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Everything posted by gufosenior

  1. Can't say the same as far as the support is concerned! My e-mails sent to wnsoft-support on this subject dated respectively Dec 2 and Dec 4 havn't got any replies nor an aknowledgement. About the program i recon it is a great one and I am using it since more than 2 years. Best regards Pasquale
  2. Can't say the same as far as the support is concerned! My e-mails sent to wnsoft-support on this subject dated respectively Dec 2 and Dec 4 havn't got any replies nor an aknowledgement. About the program i recon it is a great one and I am using it since more than 2 years. Best regards Pasquale
  3. Ken, thanks for your reply, before initiating a new thread I have read almost all what has been written on the subject in the forum. Definitively I followed the indications of not closing PTE (nor pushing finish on the pop-up window) before having finished the production of the final DVD through Ulead Movie Factory. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled PTE with no different result. It looks like if PTE is producing a non-readable temp avi file! Which "other system files" PTE uses? Do I need to check if they are all properly installed on my machine? Thanks pasquale
  4. Ken, I got the file from - Making of AVI video file - selecting "Create custom AVI video file - Video Codec - Fotogrammi interi (non compressi) Bye Pasquale
  5. I didn't succeed yet in getting an .avi file from PTE that can be read by either Ulead Movie Factory 2 or TMPGEnc. I have also obtained from PTE an uncompressed .avi file that CANNOT be read by any player, including WMediaPlayer, nor can be read by TMPGEnc! Do I need to change/set something specific in PTE? Do I need specific codecs or renderers installed? The error messages I get when trying to read or play the .avi files produced by PTE are: "The file format is not supported by " Windows Media Player "can not open, or unsupported" TMPGEnc "Unable to open file - File reading error" when trying to add video to Ulead MovieFactory2 I am using XP Home edition Windows Media Player series9 Directx9 Is there somebody that can drive me to the success? I am using PTE since almost three years and have really appreciated it till now.
  6. Boxig, thanks for your reply. I get the message "catCantCreateFile" just at the beginning when, I suppose, PTE attempts to create the AVI file. I will be mailing the issue to the support. Best regards
  7. When trying to obtain an AVI file I get the following m essage "catCantCreareFile" and I am stopped! Thanks you in advance for your support in solving the issue. Best regards
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