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Everything posted by dadou

  1. My last slideshow, la Procesion del Encuentro, is hosted by Bill on Beechbrook Cottage . Benicarlo, province of Castellon. 20000 inhabitants After the civil war and the destruction of everything concerning religion (statues, clothing, pasos, archives...), after the « years of hunger », the inhabitants thought of restoring the tradition of the holy week at the beginning of the 50’s. 7 brotherhoods still exist nowadays : Cofradía de la Oración de Jesús en el Huerto de los Olivos Cofradía Virgen de la Esperanza Cofradía Virgen de los Dolores Hermandad de la Buena Muerte y el Santo Entierro Hermandad de Jesús Nazareno Cofradía del Descendimiento de la Cruz Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Flagelación They go on procession for Holy Wednesday, Good Friday (the path of the Cross of Dawn at 7am and the procession of the holy burial at 9pm), and for Easter Sunday. After some sort of disaffection during the 70’s, a renewal of popular participation appears and brotherhoods’ joining increase, which is certainly due to a will of assertion of the Valence identity, facing Spain and Europe… Not any single national or regional television crew this year... Meaning not many lights or no lights at all! A quite sporty photo shooting (full aperture, 1/8 to 1/30), but, on the other hand, the possibility to interfere in the groups without any problem… So, here is the general idea of a Ash Wednesday in a provincial small town, with only a few of Spanish tourists and (almost!) no strangers. A local speciality: the drums and snare drums! ...So don’t be surprised by the volume: it’s just to give an idea! Softer music follows... Indeed each brotherhood has its own songs written, for centuries, by local composers. Each brotherhood comes on a procession from its church; Everybody meets at the central church and leave at 9pm to walk round the inner city. Some passings are real difficulties (doors, portals, bends), and when this passing, led by a "capataz", ends well, the tradition is to applause. This procession is called "Procession of the meeting": Virgin Mary mets her son for the last time. I hope you will feel a few of this Spanish soul, made of contrasts and extremes which may surprise the logical people. Don’t forget: the "Reconquista" lasted seven centuries (718 - 1492) and created the abrupt standings of this people which was a border between two worlds. Thanks for reading, and do not hesitate to leave a comment. Thanks to D67 for his beta test and to F.R.Croisier for the tranlation of this text !
  2. I am not in a retirement home for the moment, but I love very much tour slide show ! Great pictures ! Sorry for my imposibility to understand the text, but you did a good work ! Thank you ! Your wife and you are authorized to go in other place ! Congratulations !
  3. Thank you, Patrick, for this little Tuscan escapade . No chance with the weather, but a chance to do something different ... Always sun in Tuscany would be too much ! It was for you the oportunity to show your talent !
  4. Good shots, good music, good organisation of them and you have a pleasant slideshow .... just for fun ! Well done, Patrick!
  5. Ron , As an European , don't you think that this slideshow is an important document for the young generations ? This document comes from an ordinary person who , perhaps, eat in the same place as us . You, us, knew these evenments by our fathers ; but I think that it is very important to see that now live people who suffered these atrocities . To give this evocation of the human posibilities is, for me, a necesity for the education of young generations . Never they will have the posibility to say : "we don't know". I hope to be enough clear... but my english is so far !!!!
  6. Ron, try again ... All is good for me ! But the download is not a very speed one ...
  7. dadou

    forum AV

    I totaly agree with you, Patrick .... Peace is a great idea, but the interpretation of it is quite different if you are into the plane or under it .... Sorry, my english is too poor ...
  8. Only two words : very nice !!!
  9. I do not know better/simpler idea .... Happy new year !
  10. Thank you, Ken !! Happy new year for you and your family from center of France!
  11. A very pleasnt presentation of our new capital, but old and historic town . The night pictures are very pleasant and well done ! Good, Patrick ! Happy Christmas to all !!!
  12. Many friends and I use the left button of the mouse : pause ; the right : prev .view, and the arrows if necesary . It is necesary to check the "permit control of show".
  13. Hello, Al : here you have a solution to this problem; it works fine . Jean Pierre Dollangère and his friends of the french forum Diapositif use this techic for a long time ; it allows a projection or a view in all resolutions. Excuse my poor english ...
  14. Thank you, Patrick ! I did not imagine that this car was so popular outside of France ! I discovered that many "Citroën clubs" exist in North America , Argentina , Brazil , Australia....The production was not the same that today ones .. It was the car of the transition : before the war, and after the war ! The owners are very sympatic and from all social positions. a car that evokes many childhood memories for numerous of us You are right, Patrick...
  15. The new Santa Claus !!!
  16. Very good news, Igor !
  17. Thank you , Lin ! I just had a problem of vibrations in a moutain pan ( I imagine the same than Ron ). Very good pictures ! Congratulations ! Honnestly, I say you that all a slide show with these effects is too much for me ... but , with this slow speed, I imagine I shall use them from time to time ! We shall see when Igor will be ready !!! We can wait !
  18. We are two, Davegee! Very happy to learn the new progress ! But I still think that video effects are not a good thing for photographic presentations ..... and will complicate the choice of the users ! I hope that Igor will resolve all problems before Christmas !
  19. Very happy, Igor It is a very good news !!! But, as JRR, I think it is easy to use the preview ....
  20. I also use Irfan view ... no problem and very easy ...
  21. My little experience today : it was the same speed 133 Ko/s to download from Cottage and from http://www.digiscopie.com/index.php?a=diaporama which is in Belgium . (Nathalie, the bird's specialist, administrator of Diapositif , lives in Belgium ). But today is a special day .... Usualy, the times are different . But, as Ron, I think that I can do other thing during thid operation ... and that Broadband is a necesity !!! The very big problem is to upload a large PTE ... but they say that it will change soon !
  22. I think it was one of the first Patrick's slideshow. Interesant, because he used a new "matter" , with all the necesary autorisations of the various photographers . Happy you add in your collection ! Sorry for my english ....
  23. Hello, Mark ! You can find Kai Tak here Please, say us when you have downloaded it ! You can download others slideshow of Patrick on the this french website
  24. No problem, Mark; this slide show is a friend's one , Patrick Banzhaff . I shall say you quickly were you can download it .
  25. Thank you very much, Guru ! You are right, I wanted to explore , as did my friend JP.Dollangère, the capacities of PTE ; I did not use exactly the same way.... It was the only way for me to put in an unique container all these pics ... 50 sec is a long time .... Please, I shall wrote to you in french ... because, as you see, my english is very poor !!! I can say you that there are 16 exe with an one PTE support , and perhaps it is the reason ...
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