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What A Ride

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Everything posted by What A Ride

  1. where do I find this slide show at for the styles? thanks
  2. Alex55, I thank so much, I might of eventually figured it out but I'm not sure I had enough time..You explained it really well. Thanks again. Bill
  3. Good afternoon, I'm trying to figure out how to add my 50 pictures using this style. What is the correct way to add pics using this style? It does look like there are multiple styles to use, so do I copy the style from within O & A and paste it on the pictures on the time line?
  4. Davegee, WOW, you're right on the money.. Thanks for the help, its appreciated...Bill
  5. I’ll do further research on this as it’s probably on my side. Thanks
  6. Wide angle, thanks for responding, ok, by the beginning of slide show I mean the very start of the Show, let’s say I’m working on the show at the 10 minute point on the timeline and at that point I want to watch the show to see if my tweak is what I want. I will use the mini player to watch the show, (the mini player allows you to play show from where the cursor is), if I click on the fullview button the screen goes full view, but it will also start playing the audio from the opening of the show. On versions past I didn’t have this problem.
  7. If I want to play slide show from anywhere in the show everything is great with the mini player, but, and if I use full view mode while using the mini player, the show will play both the beginning sound track and the correct sound track from where I wanted to start the show.. the mini player full screen is useful to play from any position in the show, I like to use full screen sometimes but cannot because of multi audio tracks are playing simultaneously...any help would be appreciated...Bill
  8. very NIcely done TheDom..Thanks for your ingenuity....Bill
  9. My My,,,Ok, why didnt I see that? Thanks Wideangle...much appreciated..
  10. I can not figure out how to add a photo, in the O&A where the number "2" is at the beginning of the slide, I'm not sure where to insert it at. Looking at the right side of the screen, I'm not sure. If you can help that would be appreciated..Thanks Bill
  11. Thanks Lin, I thought it would be useful to have selected photos on the timeline copied and pasted wherever you wanted. Ill wait and see if this is available in another version...Bill
  12. Is it possible to select multiple photos on timeline and then paste those photos into a folder? Thank You...
  13. Jill, wow, you're right I was in Photo mode, it works perfectly..Thanks a bunch...
  14. Jkb, Im evidently not doing something right with dragging to the right, nothing is moving for me. Appreciate your help though...
  15. Would it or is it possible to use the "Cut all Transition points" feature for just part of the slide show? Say I have 100 slides and want to use it to sync audio with the last 25 slides. So, where ever I select my slide will be the starting point of cutting transition points till the end of show. Is it something that is possible? I really don't need the whole show to be included...Thanks Bill
  16. I've always respected your updates over the years...Thanks...
  17. Igor,,you fixed it for me....You prob dont remember me, but I posted that I could not use the O&A cause it gave me an video card error(I'd never had a video card prob before until I installed beta 6),,,,Now with version 25 of beta 6 it works fine...Thanks Bill videoInfo.txt
  18. Igor, this is probably more than you want.... COMP Info.txt
  19. Igor,,thanks a million....I appreciate your program a bunch.....and your concern for your customers...Bill
  20. Ralph, thanks so much for your help,,,Now my 6.0 is working fine,,,hmmmm....objects and animation is good to go....Thanks for your time...../Bill
  21. Ralph, Ive got 5.6.3 on my computer and everything works fine,,,Should I find 5.6.4 and install it again?
  22. Ralph,,,I appreciate the info, but,, I made sure I have only one pte progam open and still have the problem..For some reason it doesnt want me to edit my pics...BTW I used ver 5.7 beta 13 and everything works just fine.......Thanks abunch...Bill
  23. Thanks for assisting me,,Just recently I have not been able to load Objects and Animations, when I select the button to edit a picture, the computer goes to the objects and animation screen for a split second and reappears back at the main screen...Can any one assit me? Im using the lastest ver...ver 20. it happens when only using one slide too.....Thanks...Bill
  24. Its almost time to go HD on our TV,,which one and why?..I dont expect in depth info, just hit some basic areas that we should know..LCD, Plasma,,,i or P Hmmmmm.......resolution etc...Thanks alot...cause this will be my determining factor when I buy....Bill
  25. Brian, whats your advice for adding an amp to power the speakers, verses using the laptop? Would you purchase a sound card (better card than what is installed) to slide into the slot or just go through a amp. If its an amp, and I need it to be portable to go with my new AE M system speakers, for slide shows in different size rooms. Thanks Bill
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