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Everything posted by liebgott

  1. I have had the same problem. Barbara
  2. Dear Granot Let the dumbest member of this forum say--it works--it works--it works. I love it. Barbara
  3. Granot hi No--I inserted 14 shows and was not able to insert another. But with your latest iteration the missing show appeared. What accounts for this I cannot say as I followed all your instructions really to the letter. By the way the skin is just fine and it really looks like a most wonderful program. As we say "kol hakavod" Don't change anything--I can understand it now. Happy Thailand Barbara
  4. Granot The answer to my question is here--so what am I doing wrong Barbara
  5. Granot hi You keep forgetting that I am new to all this jargon. I finally got the shows placed into the utility (even with the new skin!) but next question. Is there a limit to how many shows can be placed in the MultiShow? I got to 14. The total mb is 270. But a CD holds more and I am unable to add another show to the show folder. What's the secret? Barbara
  6. Granot Hi Yes, I paid my taxes but what I couldn't do was access the shows already on the CD. After a good night's sleep I realized that all the action takes place on the HD AND then I have to burn the CD. Does this make sense now? Enjoy Thailand Barbara
  7. Granot hi Do I understand correctly that one burns your utility on to the CD with the presentations? I have done so but cannot get the presentations listed in the utility. What am I doing wrong? Barbara
  8. Thanks to all I actually found that I had saved the registration key in my Outlook file. Wonders of wonders. So I quickly saved it to notepad as you all informed me and then saved it to my backup disk Whew. I never realized it was such an important task but somehow I seemed to know to save it. As for fooling around with the registry--I know better than that! So thank you all for helping and thank you all for reminding me to save. Barb
  9. Ken I went into regedit and found the key for PTE. There are lots!!of letters and numbers and three dots at the end. It does not resemble what I see from the other letters on the subject. There are no quotation marks for example. what am I doing wrong? Barbara
  10. I notice mention of a registration key for the initial use of PTE. I know I once had a key but now cannot locate it. How does one find their own key? I feel stupid to ask this. Barbara
  11. To everyone who responded From all the wonderful help I received and from consulting with Barry Beckham and DP Magazine--everyone agrees that Camtasia cannot be bettered. So I guess we will go with that software. thank you all for the input. Barbara
  12. I am looking for a software demo less expensive than Camtasia. Can anyone help? Barbara
  13. Have tried the glitch again and found that on my Win XP the same problem crops up. Sorry I misled you. Barbara
  14. Works just fine for me. Barbara
  15. To all I must be the only person on real ADSL because the download was not slow at all. Thanks for telling us where all those fantastic shots were taken. You could feel the chill. Barbara
  16. Michel You always give inspiration with your architectural presentations. Needless to say the photography, music and combination thereof are first rate. I have just come back from Bilbao and was wondering what to do with Frank Gehry's amazing Guggenheim museum shots I took and then your show seemed to put it all in place. Everyone should see your latest. Barbara
  17. If I may add my small comments on a very moving presentation--we just returned from a visit to the beaches of Normandy--one day after D-Day to pay tribute to the Canadian troups who fell amongst all the other allied forces. Our guide was most poignant in relating the events in all the villages around us. When I returned and viewed the presentation, I must admit having tears in my eyes. The local people still remember every bit of what happened and we were pleased to come to lay wreaths on graves in tribute to those gallant troups who saved the free world for us to grow up in. Many thanks for the presentation. Not only was it excellent but it has great value for people who forget what war is really like. Barbara
  18. Barry & Carol Hi The web site is just wonderful. I hope everyone takes a good look at it. I just wish to express pubically that you were the guiding light for my PTE work and a host of other information. Very few people are able to make explanations as clearly as you do; assuming that everyone has equal technical knowledge. Thank you. Barbara
  19. Granot hi Can you be a bit more informative. How would you use the program and why? Barbara
  20. Thanks to everyone for good suggestions. Wow that was fast! Barbara
  21. Anyone---I have to give a presentation to a large audience using a PTE program now in the making. Please tell me the best way to project it onto a large screen--what equipment to use--and in general what do I look out for? Any problems involved, etc. Since I am not doing the projecting myself I shall need detailed help if possible in order to convey it to the projectionist. Also is it advisable to put part of the program on hold for an oral explanation or is it better to wait until the program runs completely in as much as I shall be using music during the slide show. Many thanks Barbara
  22. Uzbekistan download I am grateful to Beechbrook for the chance to learn from the postings and the need to share some of my more exotic travels. I just posted Uzbekistan after a quick trip to a country very much in the news today. I know it is a poor country and with a dubious leadership(no politics ) but I had the desire to share the beautiful architecture going back to the period of Tamerlane and the diverse cultural types who inhabit this land. Any comments and suggestions for improvement of the presentation will be appreciated. barbara Jerusalem, Israel
  23. Happy Holidays to all. I am from Jerusalem
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