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Everything posted by dadou

  1. Thank you , Ronnie ... As camera , I have two old 400 D bodies . My dream is a Full frame with not so px that the 5D to use grand angular lens , but Canon does not seem to think about it ...and the future 60 D . Maybe Christmas surprise ? daniel
  2. Thank you, Rick . The Harley is surely here a more mytical object than in your country . People was coming from all Europe , and ones from others continents ! daniel
  3. Well done ! A very good manner to understand the comment : I can read with my own speed . And good pictures ! daniel
  4. Thank you for your kind comment , Malcom . daniel
  5. I am sorry , Rick, but Ken is right ... This server is not very speed at some hours of great transit : europeans and american in the same time = many people ! I apologise... Regards daniel
  6. Thank you for the comments , Ken and Ralph ! I love this music since ....50 years ? I did not know this special world before ...But I think that are personalities that must be known more deep ... daniel
  7. Free Wheels / Harley Davidson Courpière, a asleepy town of Puy de Dome of 4600 people, has welcomed 30,000 visitors and 12,000 to 15,000 motorcycles on the 6, 7, 8 August. I went for a walk in the streets on Saturday afternoon, without even realizing there was a a closed area near the country's exit where most of the party tooked place .Well!... next year if they come back again .. Nice atmosphere . I thank to Bill to put it here on Cottage for PC users ; it is here for Mac users . Comments are welcome . 3' ; 26,7 Mo; 60 views. daniel
  8. :angry:It does the same for me ... ( messenger ...). daniel
  9. Good work for good dreams !!! daniel
  10. Thank you , Ken ! "my email to you is bouncing" Other time a problem under the sea???
  11. Edit (08/08/2010) For a reason I don't understand Xaver's message has been deleted from this post ....
  12. Xaver Thank for your remarks . Curiously , it is this transcription which interested me : I do not imagine piano in these villages ; guitar and flute seemed to me more adapted to the landscape . 3 D permits to show vertical views ... I am not too a fanatic , but it helps from time to time ...And : " de l'uniformité naquit l'ennui" : "from uniformity borned boredom" ( I hope correct my translation ...) For the synchronisation, I try to do with my latin sensitivity , surely not a model .... But I have any rests of our May 68 and not very friend with rules ! Happy to produce interest to you . Regards daniel
  13. Thank you , Bill , for this kind comment .. daniel
  14. Ken and Colin Thank you fot your comment . I love this interpetation of Granados . I think that it is as this country : hard , but peaceful.... daniel
  15. When I am in Peñiscola (Castellon, mediterranean coast of Spain) , I go from time to time in the inland, there is an area a little wild, formerly active but deserted now: migration abroad or nearby Catalonia.There are even villages which have no inhabitant. Life is hard there ... 50 views 4 ' 20" 31,3Mo You can find this new slide show here on Beechbroock Cottage ; thanks to Bill ! Comments welcome ! daniel
  16. Congratulations to Mrs Yachtsman ! The first part of pictures have a very warm ligth that I like very much. You can search others pictures done by Mrs Yachtsman ! Well done, Eric !
  17. Thank you Eric and Davy . I am not a fanatic of animations for animations , but if it help me , I do not have any apprehension to use them . As you say , Yachtsman1 , if it enhances the show , I do ! daniel
  18. Beautiful ! Great idea , Colhiill ! I hope that all will done for you in the next 80 years !
  19. An old friend , old PTE user , has this problem : He usualy does large slideshow exe that he send to people on a cd . As in many parts of the world , only a very little part of the recipients says "thank you" . As it is a person with humour , he had this idea : the recipient would be able to see two or three times the slide show , but after , if he wants to see it again, he must to ask for a password to the author , after apparition of an adapted message , and here is the problem ! Enable time limitated is posible , protect with a password too, but how to authorize two or three visions and have the posibility to see other times with the introduction of a password communicated by the author with a circumstancial message ... and this man knoes very well to put the necesary words in the rigth order ! Any idea of users ? Igor , it would be difficult to give this posibility ? Thank you to read my poor english ...
  20. I use too ; no problem ! Posibility to save as PdF very usefull . daniel
  21. Igor This morning, all works fine !
  22. Thank you , Colin, Ken, Jeff ! No pretention to be an Xpert ! But if , from time to time , I am abble to interest people , it is a great satisfaction for me . Each year , with a friend , we do a slideshow in a little village of wine productors ; two dozens of productors open their cellar in november and friends , family , visitors by teams of four or five persons do a "rally" with questions about history , wine ,and other subjects .... and a great dinner at the end of the day ! In february , other great dinner ( more than two hundred persons , all the capacity of the room !) and projection of the slideshow ; no chance for a competition, but people is happy to see friends , himself or his house ; we try to do a correct show , with sufficiently effects to animate , and each year , one or two practicants more for PTE ...But too much Mo to put it here ! Thank you for your kind comments .
  23. Each year in early June, held the week of Medieval fiests Montferrand. More and more, traders and residents dress up and mingle with professional animators, actors, musicians, storytellers and saltimbaques ... . 62 views 1728 x 1080; duration :: 4' 4" ; 21,5 Mo Thank to Bill for hosting the PC version here ; The Mac version is here Thank for your comments .
  24. Igor Here , in the center of France , still a problem to connect:angry: ( impossible this morning ) . But a very long time to obtain the posibility of posting ...
  25. It seems that a society found a solution for the
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