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About gogs

  • Birthday 03/27/1946

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  • Location
    Hawick, Scotland
  • Interests
    Photography and AV

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  1. Cool effect Tom. Thanks for sharing. Gogs
  2. Well Done!!! Thanks for the Christmas greetings. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family. Gogs
  3. A very nice Christmas show. Thanks for sharing with us. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. Gogs
  4. Fantastic Slideshow. Thanks for sharing. Gogs
  5. Hi Bad Dancer Thanks for sharing your templates. You are very talented and generous. It i greatly appreciated. Gogs
  6. Thank you for sharing your talent. Gogs
  7. Hi Paiche59 Thank you for sharing. These are fantastic and I will certainly find a use for them. Gogs
  8. Hi trailertrash I sorry to hear of your sad news and how difficult it must have been during this time when it has been difficult to meet with friends an family at a time when their support is most needed. I also live in Scotland and have felt the long road it has been trying to get through this covid crisis. I am pleased that you are now able to get out and about again and I have enjoyed watching your slideshow very much. I have been to the Kelvingrove museum but it was many years ago. Your slideshow has brought it to life for me and I am sure for the others who have also viewed it. I also liked your choice in music. It was well presented and thank you for sharing. Gogs
  9. Thanks Paul for the update. It is much appreciated. Gogs
  10. Another Fantastic and impressive style. You are very imaginative. Gogs
  11. Thanks Paul.
  12. Paul Thank you for the tutorials. I have watched both. Youtube translation was not the best, but good enough to help me follow what you were doing. I particularly wanted to learn how you put on the glare and the shadows and now understand that. Gogs
  13. Rosemary. I have attached the styles with all the objects translated to English. Gogs 3D Ball 1 Image.ptestyle3D Ball 2 Images.ptestyle
  14. Thanks Paul for creating these styles. I hope you don't mind I have translated all the objects into English and re-created the style in English to help understand how it is put together. Gogs
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