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Everything posted by liebgott

  1. Lin--thank you. But what puzzles me is why would anyone want a mask--I can understand a png but not the reason to use a mask. I guess I sound stupid but I love to understand and I do make "shows" for family and friends which are relatively sophisticated as a result of following you and the forum.
  2. Can someone explain to me the use of a mask. What purpose does it serve? Barbara
  3. Brian I am not too shocked. My techie is a Microsoft licensed chap and I shall pass this on to him. I sincerely thank you for all this fascinating information. It is just so annoying. Barbara
  4. Cornflow. What a great idea--but--I was doing well with the instructions and everything worked until I got to the point of burning. I burned the Cd with all the necessary parts and again it would not autorun. I could run it from my computer of course. So I think I shall wait for my techie and find odut what my computer doesn't like. But again--many, many thanks. Barbara
  5. I've done all that and I do have two drives and I tried both. I just called my favourite techie and he will sort it out for me if it can be done. But thank you so very much. I work in computers at our national museum so I do have a bit of expertise. Barbara
  6. Thank you for the prompt repkly--but that is exactly what I have been doing--and no luck! Barbara
  7. I followed your instructions for auto run carefully. It doesn't work and yet CDs from other people do work with auto run. I have Win XP Business. My inf file and slide show exe file are in the root of the CD as instructed. When I open My Computer I see my inf. file and my icon. Have you any bright ideas why I keep on struggling? Barbara[
  8. Thank you Peter. What a fast and easy reply! Barbara
  9. I moved over most of my former computer's programs but neglected to move PTE 4. How do I obtain it so that I can have an automatic start button? Barbara
  10. Barbara Liebgott liebgott@netvision.net.il thanks!!
  11. [ PS: Here in Montreal, we usually have snow on the ground before Christmas, but this year is different. Call it "Global warming effect", or something else, but it ain't white this year... so using your trick, I will try to trick it
  12. Hi Ravie is a MS font and comes with Word. Cheers
  13. Thank you so much. I finally see how to do it with your very good explanation. Barbara
  14. My error--sorry Dominique. See I even get confused on names. Barbara
  15. Yes I can locate the files in My Computer and Windows Explorer. I downloaded the file from TheDom site. I opened the file and in it were jpegs and a pte file. with the template of the book. But I cannot open that file nor do I see any of the aforementioned files when I am in PTE 5. Sorry I thought Dominique was a female name. My mistake. Barb
  16. Ken to be more precise, I downloaded and opened her files for the template for the book . I put all the files (pictures and pte) in a folder where I store her work. I cannot locate the that particular pte nor any other ones that I downloaded from her site. This does not occur with anyone else's work. Barb
  17. Ken--been there done that but I still cannot locate her files in the file which I use for PTE. Mysterious. Can you figure it out? Barb
  18. Hi Dominique Please tell me how I can open a PTE file such as the one you have for the book effect. Barbara
  19. Hi No problems with Windows Media Player in either post! Barbara
  20. Ron I second the motion! Barbara
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