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About MikeL117

  • Birthday 06/24/1954

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    Oldham, England
  • Interests
    Photography as a hobby and a profession I use PTE to produce most of my instructional presentations and for fun.

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  1. Sorry for the multiple entries. I got click happy while waiting for the message to post. Can one of the moderators please delete them for me. Thanks
  2. Hi I think I have stumbled across a small but frustrating bug. If the file list is 'accidentally' pointed at the system folder WinSxS in windows 10, PtE becomes un responsive. Any action, including selecting a different folder, takes on the order of a minute or so. CPU usage at this time is about 13%. The only way, that I have found, to get out of this state is to patiently select a different folder. The other system folders do not seem to affect PtE. Re-starting, re-booting, re-installing does not help as PtE remembers the folder. This probably will not affect most users as the system folders are usually hidden. Thanks Mike
  3. An update. The above should say "The other options do seem to work". If the text template is manually inserted it does grab the correct field. The format is <%MainImg.IPTC.Credits%> for IPTC Credit, etc. Mike
  4. Hi Has anyone had any problems with EXIF and IPTC text templates not working? I am using 9.0.16 and when I try to select any of these options no template is inserted. The options do seem to work. Thanks Mike
  5. OK on Win 10 64bit (build14342) using Chrome and also Edge Mike
  6. Thank you so much Jean-Claude With 15 minutes of finding this simple PTE tool I saved myself a good hour of editing an animation. That included downloading, installing and learning how to use it. This will change the frustration of creating a complex animation back into a joy again. I look forward to PtE 8 inspired in part by your skill. Mike
  7. I'm still working at 4x3 but 16x9 and even 256x135(2k) will be dominant sooner rather than later. As long as it can be set in preferences the default is an arbitrary value to show how up to date the software is. As for fit or cover slide, almost every slide is cover for me then I can choose the crop in PTE. So cover slide added as a selectable option in either preferences or options would save me hours. Thanks
  8. Hi Igor I'm uploading a sample AVCHD for you to play with. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17582773/00010.MTS Thanks Mike
  9. Hi Igor A couple of issues with beta 10: These are with 1080i footage from Panasonic SD9 AVCHD. No thumbnail of video in file view, OK in slide view Division by zero error hitting space to show full screen sound playing after video image gone (slide moved on or dragging O&A timeline to shorten displayed time) sound stops OK when footage trimmed using trim controls in O&A. Sorry if these have been mentioned before. I didn't manage to read all 12 pages of bug reports. Mike
  10. Hi Pasting the text into a Photoshop text box would give you a better and, probably, quicker result as it would text wrap and have no background to deal with. OR Place (not import or a normal open) the PDF into Photoshop or open as a smart object you do not need to remove the background as this should be transparent. Then either give the layer a Photoshop shadow or other effect or save as transparent PNG and add the drop shadow effect in PTE Hope this makes sense Mike
  11. Thanks Igor It is useful to know. I was aware that the method Canon uses to reduce the resolution to video res was crude but hadn't realised they had hacked it all down to 720p. It looks like it may be worth shooting in 720p at 50/60 frames rather than 1080p 25. Mike
  12. Hi Igor Here is a 7D video file, not the most exciting in the world but it is steady. 00:1:37 recorded at 1920*1080 25p. Hope it uploads OK and you find it useful. Think the upload did not work, here is a link via Dropbox may take an hour to finish uploading. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17582773/MVI_2144.MOV Here is a smaller file 15 seconds long http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17582773/MVI_2127.MOV I have noticed that a piece of HDV footage had more detail than my 1080p 7D footage! Mike
  13. Well done Sheila You can do the next Awards show at OPS I knew you would beat it into submission once you got your teeth into it but this abundance of patience, where do you keep it locked away? Thanks for sharing and keeping it simple enough for me to understand. Thanks also to Lin, Peter and all the others, too numerous to mention, on the forum for all the help with getting to grips with this amazing piece of software Igor and his team have produced. BTW did Igor manage to publish the API for PTE. The O&A with 3D would really benefit from some way to generate the numbers to plug in. I look forward to seeing your next 'play'. MikeL
  14. I think that few of us would want the extra overhead for showing an AV (I often exceed the limits of PTE already). There are some uses of PTE that would benefit from support for other profiles and not have a problem with longer load times. In photographic club competitions (although there is now some excellent software available for running most club competitions) and on-the-fly appraisals (PTE is much more slick and as quick (two key strokes) at presenting work than most other solutions). These applications need to work with images supplied from many sources and not all the authors have mastered the art of converting and correcting their images manually. @Igor As the code is already done perhaps you would consider including it in the next version with a simple tick box to enable it (default off). That would be really nice Mike
  15. @mbskels This is a discussion on the topic of incorporating colour management into PTE version 5: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ic=4438&hl= I have, in the past, seen a few other similar posts, not always easy to track down in such a large forum. I do not remember any discussion that pointed to a change in this situation and my experience with PTE indicate to me that the situation is still the same. If I have missed the relevant post I would appreciate if someone would point me at the switch to enable this as my version does not take any not of any attached profiles. I have attached quick and dirty PTE exe to illustrate Mike
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