hello Igor No I cannot get the fade effects to work, I am using Beta13 Fred PS I have not tried any others yet
  8. Thank you both to Igor and the ever faithful Lin I have reinstalled the Beta version and everything working perfectly again, I can live with that, it is still an excellent piece of software Fred
  9. I have been creating a small show using the various Beta versions of PTE and they have worked perfectly, today I installed the Final release and the same show when I hit Preview is jerking badly, I have saved the show in the new version and still no change, I realise I have one of the ( Problem ) cards Matrox G550 but this has come as a big dissapointment, any suggestions would be welcome Fred
  10. Loaded Ver12 Problem solved Thanks Fred
  11. Could someone please tell me how to get My Desktop to show in my view of PTE it shows A Floppy C Local Drive D DVD E DVD My Documents Would appreciate any advice Fred
  12. Is there any way that we can view the winners of this competition ? Thank you Fred W
  13. Sorry to be a wet blanket but all I get is the music and a beautiful black screen !!!!!!!!!!! Fred
  14. Has anyone tried the Sound Editor DEXTER it seems to have everything we would need at a reasonable price www.softdivshareware.com Fred
  15. Thank you I have sorted it out, the problem was a gap between the names of the EXE file Fred
  16. Can someone save my sanity and let me know what I am doing wrong, I made a disc with an autorun inf and burned both to a CD, this did not autostart ( exe file OK ) I then downloaded the utillity Auto run CD Assistant and did everything that was required, it created an autostart file and an icon in the chosen folder, I then burned the PTE Exe file the autostart file and the icon to a new disc and still no luck, I do not have autostart disabled and other CDs start no problem Fred
  17. "You can please some of the people some of the time, you can please some of the people all of the time, but you CANNOT please all of the people all of the time" Fred
  18. Really bad juddering on Matrox Milleneum G550 fredor
  19. You could use www.dropload.com Fred
  20. Thank you Ron I certainly was concerned and jumped in before checking the dates Fred
  21. Please Bill do not let them win!!!
  22. Seasons Greetings from Brisbane Australia, 37 centigrade here today too hot to do much Fred
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