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Everything posted by fitzner3

  1. A friend of mine will be getting PTE soon and I said you would need also windows media player or some other type of player. In the questions and answeres it says: Question: What additional files are needed to run the EXE file of the presentation on my computer or any other computer? Answer: No other files are necessary to run the EXE file. Should it be saying something about the Windows Media player? How about WinMix would that work. Harry
  2. I just finished a project for a church using over 100 slides and five separate mp3 songs and I used audacity to trim and fade for each sections of the production. I normally would make one huge music file and then sync the pictures to each song. I had no problem this time just using five individual mps's. It would be nice that in the music tab you could go to the first song and take it out and replace it in the same position. Or just highlite the song and drag it to the end or the middle. Harry
  3. Thanks Igor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Received your email with the code and activated it just fine!! This time I saved it on a personal disk of presentations. When I get close to a cd-r 700 mb I save all to a CD for save keeping. unfortunately, I had to delete all .pte files as all my pictures were lost but kept the final .exe!!
  4. Ops that's Mr. Kokarev
  5. Thanks for the support!! I totally agree that there would be cheats that would try to get another code but that is not me and I know you guys believe me!! I will send Mr. Kokarev another email. Harry
  6. Ok, it appears that one has to send an email to: orders@wnsoft.com, with your full name, your origional order ID and the email you used at the time you placed the order. I am really not organized like I thought so I have none of this now that I can find. I am pleading with Igor to just help me or if I have to order again well I guess I will have to. Harry
  7. Thanks Guys for all the advise!! I did save all my presentations from the past on a cd-r and some utilities. Checking my email this morning there was nothing from Igor or from his crew so I will have to just be patient!! When I do get his email I will save it to a cd this time. It's that code that baffled me. I could not find it anywhere on my backup cd's but no work until June. I read the forum daily and try not to be a bother with stupid questions. As some no I have Xat and well I am not to happy with it. I am on my knees praying that Igor will see the light and move in other directions. Harry
  8. I am really sorry to ask this but I had to reformat my computer and already emailed "Igor" for that code I will need. "wish me luck" I know Igor is very busy!! I can't find Irfran view could someone either email me or post the "URL" for me and mush thanks. Also, a wave converted to mp3 and other useful utilities that are "Freeware" Getting ready to do a lot of High School reunions this summer!!
  9. What I decided to do is use music regardless of it not pausing. I figured anyway when you are doing this manually how can the music pause anyway. But that's ok. When I get to the text " And now lets see what Carla says about the Home study course " I hit play on the vcr and it overrides the presentation on the screen. When the video is finished I go back to the presentation. My other presentation is fully automatic and uses a star constellation background. It is actually (automated) but I don't know how to really do this with pte. I use fades only. The music is "Galexy" and reall intense. Harry
  10. No custom sync just slides manually with navagation bar to manually advance slides forward. I wanted to have music and I have music by using the music tab. That works fine but I guess you can not pause music. I tried using the other methods (2) but one works for each slide only. The other method I have never had success in. You see I am doing this manually because I am using a video tape interview of a few people identified in the slide presentation. When I get to the first name I wanted to pause and play the video and when video is finished advance to the next slide. Sorry about confusing the above!! Not good at explanning myself and the directions that come with p2e are well not the greatest. Harry
  11. Help Porvavor!!! Please!!! But in English please!! Doing a presentation for my church and it is formated manually where I use the navagation bar to go to next slde and previous (if I have to go back) I have music playing in background and I will have to pause (of which I have the pause on with the navagation bar) When I pause it has no effect like NO Pause Is this possible to do? When I pause I play a video interview and then I continue with the slide show and then pause for two more interviews. I want the music to pause but no effect. I hope this is clear as in the past I seem to confuse people!! Harry
  12. Well, I have been on a long vacation to family in California and came back to a new 4.00 and Igor it is wonderful and so easy to use. One can be so creative with our new program.
  13. Igor, I really like what you did thus far with the beta 1 version!! It is so easy to create a presentation and preview anywhere you want without going to the beginning of the presentation. This is what I always wated!!
  14. I downloaded Music Pro and when I clicked the icon a prompt came up and said the beta version has ended or something. I went to the website and could not find the latest version. Anyway would it work on just a windows 98?
  15. or perhaps on the new forum (which uses that same Invision software as this forum does) now hosted by Harry Fitzner, a PTE "regular". I have e-mailed him about possibly hosting such a discussion. I have never received such an email that I can recall! I made a new topic about how I feel and think about my forum page on my web site and I have to say that my forum page is for my customers only to log on and ask questions about what I do. It is not for continued talk about OTHER programs. I believe like others that p2e is that best windows based slide program there is and I like others hope that one day it will extend itself to VCD/SVD and if it does happen it will be probably the best there.
  16. I just want to make this clear that on my web site I do use the invision discussion board as p2e does. I would rather not use it to further discussions of other presentation formats. It is intended for my customers to log on and comment about what ever. I will A L W A Y S remain L O Y A L to Pictures to Exe. In fact I use both P2e and the other. I use the other on my web site because all the Funeral Homes in my county want VCD so I give them VCD format. For my regular customers I use,(if they want to see the presentation only on computer), P2e because of the tremendous freedom to do what I want and to be creative in ways that I am used to. Yes, I to hope that we will one day go VCD/SVCD and I have no doubt where I will go . Yes, I spent $99 for the other because business in business. For now the other program for me not only creates the web based program but gives me the html and other files for my web master to use. So, I need this understanding that I am Pro P2e but I also like the other for what it does for me so I DO NOT want to dis-credit them. And I think that, and I hope, we understand that my forum page is for my customers who want to discuss what ever or just to say great job Harry!! Better use the DPreview.com for Other talks about other then P2e
  17. Thanks, Truelight, for the input and I will make the changes. I agree the fades would look better.
  18. http://www.photoimpressionspresents.com/ex...example/Dad.php We working on inserting the picture presentation inside a TV or just leaving like this for now.
  19. For me I still just prefer the making of the old menu page and linking the little pictures to the presentation. This way a customer has control of the presentations. I just tell them on the menu page LEFT CLICK ONE TIME ONLY
  20. http://www.photoimpressionspresents.com/ I now have a web site and I just recently purchased Xatshow and will use this program along with picture to Exe. I am getting some work with Funeral Directors and I use Xatshow for that. I am hoping that P2e will go this was so I can use it also. My site is not fully developed as of yet. We are getting pictures to go along with the services page. Any ideas would be welcomed. The new version of Xatshow is terrrific and has a good help area to work with!!
  21. I am having a web page designed and they are suggesting that they be short to the point of say under 1 MB so that a customer with a dial up modem (like myself) will not have to wait a LONG time to view the sample presentation. Is that reasonable? ALSO: is there a utility out there take a MIDI and shorten it. Audacity does not do this. Audacity will take a mp3 and convert to wav but will not accept midi or wav by itself. I would like to convert mp3 or wav to midi or midi to mp3 is that possible? :
  22. Bill, you can take my presentations out also.
  23. Woops it appears that after I wrote the above I answered my own question.
  24. I did re-register but forgot my profile, assuming it was supposed to be re-submitted at the time of registering. Do I register again?
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