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Everything posted by fitzner3

  1. Well, my friend doesn't no that much so eventually I will just have him take out the D drive and just drive a nail through it. i will use just the C drive and save my presentations, pictures and files on a cd using my E drive via Roxio. Harry
  2. Bill, I will bring all this to a friend at church and work on this mater. That test to see the health of the drives, where would I get this and what is the name. Harry
  3. I know our forum is not a place for this problem but this might have happened to one of you guys. My windows 98 second edition has two HD "C and D" one night the D drive just went by by, gone just dissapeared along with the CD-ROM CD player. I had to use a paper clip to get the CD out. I use this web site called ( Annoyances.org ) I am getting some advice. I have gone to My computer, R clicked, properties and device manager and checked the CD-ROM and it shows a NEC NR-7800A player. I checked the disk drives and it shows: Generic ide disk type 47 Generic nec floppy disk No device problems listed. They said (annoyances) that if you D drive and CD rom are on the same controller channel (I am thinking how do I know this and what is a controller) and the CD rom has taken a dump, it could be effecting the D drive. All I know is that something has effected the D drive. So, any ideas? Do you think that if I opened the tower and umpluged the D rive and pluged it in again that might reset it? Or do I have to re-configure the D drive. There is no evidence that the D drive ever existed on the computer. Now this is interesting!! When I turn on the computer in the morning and the boot cycle begins I do not here that beep from the A drive even though the A drive works and I do eventually get a full boot up. Well that's it another continuing saga from Harry. Any ideas of course will be appreciated.
  4. Thank You Ken, that is real nice of you and very thoughtful!! The song is really from a CD that our church produced locally and why they used wma instead of mp3 I don't know. Probably the CD people said people would have a hard time doing what I want to do? The title is "What Kind Of Man Is This" and you would not have it because it was only distributed locally in our area. But hey thanks anyway!! Perhaps other wma will not be that way. Harry
  5. Ok, well, I downloaded the files needed to convert wma to mp3 and it says that the song.wma is write protected and I cannot convert it. Harry
  6. I use also "dbpower amp music converter" and I have just one .wma music file and I would like to convert it to mp3. But when I go to the program to convert the wma it does not show up on the list. All the other mp3's etc. show up but not wma. what do you think is wrong? am I missing an additional program with dbpower amp that I need for wma files.\? Harry
  7. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Stu, I received the email and downloaded the information and I will work with this Monday back at work and thanks for all the help in sticking with this problem. Harry
  10. [autorun] open=ShelExec filename.ext Stu, did as you typed and got message that: Windows cannot find ShelExec.exe I am going to let it rest for now but thanks for all the input. I will have a look at Granots site agin. Harry
  11. Thank's Stu, I will try this out Monday. Harry
  12. I understand what you are saying and so it may be that a lot of computers that the students are using out there in distant learning would have the same problem as I have. I also noticed that when it did not work I went the usualy way to view the class: my computer etc. and could not. so the students would have the same problem as I. I believe that we should just leave be as is and just view through my computer where there would be no problem. But thanks for your help Stu. I did solve the Roxio problem with the win95. After upgrading to win98se the computer accepted Roxio Platinum fine!! I do like Nero but Roxio has that Direct CD (drag and drop etc.) and with Nero that is a separate order I was told. I have been using Roxio on my home computer and have had no problems. Harry I
  13. Well, again it didn't work and I tried very hard to make the right spaces where they should be. So, for now I decided not to enter this field as it seems to tricky for me. But thanks to all and I will work this perhaps at another time. Harry
  14. I see the error of my way. Friday when I return to work I will make the changes. Hey, I just got an invite to go to Galveston, Texas to give a demonstration for Carnival Cruise Lines out this way. I wanted to see if on board the ship where they would sell film and process if I could have some cards available about my service. So, light a candle, or open a bottle of whatever and hope for the best. ! Harry
  15. Granot your #19 for downloading autorun can not be found send to me please I will read all and take time to work it. Harry
  16. Not quite there yet . It looked like it was going to work. At the beginning when after I inserted the cd in all of a sudden it looked like the dos page was tring to come up. But anyway this is what I typed: [autorun] open=start mplayer2.exe/fullscreen/play/close\testamony.avi then I saved it: Save as autorun.inf Harry
  17. I will let you know how it works out when I go to work Tuesday. Harry
  18. Last semister I was producing avi files for our distant learners of our Bible College. In order for them to view on the computer they would have to go to My Computer and click the avi file. Could I use the format I have been using for exe but change it to avi to auto load the avi file? [autorun] open = name of the file like this [autorun} open = spiritual_authority.avi and save as autorun.avi ?
  19. Well guys this is what I finally did with the win95. My son happened to have a win98 second edition but lost the origional cd sleeve. So I called Microsoft and they without charge gave me some numbers to register it and now I have a 98se on at work. Also, I have Roxio 5 Platinum and all seems to be working well. Harry
  20. Well I had someone come over to the church to look at the old win95 and the concenses was that I need to upgrade to win98se. The dll file that needed to be replaced Roxio said that was a missing file from the win95 computer. Well the win95 does have 80 gig, 350 + mega hrtz so I suppose it could use an upgrade. My son just so happens to have the upgrade. A computer shop said that as long as you have a windows system operating on my computer I could upgrade to the 98se and I should not loose any other programs. Harry
  21. Not so good news!! I had no problem getting into save mode and went to change the name of the COMCTL32.DLL file and the win95 would not let me do this. The message said: cannot rename file being used by windows I could not even delete the dang file because "it was being used by windows" So, It's like I always say when I run into difficulities like this, "unless I have someone with me side by side and If I just donot understand it I just leave it alone. I am going to go back to Roxio Basic 5 but I am going into their Forum and as some questions as to what these messages mean: Creator API eNGINE INIALIZATION HAS FAILED EXCEPTION IN CREATELNSTANCE OF CREATOR HARRY
  22. On my computer at home I have both Nero and Easy CD Creator Platinum. I went to programs folder and opened it and into the common files folder and only found just Easy CD Creator elements only. Is there a problem, you think, with having both software programs on the computer or will the conflict in some way? I could not find when I went to Windows and then clicked systems and looked for IOSUBSYS But anyway the work computer now since I took off Easy CD Creator Pre will not let me use any CD Direct CD's which has the files for the dll and set up for win zip so I will have to convert the direct cd to play in the F drive the CD Player. Let me tell you briefly what I do at this Part time job; I video tape classes then capture them into the 80 gig GD use Premier to edit split the class into two halves to save on two CD's. I thought I would take off the old ancient cd software and replace with Easy CD Creator, first choice, but had problems with error messages and now with Nero, 2nd choice. I just hope that Nero works and alows me to make avi cd's. If not I am out of luck. I do not have the old software as it was donated and the donar can not be found!! Harry
  23. I made an error in my information to you. The dll is: comctl32.dll and not "n" And thans for assistance even though this is not a P2E problem. By the way: How do I get into save mode to make the upgrade? And how do I get back into normal mode. When I rename the old dll could I rename it like this: comctl32a.dll I do this sort of renaming on photos and music all the time. Harry My sys at work is a windows 95 PII 80 gig HD Does Nero have a CD Direct like Roxio where you can put pictures, music etc on a cd-r and when about full you can convert the CD so that it can be read on a regular CD ROM. If Nero does what do they call it? I am using the Nero 5 and it also has the express application also. Easy to operate "Even a fool or ediot" can use it!!!!!!!! Harry
  24. Really have a time of it!! Where I work part time I wanted to put a better cd buring software on the windows 95 computer. First I tried Roxio CD Platinum but I kept getting a message saysing: Engine initialization has failed and exception in createlnstance of creator I can't get Roxio to answer emails so I uninstalled and installed Nero but I got a message saying: Need newer version of the file: conctl32.dll so I went to annoyances.org and made a plea for help and got a reply real soon and pointed me to this site: http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-file....shtml?comctl32 I got my replacement dll file ( the upgrade) It was in the form of a compressed zip file and the computer I use a work I will have to install winzip in order to insert the file in the windows sys. directory AND THIS IS MY QUESTION TO ANYONE WHO CAN HELP ME IN THIS where is the Windows sys directory? go to windows exployer then what? Harry
  25. Thanks, Alan, I went and put on WinMix for the computer and it is working fine! Harry
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