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  1. Thanks for the reply Tom, Yes, a small amount of movement, with some pictures not moving at all would be great. I think someday Pic2Exe will have this built in. I am glad Tom that you have made this slide show helper, and look forward to your next revision Dennis
  2. Hi: A while back Tom made an add-on program, that allowed automatic pan/zoom for the pictures. I know that for the best results, it is good to set each picture manually. But, not everyone wants to do that. All I am looking for is a little movement in each picture. An auto pan zoom setting. Is this possible? Dennis
  3. I see. I use a very good graphic card on a desktop computer, hooked up to my 42 inch plasma. Very clear results using the HDTV as a monitor/viewer. Dennis
  4. I see, but is your TV an HDTV? That really makes a big difference. I think an EXE played on HDTV is pretty hard to beat. Dennis
  5. I am just wondering if you have thought of the idea of using a computer to play your PTE EXE files on your HDTV? I do that now and it works great. Dennis
  6. Hi: Love your software! You mentioned below that you have plans in the future for this imperfect video. I wonder if you are talking of a template? That would seem to me to be very close to the auto pan/zoom that some people want. Hopefully you will think about this as an option down the road.
  7. I would not want PTE to be delayed because of adding the auto pan/zoom option. But hopefully in the future, that option can be addressed. I would think that there are many people who could use this. Others who like to work on each picture manually, can do that also. Dennis
  8. I can understand the reason for not using auto for most people. I have an unusual time frame to make the shows. I have about 6 minutes. I cannot make a show with pan/zoom that fast, if I have to tune each of 150 pictures. I can see having an auto mode for people like us.
  9. Hi: The Beta is working great. Thanks for a great program. Here is my question. When I make up a slideshow with many pictures, is there a way to make pan/zoom work automatically? I mean, instead of giving it a start point and end point, is there an auto mode? I can't find it if there is. I was thinking of random movement. Dennis
  10. ]Thanks Ian!
  11. I have heard that a Powerpoint showcan be added to PTE. How is this done? Thanks!
  12. Hi Alan: You are looking for a new laptop right? All I can say is get what your budget will allow. The new wide screen laptops are nice. PTE doesn't need huge computing power, so you are able to have a lot of choices. Maybe someone could help and let him know if he needs a special laptop for DVI out. My laptop has a analog video out, but not a DVI. Do some have a digital video output? Good Luck! Dennis
  13. Stonemason, are you making DVD from the PTE AVI file with VirtualDubMod ? I have not heard of this program. Is this working OK for you? Dennis
  14. Many people like the Ken Burns effect and many want it in the future if possible. I hope that the slide show with the effect can also be made as fast as the exe slideshow we do now. That would sure be great. Dennis
  15. Thanks Ken & LumenLux for your replies. It seems that getting ready to burn DVD takes a lot of time. The actual burn is very fast, but the computer really is put to work to prepare to write a DVD witha slideshow. I am hoping that someday this will speed up. But, thanks again for your replies.
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