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Everything posted by liebgott

  1. Lin, thank you so much for the explanation.I work with computers all the time but your explanation makes sense and I appreciate the effort you took to explain it to me. No wonder this forum is so great--with people like you! Best, Barbara
  2. Lin--I fixed my computer by myself and updated the Nvidia driver and now the GPU works. I believe that was the reason why the two transitions did not work. They work now. Yippee!! I did it myself. Barbara
  3. Yes, I did that. Barbara
  4. I am unable to use Flip 3D and Swap 3D. Every other transition works. Is there a reason? Barbara
  5. Barry, as you know I am a great fan of your work. I agree that pano holds little or no interest for me either. I follow your tutorials and try the "peaceful" way. Works for me. Barbara
  6. The download for his masks are at the end of each catalogue. Barbara
  7. What a fascinating story. My Quebec French still works! To Igor--many thanks for the best program I have ever used with a wonderful assortment of members who so graciously help the bewildered. (That includes me)! Barbara
  8. Thanks from me too. It suddenly seems to make sense. Barbara
  9. It's that ah-ha moment when I realized that what puzzled me were only transitions. Those I can handle with ease. Thank you all for the help. I really feel foolish but you've all been just great Barbara
  10. Ray That much I understand. My problem is with the opening slide show that Igor made where one entire photo replaces another with the use of masks. Barbara
  11. Sorry Lin, when you can start from A to Z so that we can understand how Igor changed a whole picture using a mask as in the new intro and not just a part of a picture. I am sure I am not the only one having this problem but you are the only one who can make it clear. Really sorry! Barbara
  12. Gayland The best person to explain all this is Lin. I have his tutorial but I still cannot follow it to any conclusion. Lin--please go step by step. I am not alone in being utterly confused. Barbara
  13. [Dave--do I make a mask container first? Barbara
  14. I can see the order of the slides but Igor it doesn't make any sense to me. I wonder if Lin could write a small tutorial on how to do the opening . Maybe I will understand it then. Thank you anyway and Merry Christmas. Lin--are you there? Barbara
  15. :huh:Can someone explain how the use of masks was made in the new intro to Beta 18? Much obliged. Barbara Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah to all.....[ size=4]
  16. Lin How do I make a snowglobe? Barbara
  17. Found it myself--of course it would be Lin's wonderful work. Great. And I enjoyed your snowfalls too. Barbara
  18. I am looking for the show which used the.zar frames and how to change the pictures. Any help please? Barbara
  19. Tom I liked your little show of leaves. Could you send me the way to do it? Barbara liebgott@netvision.net.il
  20. Lin Thank you so much for your patience and expertise. You have started me off on a new adventure and I shall do my best to be a good student. On my off days from work I shall have a go at the mask problem. Again. thanks Barbara
  21. [Lin I watched your Halloween show with masks. So now I want to know how to make a mask. I know how to make a png. Beat Barbara
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