richard tucker
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Everything posted by richard tucker
I recently had a fake email offering a cheaper upgrade to version 9 and an email from Paypal global. I have had to change my paypal account.
Following my last course in Cardiff I suggest the following items 1. Ability to edit a sound clip on a audio track ie - if you have a voice over track to have the ability to cut it into sections and move individual edits to correct positions. 2. Ability to save the final mixed audio track on its own as a wav or mp3 3. ability to see the audio graphic display in objects and animations. 4. ability to move multiple key frames ( by pressing tab or control keys) 5. ability to choose different transitions to images added in objects and animation section 6. option of both percent or position of key frames in objects and animation 7. ability to import 3d objects ie *.obj
Strange! I have had malwarebytes on several computers for a while and never had problems with running any pte exe files of any kind.I also use ccleaner.
Although it is a lot easier in several versions of Photoshop or elements - manually in older versions or automatic using Align in newer ones you could probably do for free in GIMP see http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-tool-align.html. I have aligned about twenty images in PS and occasional the odd 2 in PTE objects and animation and that is not too difficult as Lin has already explained.
after effects but you could use premiere or aviedit. Richard
I regularly use sequences of short video clips,time laps etc in sequences. One total time lapse seq contains over 4300 images at 30ms This plays pretty well on my latest machine and even on the older ones as the image size was only 640 x480 ( shot some years ago on early digital cameras) The exe file is only 192 megs for this. The latest programmes contain slowmo video clips and time lapse sequences at 2048 x 768 The exe file is quite large 1.1 gigabytes but it plays fine on 2 of my fastest machines with GTX460 and GTX285 graphic cards onboard. You need plenty of memory! Video clips are saved as individual frames and loaded in bulk (using the tab key) onto the time line and quick transition selected for all and time interval of 30ms or near depending on smoothness of motion. www.rtfract.com
Hi igor Just sent you an email confirming that the new music test beta worked fine on the older Shuttle. Well done. Igor strikes again! Richard
Hi Igor Further to the above the mp3 file is the standard Audition 1.5 version I think - mp3 pro 16 bit stereo 44khz Yes the sync was switched on in timeline
Hi Igor I have just downloaded the above and will transfer them to my other machine and test them in a few minutes. I have sent you an email separately re the sequence I mentioned before. Richard
I have had exactly the same problem. Last night I was upgrading an old show to beta11 - smoothing the pans etc. In the show there are specific sound FX at several moments in the sound track. When I checked the time line and played it everything was OK and then I played the preview back from the time line starting several images back from where I had made some changes and still everything was Ok. So I played the sequence from the beginning and noticed that there was a mis match between the sound and the image. It was about a second out. I then played the same sequence on my new machine with a faster graphics card and it played perfectly !! I am now making more room on the older computer and will be defragging it to see if this makes any difference.
For those interested I have updated the demo I did of an early beta to the latest beta 10 using the new controls for zoom and pan. I did find that several complex 'object and animation' panels required a lot of surgery! But the simple ones took only a few seconds to update to the super new 'bezier' curves control. Incidently I suspect the person who designed the icons is a formula 1 racing fan! You will find the link to the new demo at the bottom of the following page http://www.rtfract.com/digiview.htm
Hi Igor, The zooms and pan linear interface look good and work well, especially with the individual speed options. However I have been doing some checking of the speed of loading fast image sequences- i.e. video sequences in individual frames and time lapse sequences. On my old Shuttle which has a modest graphics card (GeForce 4800)and using version 8u I am able to run 338 images at a rate of 20 ms per slide and it runs smoothly -almost as fast as video! However when I run version 10 with hardware acceleration OFF nothing happens. At 30ms it runs but very badly At 50ms it runs jerkily. At 75ms and 100ms it runs better but not smoothly. At 20- 75ms with acceleration ON nothing happens - it freezes. At 100ms there did not appear to be much difference between the acceleration set to on or off. I then tried it on a new Shuttle with a much better graphics card (NVidia 8800GTS) and a faster hard drive and more RAM but results were almost the same. In the test above the images were only 640 x 480 so there does appear to be a change in the loading of images from 8u to 9 and 10. With the acceleration ON the lowest time interval I can achieve with the new Shuttle is 150ms with 60 images. Will there be any chance of improving the loading of jpegs with the acceleration ON as from the practical point of view it is almost certain one would want to use fast sequences and pans etc as is possible in 8u Richard
I forgot add that I tried a seq of 6100 images 640x 480 and it went through too quickly at 10ms but setting it at 20ms it took 2 min for the seq. Runs very smoothly. Its a 250 meg file so too big to upload Off to watch England win now
The new beta 3 version of PTE5 is much more powerful for time lapse. The images are now skipping through at a great rate. Get them down to 1024 x 768 for smooth running. I have added a short time lapse of 766 images taken at Aspen. You will find it here http://www.richardtucker.plus.com/digiviewextras.htm I set fade to 0 and time interval to 10ms
I have just put online a short extract from a sequence ( 12 - a tongue in cheek search for a briefcase) trying out some of the fx in v5beta3. You can save it from http://www.richardtucker.plus.com/digiviewextras.htm
I have now put a couple of demos of V5beta2 at the location below http://www.richardtucker.plus.com/digiviewextras.htm one is similar to an earlier one I had to take off my regular web site because of heavy traffic and the other is a demo title sequence to a programme I am preparing
Thanks to Igor and his team for the hard work on the latest vesrsion. I have tried it on two computers -a laptop using a gforce nvidia go6600 and a shuttle using a gforce ti4800se with no problems at all So I have put on my web site a demo of version 5 beta 1 - a test sequence lasting about 7 minutes with a variety of sizes of images from small to 14,000 x 1200. Now it is quite large -36 megs and as the traffic is very high on my site ( due to about 750 visits a day) I may have to withdraw it if the traffic gets near my 20 gig a month norm. You will find it at the bottom of the following web page http://www.rtfract.com/digiview.htm right click and save as target. Its just a quicky to try out the effects. rt
For me the three most important features to be incorporated are as follows - not in order of importance! 1. A picture pool facility which has the following features a. ability to move images around by dragging (you cannot do this in adobe album) this is essential. b. file name on each image c. ability to add blank spaces or rows. Essentail when editing the placement of images. d. optional abilty would be to resize the thumbnails 2. Zoom and Pan images with control over speed of movement at the end of a zoom or pan if required. 3. Easier method of editing in the timeline if adding or subtracting one or more images. Richard Tucker
1. Seperate movable area to sort pictures with ability to show file names and to add blank rows or individual places. 2. Ability to zoom or pan individual pictures smoothly with control of in and out splines 3. The ability to have different fade in and out transition times. This would enhance use of the third image and possibly the use of different blending modes (like Photoshop).
I have recently added another DVD of both PTE sequences and animations to my' DVD PTE collection' and this time used the TMPGenc encoder and TMPGencDVD author only . I had no problems and the quality on the TV again looked pretty good. I did tick the interlaced box for reasons Igor has already mentioned. It is interesting to note that within the video world the TMPGenc encoder has a high rating (It is frequently praised on the After Effects forum) so I was not surpised at the high quality achieved from PTE sequences. I have now had a chance to check the quality of my DVD versions against direct from the PC on a video projector and although the PC version still has the edge -well you would expect that with a higher resolution etc- it is still very good and a good standby . Richard Tucker - www.rtfract.com
I have now managed to create 3 DVD's of PTE presentations lasting 70 mins, 67 mins and 63 mins. They contain varying number of sequences 8, 5 and 5 for the last one. The version of PTE used for the first 2 was beta1 of 4.2 and for the last beta 2. The method used was as follows. The first PTE sequence was loaded and an AVI saved as PAL - interlaced using the DVD'Video disc option. I then ran the Ulead Movie Factory 2 trial and added the video just saved by PTE. I then closed Ulead and opened Sonic MyDVD which came with my Sony external DVD writer (DRU-500A) which does all formats. I then loaded the same PTE file into Sonic MyDVD. Now you may ask why!!!?? Well initially I tried to load all sequences into the Ulead prog which recognised the files Ok but then fell over when trying to recode. As for the Sonic sometimes it would load one OK but failed to recognise the next one so as the computer (a 2.6 Athlon running XP) might have been confused as I also have an internal CD burner I experimented with combining both Ulead and Sonic progs and it works. I did try some of the other codecs but the quality was not good. Having successfully added the first sequence onto Sonic MyDVD I then minimised the first PTE seq and restarted another version of PTE and loaded in the second sequence - saved the AVi - loaded into Ulead -closed Ulead- loaded the second sequence into Sonic MyDVD which was of course still running. I continued this technique until I had loaded all sequences. You end up with several versions of PTE running. The quality of the result is outstanding! On my 30" wide screen TV I can easily read small text on a map from 10 to 12 feet (a couple of meters) away. The dissolves are perfect and sound from the mp3 file amazingly good. If your sequence has been done in wide screen format (1024 x 576) then it will look great on a wide screen TV. I have yet to try the results on a video projector. Watch this space! Well done to Igor and his merry band of helpers!